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Looking for TitanFit? Go to our new site.

Wednesday 081231

Nice way to finish off the year...

"Fight Gone Bad" - AKA FGB

Three rounds of 1:00 of effort for:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 8 ft target (Reps)
Sumo Dead lift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 080927

Tuesday 081230


Monday 081229

A few more days of following the main page solely. They have posted:

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

If that's not your speed today, we will work on a weakness.

Sunday 081228

Remember we are closed today!

Saturday 081227


Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
5 - 95 pound Thruster
7 - 95 pound Hang Powercleans
10 -95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull

95 lbs for the strongest among us, 65 lbs for most and 35 lbs for a few. The idea is to keep moving. Pick a weight that will allow you to move for most of the 20 minutes. If you need to break any of the exercises during the first 5 rounds or so, it is too heavy!

Friday 081226


OK, year end 2008 is rapidly approaching. It, therefore, is time to reflect. I have a few questions:

  1. Did you have 2008 goals?
  2. Did TitanFit help you meet those 2008 goals?
  3. What are your 2009 goals?
  4. What can we do to ensure you meet those goals?
  5. What was the hardest WOD for 2008
  6. Easiest?
  7. What keeps you coming back?

2009 is an opportunity for all of us to make they diet, number of workouts, types of workouts, treating other better or being the best you that you can be. We are here to help. Stop in and let us know what we can do better and let us know how we can help you get better.

Thursday 081225


Ok, are you back at home, or maybe you are having others to your home? Is your brother in-law there, your cousin, that high school friend you have not seen in a while, maybe even your parents (for a scaled version)...tell them one of your presents is a CrossFit workout. It is a gift of fitness that will last a lifetime, after all.

Let them do Angie with you. No special equipment necessary and it will take less than 30 minutes. Then you have the rest of the day to spend with family and maybe you can get another convert.

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Partition the exercises as needed...scale for beginners.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080303

Wednesday 081224


Back Squat
5 sets of 5 reps @ 80%-85% of your 1RM
DJ, Josh, Sharon and Herb, I see EVA in your NEAR future!

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 081110

Tuesday 081223

We are following the main page this week. If the rest of the week ends up like today, we're in trouble!

for time:
800M run or 1000M row
30 - 2 pood KB Swings
30 - Pull-ups
This, like Murph, is likely to be an hour workout for most. SCALE this to you current abilities. Please use a smaller KB, do fewer reps and or do fewer than 5 rounds.
If this is your first attempt, it might be a good idea to give yourself a time target. Work as hard as you can for a predetermined amount of time. Try 40:00 as a cutoff, for example. It will repeat so you will get another chance...
Eva with 2 pood swings
Eva (r)

Monday 081222


Sunday 081221

5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1
Dead Lift
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1
Compare to:

Saturday 081220

KM during 12 days of Christmas

Team Cindy

Friday 081219


Snatch Balance + OHS (complete one of each before re-racking the bar)
Work to 110% of your SN 1RM

Compare to:

Thursday 081218


Wednesday 081217

As tomorrow is a rest day, it's time to break out a Christmas time favorite...

For time:
1 – Burpees
2 - 95 lbs PP
3 - 95 lbs FS
4 - 95 lbs PCLS
5 - 95 lbs DL
6 - Box Jumps
7 - Pull-ups
8 - Push-ups
9 - Ab Mat sit-ups
10 - Air Squats
11 - 53 lbs KB Swings
12 - A 500M Row

So the workout is:
1 Burpee
then 2 Push Press and 1 Burpee
then 3 Front Squats, 2 Push Press and 1 Burpee etc...

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080703

Tuesday 081216


Weighted Pull-ups
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Split Jerk
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 081117

Monday 081215

5 rounds for time of:
5 - 275 pound Deadlifts (185 pounds for women) OR 60% of 1RM for those that cannot do 275 lbs
10 - Burpees yea Burpees! (with clap overhead while airborne)

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 080705

Sunday 081213


One of the things I like best about CrossFit is the ability to scale. People of different strength and fitness levels can do the same workout. How cool is that? Kelin and Mary, pictured above, did the same workout yesterday. Not only that, the finished within: 30 of one another. I bet there isn’t another sport that the two can be compete in at the same time.

As you rest this Sunday, knowing you are likely to make the New Year's resolution to get in shape...What Is Your Excuse To Wait!

Saturday 081213

Please note:
Sorry for the late notice…For Saturday December 13, 2008 TitanFit’s hours are:11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ONLY


10 rounds of:
125M Row with :40 rest

Friday 081212


Band shoulder work is a MUST before this workout!

For time
4 rounds of:

20 - 1-Arm DB Snatch* (10 each arm)
20 - Wall Ball Shots (M20/F12)

*Newbies: 10%-15% of Body Weight
*Middle of the road crowd: 15%-20% of Body Weight
*Advanced: 20%-25% of Body Weight

Thursday 081211

Front Squat – 80% of your 1RM x5 x5


"Mini" MetCon
4 - rounds of Tabata

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 081101

Wednesday 081210


Tuesday 081209

for time:
5 rounds of
5 - Push Jerk 80% - 85% of your 1RM
10 - Burpees (yea Burpees!)

That 2nd round of push jerk is surprisingly hard. Be prepared.

Monday 081208


Clean and Jerk:
Work up to 80% x1, 70% x1, 83% x1, 73% x1, 85% x1, 75% x1, 88% x1, 75% x1 notice the wave?

Compose to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 080907

Row Your Way to Health
Air date: November 23, 2008

OK, so here’s a question for all you fitness enthusiasts out there: "Which athletes have the biggest hearts, the densest bones, the biggest muscles?"

