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Friday 100101

Happy New Year!

Are you ready for FGB (Fight Gone Bad)?

Thursday 091231

Team "Cindy" Workout Today!

Wedensday 091230


Tomorrow, we take it easy as we do FGB on January 1, 2010

Forecast - Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2010: John Rowley's Forecast for the Upcoming Year

( - John Rowley, best selling author of Climb YOUR Ladder of Success Without Running Out of Gas and Director of Fitness and Wellness at the American Institute of Healthcare & Fitness, declares the top 10 fitness trends for 2010 which will help shape the "New You" of 2010 and beyond.

John notes that we will see consumers pushing the fitness industry to a new level of professionalism. Medi-Gyms, a combination fitness and medical center, will begin to bridge the healthcare and fitness gap that has lasted too long. But, Rowley believes the most important forecast is that 2010 will consist of life altering, overall health and wellness plans; instead of the "lose 20 pounds in four days" diets.

John has outlined his fitness/health trends forecast below:

1. Pumping Iron. Strength training builds healthy bones and muscles. Your metabolism is driven by muscle and more and more people will be pumping iron in 2010.

2. Healthy Children Programs. As a society we are seeing a an alarming trend with obese children. I think we will see more and more programs tailored made for overweight and obese children and gyms that will cater exclusively to children. They will make fitness fun and help
them to develop a fitness lifestyle.

3. Core training. This type of training works on conditioning the core muscles, including the obliques, pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen - all of which provide needed support for the spine. A good well rounded fitness program will take care of this but since we have so many people with big bellies this type of program will have mass appeal even though spot reducing doesn't work.

4. Medi-Gyms. This is the future of healthcare. Medi-gyms bridge the gap between the Medical and fitness communities. The baby boomer population is reaching retirement age and many are not ready grow old gracefully, they want to fight it every step of the way and are tired of going to 15 different doctors and then trying to figure out how diet and exercise fit in. Medi-Gyms like AIHF Wellness are beginning to emerge as the wave of the future where you can get a comprehensive wellness exams that address all of your healthcare and fitness needs and then you are given a lifestyle plan to enhance your health.

5. Functional fitness. This is a growing trend toward using strength training to improve balance and ease of daily living for everyone including older adults. More and more trainers are focusing on this type of training using regular weights and kettle bells. Kettle bells have reemerged after a few decades of being placed in moth balls.

6. Pilates. Incorporating core training using the entire body and these classes are very popular in many gyms today.

7. Group training. This trend reflects the economy and makes a lot of sense. Instead of training one on one with a trainer you will work out with a small group with the trainer. It makes training more affordable but also fun.

8. Fitness menu's. More restaurants will offer foods that are in line with the needs of people living a fitness lifestyle.

9. Miracle potions. Unfortunately I think we will see more "miracle' products that over promise and under deliver. For example the berry that will not only have you loose weight but make you two inches taller and more handsome (only a slight exaggeration). Fat burners that will not only have you loose 80 lbs in 12 weeks it will have all your body hair vanish and give you an incredible, vibrant tan plus have you ready for the cover of a magazine (another slight exaggeration). "Snake oil" products have been around for a long time and I don't think they
will disappear in 2010.

10. Repackaged Truths. Last but not least I think you will see old school training principles from the bodybuilding community renamed and sold for a huge profit to hungry consumers.

For more information on the med--gym concept and the American Institute
of Healthcare & Fitness, please visit

Bio: John Rowley

John Rowley, Director of Fitness & Wellness at the American Institute of Healthcare & Fitness, is also a number one best-selling author, motivational speaker, and health and fitness expert. John strives to passionately espouse the benefits of a healthy mind, body, and spirit to all he comes in contact with.

Tuesday 091229

Warm up
7 rounds of "Cindy"

Back Squat
Using 79% of your last CFT Back Squat, do:

5 sets of 5 reps...

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 091027

Monday 091228

Warm up (w/ 45 lbs barbell)
Pressing Snatch Balance
Heaving Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Sotts Press

Hang Power Snatch
Hang is the key word here...

