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Wednesday 080430

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

For Lynne as rx'd, each "round" is 5 minutes long. Start your BP on the minute, complete as many as possible without racking the weight. Once you have completed the BP, start your Pull-ups. Complete as many Pull-ups as possible (your set is complete once you release the bar). Now rest for what remains of the original 5 minutes (e.g. if it takes you 2 minutes to BP and do the Pull-ups, rest 3 minutes). Repeat 4 more time. Got it? Post reps for both exercises in all rounds

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080117

ESPN The Magazine recently wrote an article about the good old medicine ball (link below). An excerpt for the article reads:

From the dawn of athletics to the first round of this month's NFL draft, the medicine ball has rolled through the centuries, its elemental formula unchanged and unsurpassed: Sphere + gravity = fitness. The medicine ball has toned presidents, altered Olympics and sculpted empires. It has survived wars and plagues. Thanks to a recent resurgence, it just might outlast performance-enhancing drugs and Jack LaLanne. And though most people, when they think of the medicine ball at all, think of it as a smelly, brown-leather boulder abandoned in a dark corner of a middle school gym—or as the thing Rocky used after beer-bonging his eggs each morning—nothing less than the course of humankind's athletic evolution can be traced by its epic, transcultural path.


Tuesday 080429


For time:
100 reps of 95 lbs M/ 65 lbs F - OHS

REMEMBER TO KEEP THE SHOULDERS ENGAGED (e.g. shoulders in ear, arms flexed, shoulders shrugged, what ever cue you need)...YOUR BODY IS A PISTON!

I'm thinking 7-13 minutes. Post times to comments.

Monday 080428

JB w/ 70+ lbs on weighted pull-ups

135 # thruster

Originally, I posted 100 reps of 95#/65# OHS. Then I saw CFHQ's posting and remembered that no one had yet completed this. So let's get it done today! The OHS will get posted tomorrow

Today's workout is designed to make your next "Fran" easier.

Find a 1RM
10, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Weighted Pull-ups
Find a 1RM
10, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 080315

Sunday 080427


JL DL'ing 100 lbs

CS Press...note the hand spacing

After today's workout, my neighbor stopped in to tell me his forearm hurt from using the pull start on his mower. He said he had to pull it nearly 10 times to get the darn thing started. I feel his pain.

I wanted to say yeah, I understand as I did 75-95 # Snatches yesterday interspersed with 5-400M runs. So I get the forearm grip, puling issue. Of course I did not. Maybe that's a new way to market CrossFit. Find those that are struggling with everyday life chores and show them how CrossFit has real life applications. Wait, I tried that. Let's hope his swiss ball, lifecycle workouts get more intense so he's ready to mow in a week or so.

Saturday 080426

JB KB Swing

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 071110

Friday 080425

Using 45 lbs, 15 lbs bar or PVC
Pressing Snatch Balance x3
Heaving Snatch Balance x3
Snatch Balance + OHS x3
Sotts Press x3

Snatch Balance - x5, x3, x3, x1, x1, x1 x1

Let's get a 1RM for this skill transfer exercise. Doing so will give us more confidence to catch the Snatch in a full squat and will make us better athletes. In theory, your 1RM Snatch Balance will be greater than your 1RM Snatch...not saying, just saying

REST 5 minutes then:
One arm dumbbell* snatch (alternate arms every 10 reps), 20 reps.*
Run 400 meters
One arm dumbbell* snatch (alternate arms every 10 reps) , 20 reps.*

*Newbies: 10%-15% of Body Weight
*Middle of the road crowd: 15%-25% of Body Weight
*Advanced: 25%-35% of Body Weight

Thursday 080424

For time:
Row 500M/Run 400M
15 - 95 lbs SDHP

Row 500M/Run 400M
15 - 95 lbs Thrusters

Row 500M/Run 400M
15- 95 lbs SDHP

Row 500M/Run 400M
15 - 95 lbs Thrusters

As always, scale to your current fitness level. Those SDHP have a way of sneaking up on you. Not sure how to scale, send an email and we'll help.

Wednesday 080423


Tuesday 080422

Snatch - 75% x 1 x 3
Back Squat - 85% x1, x2


3 rounds for time of:
Row 1000M/run 800M
20 kipping pull-ups

Wallball fun...