And, the answer? "It’s rowers."

The voice you’re hearing belongs to Benjamin Levin. He’s a cardiologist at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. And he’s interested in exercise that does the most to strengthen the heart. So what’s so special about rowing?

"Rowing is a very unique exercise. It’s kind of like a combination of weight training and endurance training. And the blood pressure goes up really high with each stroke, so it’s a good, solid workout for the heart."

Rowing is such good exercise, in fact, that rowers tend to have the biggest muscles, the densest bones and the biggest hearts. It’s also low impact, which makes rowing a good choice if you have creaky knees or you’re recovering from an injury.

"There’s no pounding; people don’t get injured rowing. So it’s a great exercise for a lot of reasons."

And if you’re looking to lose weight, rowing for thirty minutes burns calories faster than riding a stationary bike for the same amount of time.

So is there any downside to rowing? You do need a rowing machine or access to a large body of water. But most gyms have rowing machines. And you can get a decent home machine for under $200 dollars.

So if you want to get in great shape, or strengthen your heart, or both, rowing just may be the way to go.

I’m Jeremy Shere

This Sound Medicine Checkup is underwritten by IUPUI, where impact is made on our students, our community, our health, and our economy. More information at

Additional Resources:
Read more about the benefits of interval training for building strength and cardio-vascular rehabilitation.

Sunday 081207


"Jackie" x 2

For time:
1k Row
50 - 45 lbs Thrusters
30 - Pull-ups

Yes, that's right do it TWICE!

Saturday 081206


12 days of Christmas workout rapidly approaching!
Check out Sharon! She participated in a Colts camp and with her new fit bod, was a star. Next time you see her, make sure you congratulate her for representing well.

Friday 081205


For time:
1K row
21, 15 and 9 of:
DL - 50% of 1 RM
18 inch Box Jumps
Push Press - 50% of 1RM

Thursday 081204

For time:
Five rounds for time of:
KB walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
KB swing, 15 reps

53 lbs for the very fit, 35 lbs for most of us and 20 lbs for the new folks.

Wednesday 081203

For time:
Thruster - 95pounds

Scale this one if necessary. 95 lbs for the strongest, 65 lbs for many and 45 lbs or fewer for those that are new.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080915

Tuesday 081202

Happy Birthday Bay! We miss you.


Often I just smile as I read the "latest" fitness research. Recently the Chicago Tribune published an article that first appeared in the Washington Post. It got more than just a smile...

Here's the URL. I have posted the article below.,0,617704.story

Body works out, brain zones out
New study says TV can diminish quality of exercise
By Vicky Hallett The Washington Post November 30, 2008

I'll admit it: The first thought on my mind when I walk into the gym in the morning isn't a game plan for the day's workout. It's how can I snag a treadmill or elliptical near the television tuned to the "Today" show.

My legs are content to stride away as long as my brain is occupied with exclusive interviews and snappy segments. And if Matt Lauer promises something irresistible in the next half-hour, I may go the extra mile—or miles—to stick around and see it.

Habits like mine are why health clubs have gotten into show biz in the past 15 years. Although once upon a time a single TV in a gym would have been a luxury, now it's odd not to find several sets and frequently a bunch of machines with their own personal TVs. Gold's Gym has recently introduced the idea of the "Cardio Cinema," where movies play on a large screen in a darkened room set up like a theater, only with bikes, treadmills and ellipticals instead of cushy seats. Increasingly, gyms are also offering equipment like Expresso Bikes, which have screens that riders can use to watch regular television programming or take a virtual-reality ride through a choice of environments (including outer space!).

If that's what it takes to get the general population moving, Pete McCall, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise, is all for it. "The perception is exercise is work; it makes me sweat," he says. "So if we have to use TVs as a puppy dog, it's a necessary evil."

Diane Whaley, a sports psychologist at the University of Virginia, says there are two goals for exercise: to be enjoyable and effective. And while getting engrossed in television seems to help with the former, it can take away from the latter. "You have to find out what will result in a good workout, not just going through the motions," she says.

Although Costas Karageorghis, a sports psychologist at Brunel University in London, firmly believes that distractions reduce pain during exercise, his groundbreaking investigations of the effect of visual stimulus have him worried that television can be too great a diversion.

"Watching TV while you exercise is such a distraction that it diminishes the quality of exercise. When you combine video with audio, it requires more from your brain," he says.

However, Karageorghis—who orchestrated the live soundtrack of this month's "Run to the Beat" half-marathon in London, where musicians performed along the course—has found that upbeat programming that requires little mental energy could have an "additive effect." He favors comedies, music videos or cartoons over plot-heavy shows that demand extra attention.

"The very best thing would be edited highlights of athletes to inspiring music," he says, offering as an example "I Feel Good" by James Brown coupled with carefully selected Olympic moments. "Highlights are better than a game because you get timeouts or injuries, and those aren't motivational."

The timeouts clearly didn't bother Gwydion Suilebhan, a 40-year-old playwright who was burning up an elliptical at the D.C. location of Results, the Gym, on a recent Saturday while watching the Clemson-Georgia Tech football game.

When he's exercising, he'll seek out any form of athletic competition. He said he got what he calls "the greatest workout of my life" when the U.S. women's soccer team won the World Cup.

"I got on the elliptical partway through the match," Suilebhan recalled. "It was the first soccer game I'd ever watched on television, and I would not get off the machine until the end. At an hour and 15 minutes, I should have been exhausted, but they were running around the field wildly and I was cheering and going.