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 081013

Sunday 091227


3M Run or 5K Row

Saturday 091226


Friday 091225


Ok, are you back at home, or maybe you are having others to your home? Is your brother in-law there, your cousin, that high school friend you have not seen in a while, maybe even your parents (for a scaled version)...tell them one of your presents is a CrossFit workout. It is a gift of fitness that will last a lifetime - after all.

Let them do Angie with you. No special equipment necessary, it will take fewer than 30 minutes and maybe you'll have another convert...

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Partition the exercises as needed...scale for beginners.

Thursday 091224

Time to scare your family...

100 Burpees

Wednesday 091223


Find a new 1RM for Front Squats

Tuesday 091222


Monday 091221



5x max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 090611

Sunday 091220


Five rounds for time of:
15 - 135 pound Thruster
400 m Run or 500m Row (the row/run is your REST!)

Post time to comments

Saturday 091219

Fun with Dr. Rick

Friday 091218


Thursday 091216


Dead Lift
80% of 1RM x5, x4, x3, x2, x1 (Add 5 lbs for each set to your last CFT DL effort)

Mini MetCon
35 - 20 lbs Wall Ball Shots

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 091025

Wednesday 091216


4 rounds for time

25 - Ring Push-ups
20 - Calories Rowing
15 - 95 lbs Thrusters*
10 - 24 inch Box Jumps

*Of course, scale to your current fitness and strength level

Tuesday 091215


5 rounds of:
10 - Front Squats @ 50% of your 1RM
:30 full Plank

No rest, push through.

Monday 091214


Sunday 091213


Rowing intervals

9 - 350m Rows with 2:00 rest between each. These are 100% efforts.

Saturday 091212


For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M
21 - 53 lbs KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 33 lbs KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups

You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that cannot do 50 or 35 lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an unassisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 091105

IRC (Indianapolis Rowing Center)

The Indianapolis Rowing Center (IRC) plans to hold a competition January 30th in which the Crossfit Affiliates in Indiana will participate in a 4 member (2 male/2female) 2000m row. Each participant is to row 500m. The Crossfit affiliate that wins, will receive 90 minute on the water rowing lessons when the weather gets warmer.

Any questions feel free to contact me.

Friday 091211


CFT (CrossFit Total)

1RM for:
Dead Lift

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 091001

CrossFit Games

Are you interested in competing in the 2010 CrossFit games? Here's the info for Indiana...

Central East Regional: May 8-9
St. RTE 664, Logan, OH 43138
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, West Virginia, Virginia, DC
CrossFit Games Seeds: 3 men, 3 women

OH / IN / KY / MI Sectional: March 7
Greater Columbus Convention Center, 300 N High Street, Columbus, OH 43215
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan
Regional Seeds: 20 men, 20 women

Thursday 091210


Wednesday 091209

For time:
21 Box Jumps
21 KB Swings
3 Push ups

18 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings
6 Push-ups

15 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
9 Push-ups

12 Box Jumps
12 KB Swings
12 Push-ups

9 Box Jumps
9 KB Swings
15 Push ups

6 Box Jumps
6 KB Swings
18 Push ups

3 Box Jumps
3 KB Swings
21 Push-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 091114

Tuesday 091208

Over Head Lunges


Your choice, BTN, Rack, Push, Split

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090714

Monday 091207


Pull-up ladder!
Do 1 pull-up the first minute, 2, the second, 3 the third. Continue until you can not complete the required number of pull-ups for the given minute.

Upon failure, rest 3 minutes.

Then Push-up ladder. Very same concept. Doesn't that sound fun?

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090918

Sunday 091206


Saturday 091205

Today is our programmed rest day. Many CrossFit affiliates are performing a fund raiser for the victims of the Fort Hood shooting. The URL below provides some information. We have also posted the WOD below.

Lumberjack 20 Memorial Workout
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

Post time to comments.

Friday 091204


On the minute:
Perform 2 Power Cleans on the minute for 15 minutes.

*Start the clock. At the top of every minute perform 2 Power Cleans.
*Use a maximal weight. 80% - 85% of 1 RM
*For every rep not completed, perform 5 Burpees at the end of the session....

