The evidence for the value of strength training has grown so much that last year, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association issued new recommendations for healthy older adults that stressed emphasized the importance of weight lifting.
Strength training dramatically increases muscle mass. More muscle mass is good not just because it makes you stronger but because it increases basal metabolic rate — muscle cells even at rest burn more calories than fat cells.
Weight training also gets results fast — it only takes resistance training twice a week for a few weeks to begin to see a significant effect, compared with three days a week with aerobics.
People with greater muscle strength may be less likely to develop metabolic syndrome.
A Danish study just published last week showed that strength training aimed at shoulder and neck muscles can diminish the chronic neck pain that many people get from working of at computers.
Researchers at King's College in London examined the genetic markers of biological aging of 2,400 twins. During this research, they found that a comparison of the subjects who exercised the most (an average of 199 minutes weekly) to those who worked out the least (a mere 16 minutes or less a week) suggested that those that exercised were on average as much as a decade biologically younger than the slackers.
Scale to your current level of fitness. use dumbbells or kettlebells that will allow you to complete the workout with minimum breaks. This one will repeat! That being the case, please file your time under today's comments section so we can keep track of the "scores"
I'm up to 11 consecutive days of working out. My elbows are killing me and my right knee, while better than a few weeks ago, does not fell so great.
A few years ago, a boss of mine told me that showing up is 80% of the succeeding. My personal best is 215 workouts in a calender year. As of this writing I have 14 (not bad for the 18th day of the year). MY GOAL IS FOR 300 WORKOUTS IN 2008!
There I put it in writing. Are you up for a challenge? How many times will you show up this year?
Workout "Lynne" Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups
For Lynne as rx'd, each "round" is 5 minutes long. Start your BP on the minute, complete as many as possible without racking the weight. Once you have completed the BP, start your Pull-ups. Complete as many Pull-ups as possible (your set is complete once you release the bar). Now rest for what remains of the original 5 minutes (e.g. if it takes you 2 minutes to BP and do the Pull-ups, rest 3 minutes).
Repeat 4 more time. Got it?
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds
Did you know the origin for Thursday is Thor's Day?
What do you like to listen to while working out? The following link is an article in the NYT. In the article, they mention ’80s cardioplaylist, which includes the short-shorts video classic “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” by Wham!
WE DO NOT, CAN NOT PLAY WHAM here, just so you know.
It is cold outside. That being the case, today we will row! Workout 1000M rest 3 minutes 750M rest 3 minutes 500M rest 3 minutes 500M rest 3 minutes 750M rest 3 minutes 1000M rest 3 minutes 1000M rest 3 minutes 500M rest 2 minutes 500M rest 2 minute 500M rest 2 minutes 250M
Aim for 2:00 pace for each row. During the "rest" complete 5 dead hang pull-ups and 10 ring push-ups. All in all, the workout should take about 50 minutes...
Post splits and favorite workout music to comments.
Due to unforeseen circumstances we are postponing the TitanFit'lympics that was scheduled for Super Bowl Sunday. I will post a new date and time. Thank you for all that were interested.
Check out KF's full extension during his push press...nice work!
Workout 5 Rounds: 12 Hang Power Snatch (Boys use 95# and Girls use 55#) 21 Wall Ball (Boys use 20# and Girls use 12#)
REST 5 MINUTES Clean & Jerk – 90% x 1 x 3 Front Squat – 90% x 2 x 2
Sunday Crew after MOB WOD...MM is flashing her NEW ring! Congrats MM and JB, 2 of my favorite people, on your engagement! (got my fat finger in the way blocking JB...Sorry) I am also sorry cause we might lose some members now that MM is "taken"
2nd round of the Sunday Crew...CS, TS and MW after the MOB WOD.
Three rounds for time: Run 400 M/500M row 21 - 24 k KB swings (or 55 lbs dumbbell swing) 12 - Pull-ups
You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that can not do 50+ lbs KB swings need to use less and if you can not do full pull-ups, jumping pull-ups are allowed.
Address: 7107 Girls School Ave. Indianapolis, IN. 46241 or 317.426.XFIT (9348)
WEEKDAY MORNINGS By Appointment only!
WEEKDAY EVENINGS MONDAY - FRIDAY: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Open Gym 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM - Class 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM - Class 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Open Gym
SATURDAY: 9:00 AM - Until the WOD is completed.
For personal training or more information, please call 317.426.XFIT (9348) or email
About Us
TITANFIT is a CrossFit affiliate. We are located on the Westside of Indianapolis, IN (Indy).
TITANFIT is not your run of the mill, ordinary training environment. We design workouts, coach, train and cheer you on to achieve better overall fitness. We define fitness as the pursuit of function and we measure performance - not anatomy. Simply put if you are exercising for “boy band” abs, we are not the facility for you.
If, however, you want/need to achieve real FITNESS, come experience training with us...Indy’s most hands-on training environment.
TitanFit is proud to announce a *KIDS ONLY* class.
TitanFit Kids Program is a fun, challenging fitness program designed for
school-age children. We striv...
I have competed in a number of sports–football, track and field, biking, and power lifting to name a few. Like many, while competing and training for sports, I had my fair share of pains and injuries. I attributed those mounting pains and injuries to age and bad luck.
I have also wasted a great deal of time and energy doing un-necessary things, like 60 minute lifecycle sessions, leg extensions, calf raises (yet I still have VERY small calfs), bench press 3x per week, pec deck and the like.
I did all those things thinking I was making myself more fit - silly me. All those leg extensions gave me knee pain. All of the bench pressing helps when I need to push a car out of the snow, but has little real life applications and gave me sore shoulders. All of the slow motion, wasted time on the lifecycle made me less fit, yet the lifecycle monitor told me I was burning hundreds of calories.
In 2005, I saw this quote, "Nature does not care if you have big hulking biceps." Shortly thereafter, I found CrossFit! What I’ve discovered, stumbled upon and want to share with you, is proper training is the key. Proper functional training has erased the pains that were caused by the combination of slow aerobics and bodybuilding training. Proper functional training is the ounce of prevention that is actually needed. Proper functional training has allowed me to become more fit in less than half the time I used to spend in those franchised "Fitness"-smoothie-making-spandex-ridden-"health"-clubs. Without CrossFit, I would still be in a fitness, lack of fitness, truth be told, rut.
Fitness is not available in pill form. You can not buy it from a late night infomercial or at a kiosk at the local mall. Fitness that lasts a life time and fitness that gives you a better quality of life, takes hard work! To get results come to try CrossFit at Indy’s most hands-on training environment.
Are You Fit?
CrossFit Is Designed To Optimize Competence In Ten Fitness Domains:
Quantifiable benefits -Build muscle, stronger and faster -Improvement in measurable health indicators (e.g. blood pressure, resting pulse and BMI) -Increase in range of motion of major joints
Reported benefits -Look better, move better, and feel better. -Quality of life improves through better sleep, increased energy, and weight control. -Daily activities that were difficult are now easy. These are especially true for those, like me, were limited by old injuries
CrossFit Program Advantages
Safe Short workouts Scaled to your level Extremely effective Endless variety Challenging