"Experiences like that happen because TV allows us to disassociate, says Jesse Pittsley, program coordinator of the exercise science program at Winston-Salem State University. He knew a guy who used to set his treadmill to a 7-minute-mile pace while watching football games. Several times a season, he'd cover marathon-length distances.

McCall advises harnessing the rhythms of TV to your advantage. When the commercial comes on, that's when you pick up the speed. "It's the old Chuck Woolery 'two and two,' and then you go easy for five to eight minutes," he says. "That's a good recovery interval.

"Using a large screen also avoids one of the problems of combining TV and exercise: bad biomechanics. Karageorghis fears people watching television lower or raise their chin for a better view of a screen, and McCall reports seeing neck-craning—especially when the TVs were smaller—by exercisers who weren't wearing their glasses.

That's why Equinox, the super-high-end health club chain, avoids personal TV screens in favor of a large bank of plasmas. "We felt that was the wrong posture. You shouldn't be looking down; you should be focused straight ahead," says Chris Carnecchia, general manager of a Virginia location. Besides, adds David Harris, Equinox's national director for training, beyond the postural concerns, personal TVs disrupt what he calls the right "staging" of an exercise environment. "The energy is different. People aren't looking around and learning from other things going on.

"So there are some concerns blocking television's total dominance in gyms. And even though experts believe the trend toward more screens will continue, especially using new interactive technologies to give exercisers more game-like experiences, there's one part of the gym that everyone agrees should stay TV-free: the weight room. Form is crucial when you're lifting, and it takes focus and concentration. Distraction there doesn't mask pain; it creates it.

Monday 081201

using 45 lbs bar
Pressing Snatch Balance x3 x3
Heaving Snatch Balance x3 x3
Snatch Balance + OHS x3 x3
Sotts Press x3 x3

Reps are started on the minute
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5
Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1
*Of 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 081009

They both set PRs. One seems happy, the other, not so much!

Sunday 081130

Getting hip below knee

Word on the streets is the 2009 the Crossfit Games will be held in Aromas California July 11-12. New for 2009, one must compete in a regional qualifying events to advance to the Finals.

There are 12 regions in the U.S. and 6 international regions. Each region will send the top 5 men and top 5 women to the CrossFit Games (there is no qualifier for the Affiliate Cup) Our Regional Qualifier will include 61 Affiliates in the following states:

North Dakota
South Dakota

The Regional event will be held at Front Range CrossFit in Denver Colorado. We will keep everyone posted as new information is available.

Perform the following exercises for 8 rounds of 20 seconds work (in any order), 10 seconds rest:
Air squat

After the 8th round of each exercise, rest 1 minute before proceeding to the next. The lowest number of reps achieved in any of the 8 rounds is the score for that particular exercise (calories burned in place of reps are used for rowing). The sum of the scores for all of the exercises gives the score for the entire workout.

*Those without access to a rower, do SDHP with a 45 lbs barbell for each 20 second segment.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080702

Saturday 081129


CrossFit Total (CFT)1RM for:
Dead Lift

OK, this is the last one for 2008. The following is the first one we did this year...TITANFIT: Wednesday 080402

Compare today to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 081004

Friday 081128


Thursday 081127


For time:
3 mile run w/ 50 air squats after each mile

Post splits for each mile

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080520

Wednesday 081126

Hang Power Clean (HPCL)

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081012

I named yesterday's workout "Cold Sore". Here's the story, we have a new member that did Burpees (yea Burpees) for the first time yesterday. At the end of the workout, wanting to say, Herb, I hate Burpees, she said, "I hate Herpes".

I said that's a personal issue, but now we have a name for the workout. I thought "Cold Sore" was more family friendly.

Tuesday 081125

Work on rack position and high hang cleans...for tomorrow's workout is Cleans!

For time:
"Cold Sore"
10 - Burpees
10 – 65 lbs Thrusters
50 - Double Unders

Unable to perform double unders? Sub Butt Kickers, Tuck Jumps or 3 to 1 Single unders

Here's the story behind the name. We had a new member that did Burpees (yea Burpees) for the first time. At the end of the workout, wanting to say, Herb, I hate Burpees, she said, "I hate Herpes". Cold Sore seems a bit more PC, so there you have it.

Monday 081124


Click picture to enlarge

Middle picture...2nd row from the bottom...RR 3rd from the left (Blue TitanFit T-Shirt) . KTF 3rd from the right (White TitanFit T-Shirt) DJ 4th from the right...I guess we gotta get him a TitanFit T-Shirt too!

TitanFit continues to invest in you! Let's congratulate OUR 3 newly CrossFit Certified, TitanFit Trainers!



Dr. Rick
Stay tuned! Indianapolis' Best Trained, Best Staffed, Most Experienced, CrossFit Affiliate has more in store.

Sunday 081123

Dead Lift - 90% of your 1 RM x2 x3

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081109


"Mini" MetCon
For time:
50 - Wall Ball Shots

Saturday 081122

5 sets of 8-10 reps of:
60% of BWT OHS

"Mini" MetCon
7 rounds for time of :
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls - 95 lbs (M), 65 lbs (F)
7 Box Jumps - 24 inches (M), 18 inches (F)

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080825

Friday 081121

Find your 3 rep max


"Mini" MetCon
250M row
10 - (1-Push-up+4-Mountain climbers)
10 -KB Swings

See...dead lifting makes one smile!

Thursday 081120

REST!'s the link and I have pasted the article below. Now I'm off to sleep!