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 091002

Add "Seth"

for time:
21, 15, 9

Bench Press @ body weight
Pull Ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 091028

Thursday 091203


AMRAP for 20:00
3 - Hand Stand Push Ups or 60% of your 1RM press
5 - Pull Ups
7 - Knees to Elbows

Wednesday 091202

Happy Birthday Bay


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 - Pull-ups
10 - Push-ups
15 - Squats

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 091013

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Froma Harrop / Syndicated columnist
American fitness: forgoing apps for abs

This is a nation of goose-necked children hunched over their electronics in front of a TV. They will turn into goose-necked adults with vitamin D deficiencies, the result of spending their sunny hours downloading songs in darkened rooms. Obesity will plague many of them.

Clearly, America would do better health-wise (and health-care-spending-wise) if people went outdoors once in a while and moved themselves. But how does one do so in a society that has engineered exercise out of even opening a garage door?

Some grown-ups do have the gumption to maintain formal exercise programs, but not many. The health-club business assumes that a third or more of those who join in a burst of enthusiasm will be gone in a year.

Home fitness equipment gets converted into racks for extra shirts or folded towels. Shiny machines rapidly become drab. The owner thinks, "I really should jump on the treadmill, but oooh, my apps need updating."

When exercise becomes a byproduct of doing something else — getting to work, mowing a lawn or picking up a quart of milk — that's when it becomes a reliable fitness tool. Those who commute by bus know that whatever little else they do that day, they will get in that walk to the stop.

Play is supposed to be the daily work of children. That used to mean getting thrown out of the house and being told to be back by dinner. But parents don't push their kids into the neighborhood as they once did. One reason is fear, much exaggerated, of strangers harming their little ones.

A more serious problem is the utterly car-oriented design of many, especially newer, neighborhoods. Children would have to cross wide streets and often in front of harassed drivers who regard pedestrians as a wrench in their busy schedule.

But real or imagined, these concerns are not all that's keeping children indoors and glued to video. After all, a drive through most suburban neighborhoods will reveal fenced backyards with swing sets and no children on them. A sports reporter friend notes the many empty baseball fields he passes on perfect afternoons. If adults don't organize the sports, the kids don't play them.

The plain truth is that free-form play out in nature is no longer part of many children's lives — or their parents'. And children do love their electronics, in part, because they want to be like Mom and Dad. That's why laptops, cellphones and digital cameras are among the top-selling toys, even for preschoolers.

Walking or biking to school used to be part of an American childhood. But parents now drive their kids to even close-by schools. Forty years ago, 90 percent of children living within a mile of school biked or walked there. Now less than half do.

Many communities ruined the prospect of students' getting to school on their own power by building mega-schools far from the more densely settled areas. Six-lane roads often cut the schools off from all but vehicle traffic.

What to do? There's a TV ad for an indoor bike attached to a video game. By pedaling, the child activates the game. The faster he or she goes, the more exciting the game gets. The appeal to parents is obvious. Here's a way for kids to get exercise and play a video game.

This is healthier, one supposes, than lying in front of a bowl of Doritos and playing "Assassin's Creed II." But one imagines that bicycle-powered video game going the way of Mom's Thigh Master as the kids realize that they, like their parents, can amuse themselves while curled up on a couch. Perhaps someone will invent an exercise pill.

Tuesday 091201


Hey it is December! Rest today, "Cindy" tomorrow and CFT after the next rest day...

Monday 091130


90% of Friday 090731's effort
x2 x6

"Mini MetCon"
2000m Row Time Trial

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090824

Sunday 091129



For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Set up three bars and storm through for time - Linda is a daunting workout.

My first attempt took over an hour. SCALE this baby especially if it is your first attempt. There are several ways to scale this workout. One can do just the even reps and or lower the percentages of your body weight used for each lift.

One of the tricks I use is to remind myself that after I complete the round of 8, I am almost half way done.

Post time and weights used to the comments section.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 081016

Saturday 091128

Fun with Dr. rick

Friday 091127

Rest...all that tryptophan is coursing through your system anyway!

Which is better this picture or Monday's?

Thursday 091126

Happy Thanksgiving!

Let's make this a quick one and then get your feed bag on!

Have one of your in-laws join in on the fun!
1M Run
5 rounds of "Cindy"
1M Run

Post time and what you are thankful for to comments...

