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Sunday 090531


Which is worse, Murph or Kelly? Better yet, which is your least favorite named WOD?


Anonymous said...

Kelly's 24 inch box jumps is hard for fat guys like me. so it is my lease favorite.

Kurt T. Fuller said...


At least for the time being. And it's all because of the 200 push-ups. Once I can do more than 5 in a row, I think I'll actually like Murph.


Chris said...

Kelly. I hate her.

Josh Tuttle said...

I haven't attempted Kelly yet.

Murph was bad but I agree with Kurt. Get stronger at push-ups and it will be better.

JB said...


Or maybe Linda.

DJ said...

Murph is worse - the one time i have done murph I was trying to do the reps in 20 mins (or a 20 round cindy (I only did a weighted run)) - Maybe that was not the proper way to approach murph but it killed me!

Jackie is my least favorite wod - but I will do Jackie any time!