Monday 080421

Front Squats
85% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3, x3 sets

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 080105
MM Working hard on push-ups

Sunday 080420

Let's welcome JS. Eyes closed (cause I'm a terrible photographer) but happy the 1st workout is done.

For time:
10 - 135 lbs Clean and Jerk
5 - Rounds of "Cindy"
_15 Air squats
10 - 135 lbs Clean and Jerk
5 - rounds of "Cindy"
10 - 135 lbs Clean and Jerk

Saturday 080419


CS rockin' the KB swing. Come in and check out the new stuff.

Friday 080418


Dead Lift

5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1


5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080131

Thursday 080417

For time 21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

As always, SCALE if and when necessary. For some of us that are new to Olympic lifting, high pulls and FS will be good enough. The sub for ring dips is 4/1 bench dips, 3/1 bar dips or 2/1 jumping ring dips.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 071231

Wednesday 080416


400M run
25-65 lbs Thrusters
25-65 lbs SDHP

400M run
25-20 lbs Wall Ball Shots

400M run
25-35 lbs KB Swings
25-Ab Mat Sit-ups

400M run
25-65 lbs OHS

Tuesday 080415

More pics from the Cert.
Rowing start of FGB

SDHP near, WallBall far


PushPress near, WallBall far

Monday 080414

Top picture, check out the guy in the back, 7th or so from the left...

Hang power clean
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Sunday 080413

Pic from the Cert...notice the guy in the upper left (barbell above his head) of this pic. He set a new WR of 2:17 for Fran!

"Quarter Gone Bad"
Five rounds for total reps of:
135 pound Thruster, 15 seconds

Rest 45 Seconds
50 pound Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds

Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

Saturday 080412

CW hitting the pavement

5 mile run or 10K row

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 071019

Friday 080411


CHS 18 inch box jumps

CW Pull-ups, note the kip...and the t-shirt!

CW box jumps...I got him above the 24 inch box

CW air squats

KF air squats...KF was the only one to do "Anti-Herb" sub 15:00

KF Skying on the box jumps

We all know the reasons to lift weights, but I saw the following on-line, so I thought I would present it as today is an "oof day".

Top 10 Reasons to Lift Weights
By Paige Waehner,
Created: June 21, 2007

Most of us know that strength training is important, but that doesn't make it any easier to do it. It may help to know why strength training is so important and all the ways it can help you look better and feel better. Check out my favorite reasons to lift weights and get motivated to start strength training today.

1. It helps you lose fat
When you lift weights, you build lean muscle tissue which is more metabolically active than fat. When you increase your muscle, you also increase metabolism which means you're burning more calories throughout the day. Regular strength training is just as important as cardio exercise for losing fat and getting fit.

2. It makes you strong
It may seem obvious that lifting weights can make you stronger...but what some people forget is that it doesn't just make you strong for your workouts, it makes you stronger in other areas of your life as well. When you lift weights on a regular basis, everything else becomes a little easier too - carrying groceries, housework, gardening, carrying the kids, etc. And, don't forget, it doesn't just make your muscles stronger, it makes your bones stronger too which can help reduce or even manage osteoporosis.

3. It reduces your risk of injury
The nice thing about strength training is that it strengthens everything, not just your muscles and bones. When you lift weights, you also strengthen connective tissue - the ligaments and tendons that keep your body moving well on a regular basis. Strengthening your connective tissue will help you continue to operate in peak condition and protect your body from injuries.

4. It can reduce arthritis pain
Recent studies have shown that arthritis sufferers who lifted weights actually reduced their joint pain. By strengthening the muscles, they were able to cushion and protect the joints during impact activities like walking. And don't forget...most physical therapy programs incorporate strength training to help rehab a multitude of injuries, which just proves that lifting weights can make a difference in getting better and having a better quality of life.
5. It increases balance, stability and flexibility
When we don't preserve muscle mass with strength training, what happens when we grow older? We lose muscle mass and that's often what leads to weight gain and loss of balance and flexibility. Lifting weights can help you work your joints through a full range of motion, keeping them strong and flexible and keeping you steady on your feet.