Wednesday 091125

Find a NEW 1RM

"Mini" MetCon
2k Row Time Trial

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090831

Tuesday 091123


Back Squat
find a new 1RM


"Mini" MetCon
250m Row
10-53 lbs KB Swings

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090701

Monday 091123


Sunday 091122

Chris doing Thrusters for "Fran"

KTF Ring Dips for "JT"

Ryan and KTF Ring Dips (JB, not pictured as he's already doing push-ups...)


Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:
20 - Burpees
10 - Body weight back squat

HQ calls for:
25 - Burpees
15 - Body weight back squat,

Do either and post to comments...

Saturday 091121

In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005 - First posted 6 July 2005

TitanFit is now instituting Hero Saturday WODs.

For time:
21, 15 and 9 of
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

Friday 091120

KM, Becky and KTF rowing

KTF, Becky, KM, Mary, Will and Ryan after... (not pictured Glenda and Sharon)


Team WOD!

Based on constantly varied, we have not had the opportunity to complete all of the Hero WODs. To remedy this issue, TitanFit is now instituting Hero Saturday WODs.

To ensure we do not "cherry pick" the WODs we will complete them in the order they first appeared on the CrossFit Main Page.

Tomorrow, therefore, is our first Hero Saturday. We will complete JT...In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005 - First posted 6 July 2005

For time:
21, 15 and 9 of
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

Thursday 091119


Look at that smile. No, Mary is not smiling because Ryan, Doug and Kelin got PR on "Fran", she is smiling because she set a new TitanFit record for "Press" today. Make sure you pat her on the back the next time you see her. Great job Mary!

Wednesday 091118

What your favorite 4-letter word that starts with "F"? If you are a CrossFit'er it is undoubtedly "FRAN"!

For time:

21, 15 and 9 of
Thruster - 95 lbs

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090717:

Tuesday 091117

Clean (no Jerk today)
All reps are started on the minute
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5

Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1
*Of 1RM

"Fran" Tomorrow!

Monday 091116

OHS - find your 1RM


"Mini" MetCon
250m Row
5 - Burpees

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 091005

Sunday 091115


You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that kids’ waistlines are expanding as rapidly as adults’ these days. Just take a look around. With an estimated 33 percent of children overweight or obese, the husky kids who used to be the exception are now becoming the norm — and being big as a kid can translate into big health problems later on.

Medical experts report that overweight kids are heart attacks just waiting to happen. One study from the New England Journal of Medicine found that today’s kids are likely to become adults with heart disease, which translates to more hospitalizations, more medications, more medical
procedures and a shorter life expectancy. Another study reported that if the number of overweight children continues to increase at the current rate, there will be 100,000 additional cases of heart disease by 2035.

Who are the main culprits for childhood obesity? Parents, for one. Carting in boxes of donuts to their little ones’ soccer games, offering sugar-loaded fruit drinks as afterschool snacks and replacing home cooking with deep-fried drive-thrus, parents are teaching kids some fattening life lessons. The average child today consumes 180 more calories a day than their leaner counterparts did in 1989. That can translate to an extra 18 pounds a year.

Caloric catastrophes are only part of the problem though. Thanks to the technology gurus and marketing powers-to-be that target our youth, kids today are more likely to be found tweeting, texting, Wii-ing and channel surfing than running, biking and playing. “Now you can drive through entire neighborhoods where you know there are a lot of young kids there and hardly see any of them out,” said American Heart Association spokesman, Russell Pate in an interview
with CNN. So while kids are more likely to say that a blackberry is a phone vs. a fruit, we can still help them make heart-healthy choices. Once they learn to make them on their own, they may be more likely to turn off the TV and head outside.

Saturday 091114

Dr. Rick's Call...

Join Dr. Rick for Saturday entertainment!

Friday 091114

For time:
21 Box Jumps
21 KB Swings
3 Push ups

18 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings
6 Push-ups

15 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
9 Push-ups

12 Box Jumps
12 KB Swings
12 Push-ups

9 Box Jumps
9 KB Swings
15 Push ups

6 Box Jumps
6 KB Swings
18 Push ups

3 Box Jumps
3 KB Swings
21 Push-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090909



For time 21-15-9 reps of:
135 lbs Cleans
Ring dips

As always, SCALE if and when necessary. For some of us that are new to Olympic lifting, high pulls and FS will be good enough. The sub for ring dips is 4/1 bench dips, 3/1 bar dips or 2/1 jumping ring dips.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090112

Thursday 091112


For time 10 rounds of:
10 - Pull-ups
10 - Wall Ball Shots

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090407

Wednesday 091111

Rest and take a Veteran to lunch today or buy them a drink tonight!