Study: Active Women May Need at Least 7 Hours of Nightly Sleep for Lower Cancer Risk
By Miranda HittiWebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Nov. 17, 2008 -- Physical activity may cut cancer risk, and sleeping at least seven hours per night may maximize that benefit.

That's according to new research presented today in Washington, D.C. at an international meeting on cancer prevention hosted by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).

The researchers, who included James McClain, PhD, MPH, a cancer prevention fellow at the National Cancer Institute, reviewed data on nearly 6,000 Maryland women.

In 1998, the women completed surveys about how much physical activity and sleep they typically get. Over the next nine years, the group had 604 new cases of cancer.

As expected, physical activity was linked to lower cancer rates. But sleep also mattered.

Among the most physically active women younger than 65 -- women who reported getting about an hour a day of moderate physical activity -- cancer was 47% rarer for those who got at least seven hours of nightly sleep. Those findings held regardless of other cancer risk factors.

"What that suggests to us is among younger and middle-aged women, both physical activity and sleep habits might play an important role in reducing cancer risk," McClain tells WebMD.

For perspective, McClain notes that "overall cancer risk among younger women is relatively modest. It's not a highly likely event by any means." McClain also points out that no one in the study got cancer prevention benefits just by sleeping. "It's not as though you got the benefit, the reduction in cancer risk, if you weren't active," McClain says.

In short, be active and get enough sleep, too.

McClain says he wants to check the findings in larger groups of people. "This is an initial look at a very complex question," he says.

Meanwhile, he suggests that overall lifestyle, not just one or two habits, might be more important for reducing cancer risk.

"You might want to think about your lifestyle as a whole," McClain says. "Think about multiple lifestyle behaviors [such as sleep and physical activity] in more of a holistic perspective."

Wednesday 081119

For Time:
1000M row
50 - Wallball*

750M row
35 - Wallball

500M row
20 - Wallball

* The strongest of us should use the 20 lbs ball. Most should use the 12 lbs ball. Me, I'm using the 8 lbs ball.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080327

Tuesday 081118

2 position snatch:
work up to 75% x2 x6 (floor and high hang)

Snatch pulls:
95% x3, 100%x3, +5 10 more lbs x3

Snatch shrugs:
100% + 20 lbs x5, + 20 lbs x5, + 20 lbs x5

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080818

Monday 081117


Weighted Pull-ups
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Rack Jerk
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Compare to:

Sunday 081116


Saturday 081115

Saturday Team Workout

AMRAP in 20:20
10 - WallBall Shots
10 - Ab Mat Sit-ups
10 - Push-ups
10 - 53 lbs KB Swings
125M Row

The 10:00 AM crowd was broken into 2 teams of 3. KTF, MM and DJ were Team Bad News and Jay, JB and I were the Also Ran's. They beat us by 10 - swings and 125M row...about :45 - 1:00.

The 1:00 PM crowd was 1 team of 3. It was SS, LH and CHS. They finished nearly 4 rounds in 20:0 and did 5 rounds each in 29:00.

Friday 081114

For time:

1000M Row or 800M Run
50 - 45 lbs Thrusters
30 - Pull-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 081010

Thursday 081113

I thought we were going to do OHS today, but they had different plans for me...that being the case, here you go!

Snatch assistance exercises (Pressing Snatch Balance, Heaving Snatch Balance and SN Balance)

Rowing Tabata

Old Timers
For time:
5 x
20 - OHS (M 95#, F 65#)
20 - KTEs

Wednesday 081112


Tuesday 081111

For time:
10 - Burpees (Yea Burpees!)
20 - Box Jumps
30 - Pull-ups
40 - Air Squats
100M run/125M row

This is the ANTI Herb workout for those that are interested...

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080410

Monday 081110


Back Squat
5 sets of 5 reps @ 80%-85% of your 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080918

Sunday 081109


Dead Lift
90% of your 1 RM x2 x3

"Mini Metcon"

Tabata Row!

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 081020

Saturday 081108


Fouts tried to kill me...

Friday 081107

As you know, it is now November and it is getting a colder outside. That being the case, we are likely to row a bit more often than run for the next few months.

Rowing properly will improve your times and make you workouts more enjoyable. As such, I thought it is a good time to re-post the following video. It shows some of the common flaws on the Concept II (C2) rower.


For time:
50 - Medicine ball cleans/Wall Balls Shots M20 lbs/W14 lbs

So here's the drill...Perform a Medicine Ball clean, then from the catch position, perform a Wall Ball shot. Each reps starts from the deck, so drop the ball between each reps.

No Medicine Ball, try M53 lbs/F 35 lbs squat cleans with a thruster.

JSYK, this idea came from the KTF. There are 100 squats in this workout, so it will burn...

Thursday 081106

using 45 lbs bar
Clean Drops x3 x3
Over Head Lunges x3 x3

Clean and Jerk
All reps are started on the minute (meaning complete the prescribed percentage x1 rest remaining of 1 minute and repeat for required reps)
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5

Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1

*Of 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080311

Wednesday 081105


For time:
25 - Push Press (M 75 lbs/F 45 lbs)
20 - KB Swings (M53/F35)
15 - Wall Ball (M 20 lbs/F 12 lbs)
10 - KTEs

I think this one will repeat. Let us give it a name. Post to comments.

Tuesday 081104


Monday 081103

"Lynne" - Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

For Lynne as rx'd, each "round" is 5 minutes long.