6. It can make you better at sports
Most athletes these days follow some type of strength training program to keep them strong and avoid injuries. Training specific to your sport can also help you improve your power, strength and speed to make you a better athlete. Even kids and teens often benefit from some type of strength training when it comes to playing sports

7. It makes you feel better about yourself
According to some studies, both men and women feel better about themselves when they lift weights. By getting stronger and noticing changes over time like being able to lift more weight and do more exercises, both men and women build confidence and, especially for women, improve body image. Lifting weights, along with other types of exercise, also helps build confidence and can even help manage symptoms of depression and anxiety...a great way to deal with stress in a healthy way.

8. It can help lower blood pressure
Some studies have shown that regular strength training can help reduce high blood pressure over time, so this may become another way (aside from cardio exercise) to help treat high blood pressure in some people. If you do have high blood pressure, I don't have to remind you that you should always talk to the doc before doing any new activities (but I am anyway). But, if you get the okay, consider starting a basic program along with other recommendations from your doc for helping reduce your blood pressure.

9. It adds challenge and interest to your routine
If you've been doing the same cardio workouts for a long time, that can get a little boring. Strength training is a great way to spice things up and add a completely different challenge to your body. The nice thing about strength training is that it offers so many ways to set up your workouts...there's always something new to try and you never run out of new exercises, different types of resistance, new routines and a variety of ways to work your body.

10. It makes your life better
One thing that often surprises people after they start lifting weights is how it trickles into other areas of their lives. I often get phone calls and emails from clients telling me how they were able to work in the garden without back pain or walk up the stairs without aching knees. It's those little improvements that offer the greatest rewards and it doesn't take much time with weights to see and feel those kinds of improvements.

Thursday 080410

For time:
10 Burpees
20 Box Jumps
30 Pull-ups
40 Air Squats
100M run/125M row

This is the ANTI Herb workout for those that are interested...

Hey we had some visitors yesterday. We had 3 Firemen come in from Virgina. They are members of CF Fairfax , they did the HQ WOD, "Kelly" and set a new TitanFit record for time.

Robert and Micheal doing box jumps

Michael, Robert and Brian doing WallBall

Happy it's all done!
Robert, far left, is the new TianFit record holder for "Kelly" with a time of 29:11

Wednesday 080409

KF Push Jerk

JB Push Jerk

Front Squats - work up to 90% of 1RM for 1 rep (90% x1)
Snatch - work up to 85% of 1RM for 1 rep 5 times (85% x1 x5)
Clean and jerk - work up to 85% of 1RM for 1 rep 5 times (85% x1 x5)
Front Squat x 1 x2 20 lbs fewer than 90% of your 1RM
take off another 20 lbs and do 2 sets of 2 reps.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080320

Tuesday 080408


For time:
400 meter run
Overhead squat 95 lbs x 15
The members of TitanFit say coaching is what keeps them coming back...

Monday 080407


Sunday Fun Bunch...

As requested, we have (on the left column - just above the archives) included the details for each of the published Painstorm workouts. One of my favorite is the 500 reps of WallBall...OUCH!

Below please find April 2008's
Painstorm 36
Men use 115Women use 80
10 Front squats
10 Push presses
10 Thrusters
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees

8 Front squats
8 Push presses
8 Thrusters
20 Pull-ups
15 Burpees

6 Front squats
6 Push presses
6 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
20 Burpees

4 Front squats
4 Push presses
4 Thrusters
40 Pull-ups
25 Burpees

2 Front squats
2 Push presses
2 Thrusters
50 Pull-ups
30 Burpees

Sunday 080406

Saturday 080405

For time:
400M run
20-45 lbs Thrusters
20-45 lbs Jumping Squats

400M run
15-45 lbs Thrusters
15-45 lbs Jumping Squats

400M run
10-45 lbs Thrusters
10-45 lbs Jumping Squats

Compare to:
TITANFIT: 070916

Knowing how to properly squat is necessary as the load increases. The following video shows how to properly "air" squat and it outlines some of the common flaws and fixes. We can all improve, give it a view and work on your squat as part of your warm-up...daily

Friday 080404

For time

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3 reps of:

Kettlebell Swing (M-53 lbs/F-35 lbs)
Ab-Mat Sit-ups
Box Jumps (20 inches)

Don't complain. the KB swings were going to be SDHPs! SW is up 1st tomorrow, let's see how we all do in comparison.

Thursday 080403


Wednesday 080402

CrossFit Total (CFT) 1RM for:
Dead lift

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080128