More muscle power means lower Alzheimer's risk

Monday, Nov 09, 2009 10:20PM UTC

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older people with stronger muscles are at reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to their weaker peers, a new study shows.

Dr. Patricia A. Boyle of Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center in Chicago and her colleagues found that the greater a person's muscle strength, the lower their likelihood of being diagnosed with Alzheimer's over a four-year period. The same was true for the loss of mental function that often precedes full-blown Alzheimer's.

Studies have linked grip strength to Alzheimer's, while a person's weight and level of physical activity also influence risk of the disease. To date, however, no one has studied whether muscle strength in and of itself might play a role in dementia risk, Boyle and her team note in November's Annals of Neurology.

"These findings support the link between physical health and cognition in aging and the importance of maintaining good physical function and strength," Boyle told Reuters Health via E-mail.

The researchers measured the strength of nine muscle groups in the arms and legs of 970 dementia-free men and women 54 to 100 years old (their average age was around 80). They also tested the strength of study participants' breathing muscles.

During follow-up, which lasted about four years, 138 people developed Alzheimer's. These individuals were older and had worse mental function than the rest of the study participants. They also were weaker.

But even after the researchers adjusted for age and education level-which can influence Alzheimer's risk-they found that muscle strength had a strong influence on the risk of the disease. People who ranked in the top 10 percent for muscle strength were 61 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's than the weakest 10 percent. Stronger people also showed a slower decline in their mental abilities over time.

The relationship between muscle strength and mild mental difficulties, which occurred in an additional 275 people, was similar, with the strongest 10 percent being at 48 percent lower risk than the weakest 10 percent.

When the researchers looked at different types of muscle strength separately, they found that grip strength and breathing-muscle strength had an independent effect on Alzheimer's risk, but arm and leg strength didn't.

The most likely explanation for the mental function-muscle strength link is that there is something going in the body that causes both muscle weakness and loss of mental ability, Boyle said.

While the study couldn't show whether keeping one's muscles strong will keep Alzheimer's at bay, staying fit is a good idea-and good for the brain-no matter what, according to Boyle.

"We certainly think that it is important to be physically active and to work to keep our muscles strong," she said. "Good physical health is important for good brain function."

SOURCE: Archives of Neurology, November 2009.

Tuesday 091110

Today's the anniversary of the United States Marine Corps., and tomorrow is Veterans Day. Pick a hero WOD and remember those that sacrifice for us.

Monday 091109


Freddy's Revenge

for time
5 - 185lbs (or 70% of your press 1RM) from shoulders to overhead anyhow
10 - Burpees

The following video from was taken at CrossFit One World in Union City. Owner Freddy Camacho is joined by a seriously stacked group of CrossFitters including Jason Khalipa, Adrian Bozman, Pat Barber, and Kalista Pappas. "Freddy's Revenge", CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]. There are a few "F" bombs during the video so not work or family safe.

Sunday 091108


50-Back Squats @ 50% of your 1RM

75-Back Squats @ 50% of your 1RM

Saturday 091107


Friday 091106



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
12 - 65 pound Power Snatch
10 - Push-ups

Thursday 091105


For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M
21 - 53 lbs KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 33 lbs KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups

You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that cannot do 50 or 35 lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an unassisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090929

Wednesday 091104

Snatch Balance + OHS (complete one of each before re-racking the bar)
Work to 110% of your SN 1RM


Snatch Pulls, again work up to 110% of your Snatch 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 090806

Tuesday 091103

Rest and don't forget to vote!

Monday 091102

We have 2 more weeks of Squatober left. Today, however, we are going over head and day after tomorrow, we squat again.


Press - 1 reps
Push Press - 2 reps
Push Jerk - 3 reps

Yes, that's it...pick a weight, do 1 press, 2 push presses and then 3 push jerks, per round. Work up to failure on your Press.