Start your BP on the minute, complete as many as possible without racking the weight. Once you have completed the BP, start your Pull-ups. Complete as many Pull-ups as possible (your set is complete once you release the bar). Now rest for what remains of the original 5 minutes (e.g. if it takes you 2 minutes to BP and do the Pull-ups, rest 3 minutes). Repeat 4 more time. Got it? (As an the exercise that you are weakest in first. E.g. for me, that of course means I do pull-ups before bench pressing)Post reps for both exercises in all rounds

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080813

Sunday 081102

Snatch Balance + OHS (complete one of each before re-racking the bar)
Work to 110% of your SN 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080721

Saturday 081101


Front Squat – 80% of your 1RM x5 x5


"Mini" MetCon
5 - rounds for time of:
10- 53 lbs KB Swings
10 - Pull-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 081018

Friday 081031


Happy Halloween! Be safe and watch for kids this evening.

Thursday 081030

Dress warmly, we're running outside!

For time:
400M run or 500M row
15 - 20 inch box jumps
15 - Push-ups
15 - Wall Ball

Wednesday 081029

Weighted Pull-ups
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1
Rack Jerk
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080826

Have you seen the following?

CrossFit: The Fast, Furious Workout Craze
By Sally Wadyka for MSN Health & Fitness
MSN Health & Fitness Exclusive

If your gym suddenly looks like a cross between a gymnastics studio and a Marine Corps boot camp, chances are it's offering CrossFit classes. This fitness craze that's swept the nation in recent years was developed by a former gymnast in Santa Cruz, California, named Greg Glassman. The grassroots movement started with Glassman's rudimentary Web site on which he posted a daily workout routine (officially known as the "workout of the day" or simply the "WOD"). A dedicated following of police officers, firefighters and military types soon discovered the workouts, and from there, the wave just kept growing. Now, CrossFitters (as devotees are called) number in the thousands, and gyms across the country are offering this intense workout program.

"The workouts include elements of Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, and track and field done in combinations that increase core strength and conditioning," explains Jake Platt, owner of Northwest CrossFit in Seattle. There are about 50 basic exercises that are mixed and matched to create the "WOD," and every day is different. "Routine is the enemy," says Platt, an N.A.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer. "We want to keep your body guessing and make sure that no adaption is happening that will lead you to plateau and stop seeing progress.

"That variety is one of the biggest selling points of the program. "I had been going to the gym for about six months, and I was just bored with it," says Roger Parks, a software engineer in Seattle who discovered CrossFit four months ago. He has now traded his hour of treadmill time for a high-intensity CrossFit session four to five days a week. "Now I crank through my workout in 20 minutes and then I'm done for the day," says Parks. He also supplements his workouts with biking and running, and has seen his flag football and soccer playing improve thanks to the strength and stamina he's gained doing CrossFit.

Efficiency, intensity—and safety concerns
CrossFit workouts are modeled on full-body functional movements—like lifting, pulling, twisting, running, crawling and pushing. And because every move is designed to incorporate the entire body, a full workout can be accomplished in an efficient 15- to 20-minute session. The other trademark of the sessions is their intensity. "We're looking to get people to move as quickly as they possibly can through the entire workout," says Platt.

Critics of the workouts (and even some CrossFitters themselves) worry about the high intensity of the moves. "You're doing things fast with a bunch a weight, and I can see how that could be dangerous if it's done wrong," admits Parks. To avoid any potential risk, Parks started slowly. At the CrossFit gym he attends, the "WOD" comes in two versions—the prescribed routine and a modified version of it. Trainer Jake Platt agrees that there could be potential for injury if the moves aren't done perfectly. "Safety is our number-one concern, so in the beginning we work on very basic exercises and make sure people are learning perfect form and movement," he says. That's especially important considering the weights that are used in the exercises (for example, a 20-pound "wall ball" for men and a 12-pound one for women, or a 75-pound Olympic bar for men and 50-pound one for women).

Don't jump in too quickly
But not all CrossFitters or instructors are such sticklers about technique. "There's a very macho, 'be all you can be' attitude that surrounds this program," says Ralph LaForge, M.S., a physiologist at Duke University. He's bothered by the risk of musculoskeletal injuries—especially when older or relatively unfit people jump too quickly into the fast-paced, hardcore workout. Participants often brag about their soreness after a session, but LaForge worries that the competitive atmosphere can push people beyond their abilities. "When you have really debilitating soreness, you've actually ruptured muscle fibers," he explains. "And if you go back and do it again before you've fully recovered, you are more prone to injury.

"That "no pain, no gain" mentality has been a cornerstone of CrossFit, but there's also a push to make it more palatable to the masses. Stories abound of CrossFitters boasting about workouts that made them throw up (some even sport T-shirts declaring "I met Pukey"), and others have ended up in the emergency room with life-threatening cases of rhabdomyolysis, a condition caused when muscle fibers break down, release into the bloodstream and may poison the kidneys."There are a lot of unqualified coaches teaching this, and anyone can go on the Web site, get the workout, and push themselves too hard," says Platt. "I'm trying to change that concept and show that CrossFit can be a program that everyone can benefit from, and that they don't have to be pushed to the brink of throwing up in order to see results."

Measuring the results
Potential pitfalls aside, CrossFit is generating results for its thousands of followers. "I like the measurability of it," says Parks, who felt like he had plateaued at his regular gym routine before turning to CrossFit. Not only has he replaced an extra 30 pounds with a new set of totally toned, 6-pack abs, but he can look back at his records to see exactly how much faster he can perform certain sequences, how much more weight he can hoist, and how many more pull ups he can do now compared to when he first started CrossFit. "Being able to measure results is a big deal for me, and for the other people I work out with at the gym," he says.

To find a CrossFit trainer who will push you to achieve results—but do so safely—Platt recommends visiting a club to watch a class, perhaps participate in a free session, and to speak with the trainer about his or her CrossFit and overall fitness philosophies. Ideally, you want to see a mix of people participating in the sessions—young, old, male, female, athletes and fitness newcomers. And you want a trainer who understands the different ability levels of these different populations and tailors the prescribed workouts to suit individual needs.

First Person: A CrossFit Skeptic Becomes a Convert

Tuesday 081028

OHS - find your 1RM


"Mini" MetCon
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls - 95 lbs (M), 65 lbs (F)
Box Jumps - 24 inches (M), 18 inches (F)

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080814

Strength training can ease aging's effects on women -...
Strength training can ease aging's effects on women
In a study of women of all ages, muscle strength was increased following a regular exercise program. Experts recommend older women use more resistance.
By Jeannine Stein October 27, 2008

Strength training -- it's not just for muscle-heads anymore. A study published last month in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that although older women gained muscle strength after an eight-week strength-training program, they showed little improvement in muscle power, or how much force is generated in a given amount of time. The latter is indicative of having fewer fast-twitch muscle fibers -- engaged during sprinting, kicking a ball or getting up and down from a chair.

The study included 49 inactive women, half younger (18 to 33 years old) and half older (65 to 84 years old). A few from each group served as a control, not altering their normal routine. The training groups engaged in an eight-week strength-training program consisting of knee-extension exercises that concentrated on quadricep muscles. The women did the exercise at a normal speed to increase muscle strength, then again faster, to increase muscle power.

The younger and older women showed about a 12% increase in muscle strength, which Dain LaRoche, lead author and assistant professor of exercise science at the University of New Hampshire, calls "a huge benefit.

"But when it came to muscle power, the young women logged a 35% increase, while the older women had only a 9% increase. Part of that, according to the study, could be that the strength-training program didn't provide enough stimulus.

But LaRoche believes other factors are in play as well: "With aging," he says, "you tend to lose the fast-twitch muscle fibers. And if you have less of them to begin with, you might get less adaptation. . . . The lack of physical activity with aging plays a big role too. If you think of activities older people tend to do, it's walking, gardening -- things that tend to be low-intensity that don't use the fast-twitch muscle fibers."

LaRoche notes that what some people think is adequate strength training might not be intense enough. For example, lifting lightweight dumbbells that don't stress the muscles enough won't do the trick. "People need to use resistance heavy enough to cause them to fatigue in eight to 12 repetitions," he says.Having more powerful upper- and lower-body muscles, he adds, could prevent falls that can have serious consequences in older people.

Monday 081027


Sunday 081026

For time:

Back squat* 21 reps
9 - Ring Dips
Row 500 meters

Back squat 15 reps
15 - Ring Dips
Row 750 meters

Back squat 9 reps
21 - Ring Dips
Row 1000 meters

*Use 50% of your 1RM. Post times to comments.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 080328

Saturday 081025



Both teams finished with exactly the same time!

teams of 2
500M row - each
75 - 1.5 pood swings
75 - Push-ups
75 - Sit-ups
1000M row - each
75 - Sit-ups
75 - Push-ups
75 - 1.5 pood swings

Friday 081024

For time:
10 - 135 lbs Clean and Jerk
5 - Rounds of "Cindy"( 5-Pull-ups - 10-Push-ups - 15-Air squats)
10 - 135 lbs Clean and Jerk
5 - rounds of "Cindy"
10 - 135 lbs Clean and Jerk

Compare to:
Tomorrow, Ring Push-ups!

Thursday 081023


Wednesday 081022

For time:
3-5 Mile run...have fun run on a trail if possible...YES THAT MEANS YOU KTF!

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 080831

Tuesday 081021

For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M
21 - 24k KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 16k KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups

You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that can not do 50 or 35 lbs+ lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an un-assisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 080817

Monday 081020


Dead Lift
90% of your 1 RM x2 x3

Tabata Row!

Sunday 081019


Here's an interesting seems that as little as 10:00 a day of exercise is better than nothing!

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When it comes to exercise and physical activity, people who are severely obese often feel defeated and think -- why bother. But a new study shows why they should bother, according to the study team.

Even a little bit of exercise - as little as 1 hour a week - can boost their quality of life and ability to complete everyday tasks like getting dressed, tying shoes and simply moving around, the study found.

"This study speaks to the importance of people who are overweight, even severely overweight, paying attention to the fact that increasing their activity even a little bit can make their day to day life better," Dr. Martin Binks told Reuters Health.

Binks is research director of the Duke Diet and Fitness Center, a residential weight loss program at Duke University Medical Center. He and colleagues examined the relationship between current activity levels and quality of life in roughly 1,200 severely obese men and women entering the Duke weight loss program. On average, these individuals were 100 pounds overweight.

In a pre-program assessment, it was noted that patients who reported being physically active for just under 60 minutes a week, on average, had a better overall quality of life and had an easier time performing daily tasks.

"These folks were not reporting high levels of activity yet they still felt better," Binks said. "This supports what we've been teaching for years - no amount of exercise is too little to have an impact. And it's beneficial no matter what you weigh."

"The benefits of exercise," he added, "are not just limited to appearance and muscle tone. Exercise makes people feel better about themselves and function better."

Binks presented his research at the Obesity Society's 2008 annual scientific meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.

Saturday 081018


Front Squat – 80% of your 1RM x5 x5

Compare to:

"Mini" MetCon
5 - rounds for time of:
250M Row
5 Burpees

Friday 081017

For time:
5 Rounds

5 Rep Barbell Power Clean
(load equals 75% of body weight)

1st round - 10 Reps Get ups (5 right/5 left - load equals 25% of body weight)
2nd round - 8 Reps
3rd round - 6 Reps
4th round - 4 Reps
5th round - 2 Reps

Yes 25% of BWT is a lot. I am not sure I can do 70 lbs for that many reps. Scale this one to your current fitness level.

Thursday 081016



For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Set up three bars and storm through for time - Linda is a daunting workout.

My first attempt took over an hour. SCALE this baby especially if it is your first attempt. There are several ways to scale this workout. One can do just the even reps and or lower the percentages of your body weight used for each lift.

One of the tricks I use is to remind myself that after I complete the round of 8, I am almost half way done.

Post time and weights used to the comments section.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 080530

Wednesday 081015


Here's a funny, coming soon, Gmail product...
New in Labs: Stop sending mail you later regret
Monday, October 06, 2008 6:25 PM Posted by Jon Perlow, Gmail engineer

Sometimes I send messages I shouldn't send. Like the time I told that girl I had a crush on her over text message. Or the time I sent that late night email to my ex-girlfriend that we should get back together. Gmail can't always prevent you from sending messages you might later regret, but today we're launching a new Labs feature I wrote called Mail Goggles which may help.

When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you're really sure you want to send that late night Friday email. And what better way to check than by making you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you're in the right state of mind?

By default, Mail Goggles is only active late night on the weekend as that is the time you're most likely to need it. Once enabled, you can adjust when it's active in the General settings.

Hopefully Mail Goggles will prevent many of you out there from sending messages you wish you hadn't. Like that late night memo -- I mean mission statement -- to the entire firm.

Tuesday 081014


For Time

2 rounds of:
400M Run
10 - 95M/45F OHS
10 Burpees (yea Burpees!)
500M Row
10 - 95M/45F OHS
10 - Burpees

Stupid Human Tricks!

Good Clean Fun: Jason "Rhabdo" Kaplan from Jon Gilson on Vimeo.

Monday 081013

Warm up (w/ 45 lbs barbell)
Pressing Snatch Balance
Heaving Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Sotts Press

Hang Power Snatch
Hang is the key word here...

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080619

Sunday 081012


Hang Power Clean (HPCL)

Compare to:

Saturday 081011


Friday 081010

for time:

1000M Row or 800M Run
50 - 45 lbs Thrusters
30 - Pull-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080612

Thursday 081009


using 45 lbs bar
Pressing Snatch Balance x3 x3
Heaving Snatch Balance x3 x3
Snatch Balance + OHS x3 x3
Sotts Press x3 x3

Reps are started on the minute
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5

Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1

*Of 1RM

Compare to:

Wednesday 081008

Happy Birthday Carol.

For time:

5 rounds
5 - 275 lb Dead Lifts
10 - Burpees

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 080705

Tuesday 081007


Monday 081006

Find a 1RM - 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Weighted Pull-ups
Find a 1RM - 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080722

Sunday 081005


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest three (3) minutes between each round. Post time for each round (not including the 3:00 rest)

Saturday 081004

Congratulation to Mr. Jerry Berg and Mrs. Megan McKim Berg on today's nuptials!

CrossFit Total (CFT)1RM for:
Dead lift

Yes in that order, but let's work on our weaknesses. That being the case, I should do FS/Press/SN Grip DL

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080902

Friday 081003


KE, all smiles

DJ 3x Ext.

Thursday 081002

DJ w/ 2 pood KB...setting the day's fastest time

KF swinging 1/2 his BWT!
We planned to do Olympic lifting today. The main page had an interesting WOD. Let's give it a whirl.

With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed. Post time to comments.

Wednesday 081001

For time:
100 reps of 2 pood KB Swings.

As 70 lbs is a lot for some, scale as necessary. Pick a weight and do 100 swings!

I'm thinking 7-13 minutes. Post times to comments.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080617

Tuesday 080930

Back Squat
5 sets of 5 reps @ 80%-85% of your 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080918

Monday 080929


We raised $100.00 this past Saturday from those that attended the FGB in the park extravaganza. I have made the payment to Athletes for a Cure in the name of Team TitanFit.

Thank you for all that participated and I hope everyone enjoyed the after workout cookout.

Boomers Should Add Muscle Before It's Too Late
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 24 (HealthDay News) -- Strength training can help people build muscle mass to assist in the fight against the debilitating effects of old age until they reach 80, a new study says.

After that, not so much, according to the authors.

The Ball State University study, sponsored by a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, found that while six men in their 80s did get somewhat stronger, their whole muscle size and fiber size did not grow during a 12-week training regime.

"We know that there is accelerated muscle loss as we get older," Scott Trappe, director of Ball State's Human Performance Laboratory, said in a university news release. "The best way to keep our muscles from shrinking is through resistance training, which allows our body to maintain muscle size and strength as we go through our 60s and 70s."

Trappe said aging eventually causes the loss of "fast-twitch" muscle fibers, reducing the ability to produce the explosive movements that allow us to move our feet and arms to keep from falling. The concurrent loss of slow-twitch muscles, the large ones found in the legs, thighs, trunk, back and hips, weakens posture as well. Together, these losses make it harder to balance and maintain an independent life.

"At this point," he said, "I would advise people to actively engage in some sort of resistance training once they hit their 60s. From our study, once you hit the threshold of 80, that may not be possible."

A 2003 study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, estimated U.S. health care costs directly attributed to sarcopenia, the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, exceeds $26 billion. Indirectly, sarcopenia has contributed to a doubling of home health care and nursing home expenditures to $132 billion annually.

SOURCE: Ball State University, news release, Sept. 11, 2008

Sunday 080928

Pictures from yesterday's FGB session.

CG WallBall

RR rowing

RR After

SR Pushpress

Clay box
All smiles after
3 rounds for time:
15 - 95 lbs Snatch (take each rep from the deck)
15 - BWT Bench Press

Saturday 080927


What: FGB
When: Noon Saturday September 27, 2008
Where: Krannert Park - 605 S High School Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46241

Map of Krannert Family Ctr:317-327-7375 605 S High School Rd Indianapolis, IN 46241, US

How: $10 Minimum donation to participate. 100% of the donation goes to Athletes for a Cure - to fight Prostate Cancer
Participation: Individuals, or teams team of 3:1 person completes a round or team of 5 a person per station for each of the 3 rounds
Exercises: This is a 3-5 minute round workout and a one-minute break is follows each round before repeating.

The stations are:
Wall-ball, 8 ft target (Reps)
Deadlift high-pull (Reps)
Box jump (Reps)
Push-press (Reps)
Row (Calories)

Your safety is important to TitanFit. As such, we will have a clinic prior to the start of the session to ensure every participant is able to perform each movement. If necessary, we will also adjust/scale the workout to allow all to participate.

Friday 080926

Nice and Easy

Run, no Jog - (un-timed) 2-3 miles. Get ready for tomorrow's FGB!

The following link is a good posting about CrossFit and women lifting weights. I pasted the entire post below.

I mentioned to a friend that I was training for a powerlifting competition and he said, “So you’ll be wanting to bulk up then!” I explained that you can be any weight you want since, like boxing, there are different weight classes.

It is easy to forget that most people don’t know what powerlifting or Olympic weightlifting actually are. They know it involves lifting weights of course, but they don’t know how these sports differ from each other or from an activity like bodybuilding. I used to be one of those people (slap me if I sound unbearably smug now….)

The other side of that coin is that most people think anybody who regularly picks up a weight is a bodybuilder. The extent to which bodybuilding and lifting weights have become melded together in the public consciousness is amazing.

Nicole and Eva from Crossfit Santa Cruz
One of the great things about the Crossfit movement is the way it educates trainees about strength sports. You will get people coming from a heavily bodybuilding-influenced fitness club environment into a milieu where powerlifts, Olympic lifts and gymnastic exercises are regularly performed.

Not only that, trainees are encouraged to up the intensity and up the weight. In a Body Pump class, if you are not smiling, you aren’t doing the class properly. In a Crossfit session, if you are not gasping, sweating and grunting, you aren’t doing the workout properly.

Crossfit has also broken the mould by putting women front and centre – very fit, very strong women at that. They have managed to do what might have been considered impossible: make a system with girls’ names for workouts and women in the demo videos not look like a chick thing.

This isn’t a post about how wonderful Crossfit is. It’s an illustration of how Crossfit has been able to get women who would never see themselves as lifters to lift weights. The powerlifting world is all very well but most of the women in it were either introduced to lifting by their husbands/boyfriends or, like me, have some unusual inner motivation to pick up heavy stuff.

So there is still a lot of work to do to convince the majority of women that lifting weights will not make them bulk up. In fact, it is more likely to do the opposite and slim them down. That’s certainly what happened to me and I am not blessed with good genetics, special powers or anything like that! You don’t have to get as ripped as Nicole Carroll or Eva Twardokens in the picture above if you don’t want to (and to be frank, most people wouldn’t have the dedication to get like that anyway), but you can be leaner and more shapely.

However, this isn’t just a fear born of cultural conditioning, it is also indicative of a deeper problem: ignorance of the role of nutrition and hormones in the body’s development. Lifting weights – on its own – won’t make anyone, man or woman, bigger. How you eat governs whether you get bigger. But it’s up to you whether that extra weight is mostly fat or mostly muscle.

Thursday 080925


So you've tried to explain what you do at TitanFit to your friends. They give you a blank stare and mumble things like, "that's insane", "sounds too hard", "why" or my favorite, "I need to get in-shape first". Show them the following and bring them to the FGB this Saturday. See how I tied that in? Nice, right?


What is CrossFit? from Jennie Forman on Vimeo.

Who: TitanFit

What: FGB
When: Noon Saturday September 27, 2008

Krannert Park - 605 S High School Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46241
Map of Krannert Family Ctr:317-327-7375 605 S High School Rd Indianapolis, IN 46241, US

$10 Minimum donation to participate. 100% of the donation goes to Athletes for a Cure - to fight Prostate Cancer
Participation: Individuals, or teams team of 3:1 person completes a round or team of 5 a person per station for each of the 3 rounds
Exercises: FGB was created in an effort to train mixed martial art fighters by simulating the physical demands of a 3 round bout. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for 3 rounds.
The stations are:

Wall-ball, 8 ft target (Reps)
Deadlift high-pull (Reps)
Box jump (Reps)
Push-press (Reps)
Row (Calories)

Your safety is important to TitanFit. As such, we will have a clinic prior to the start of the session to ensure every participant is able to perform each movement. If necessary, we will also adjust/scale the workout to allow all to participate

Wednesday 080924



For time:
5 rounds of
400M run
20-18-inch box jumps
20-40 lbs Thrusters (with dumbbells...20 lbs per hand M/8 lbs F)

Megan calls for Thrusters to be done with DB, cause she's hard like that! Sub on the DB weight if necessary.