"Mini" MetCon
2 rounds of:
500m Row / 400m Run
20 - Box Jumps

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090922

Sunday 091101

I can not believe how fast time passes...

Today is the 3rd anniversary of TitanFit becoming a CrossFit Affiliate. Below you will fine the workout that was posted the day before we became official. Tomorrow, let's try the first ever published TitanFit WOD!

For time:
10-32k-KB Swings
20-65 lbs Over-head Squat (OHS)
30-65 lbs Power Snatch
1000M row
30-65 lbs Power Snatch
20-65 lbs OHS
10-32k KB swings

Scale the workout. If this is your first attempt at high rep Olympic lifting, use an un-loaded barbell or a 15 lbs training barbell. For the Swings use a KB or DB that takes some effort to complete all 10.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090608

the original...
TITANFIT: Wednesday 071031

Saturday 091031



Saw the following on the Indy Shield site...too good not to post.

Friday 091030


KTF making thrusters look easy!

Thursday 091029

I think KTF hates me...!


For time:

400m run
10-45 lbs Thrusters
100m run
5-45 lbs Thrusters

Wednesday 091028


On the minute:
Perform 2 Power Cleans on the minute for 15 minutes.

*Start the clock. At the top of every minute perform 2 Power Cleans.
*Use a maximal weight. 80% - 85% of 1 RM
*For every rep not completed, perform 5 Burpees at the end of the session....

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 091002

Add "Seth"

for time:
21, 15, 9

Bench Press @ body weight
Pull Ups

Tuesday 091027


Back Squat
Using 79% of your last CFT Back Squat, do:

5 sets of 5 reps...

Monday 091027


Mini “Trevor” + 1-400m run per person As a two person team, complete for time:

400m run

150 pull-ups
200 push-ups

400m Run

250 sit-ups
300 squats

Only ONE person on each team working at any given time. Complete all reps of one exercise before moving on to the next one.

Sunday 091025

Dead Lift
80% of 1RM x5, x4, x3, x2, x1 (add 5 lbs to 090818's effort)

Then Mini Metcon:

5 rounds of:
250 row
5 burpees
10 KB Swings


Mini “Trevor”
As a two person team, complete for time:
150 pull-ups
200 push-ups
250 sit-ups
300 squats

Only ONE person on each team working at any given time. Complete all reps of one exercise before moving on to the next one.

Saturday 091024


WOW (Work On Weakness)

Friday 091023


Thursday 091022


Snatch balance - 75% (of snatch 1RM) x 3 x 4
Power snatch + snatch - 70% (of snatch 1RM) x 5 sets

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090729

Back Squat 5x5 @ 65% or your 1RM

Wednesday 091021


AMRAP in 30:00 of:

400m Run or 500m Row
10 - Ring Dips or 3/1 Bench Dips
10 - KTE or 2/1 Knee Raises

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090804

Tuesday 091020


Using 60% of your Press 1RM complete the following:

800m Run
10 - Press
10 - Pull-ups

400m Run
15 - Press
15 - Pull-ups

200m Run
20 - Press
20 - Pull-ups

Monday 091019


Front Squats
Using 80% of your Back Squat 1RM from your last CFT as a base line, complete 5 reps at:
60%, 65%, 70%, 75% and 80%

Sunday 091018


Saturday 091017

Happy Birthday Glenda!


Team WOD!

Friday 091016

Ready for "Linda"...AKA 3 Bars of Death!

Maybe this is a Bad Idea!

The round of 7 took 8:00!


Dead Lift 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
or Back Squats 5 reps @ 61%, 66%, 70%, 75%, 80% of your 1RM

If you have not missed a day this week, DL is your choice. If you have, then it is Back Squat. pretty easy, no?

Thursday 091015


Wednesday 091014


Clean and Jerk:
Work up to 80% x1, 70% x1, 83% x1, 73% x1, 85% x1, 75% x1, 88% x1, 75% x1

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 090326

Tuesday 091013

Kurt's Choice...


Monday 091012

Happy Birthday Kurt!


Back Squats
5x5 @ 74% of 1RM

"Mini" MetCon
4 rounds of
10 - Burpees
10 - WallBall

Tomorrow's WOD is KTF's choice...Heaven help us!

Sunday 091011

Hey it is 9 10 11...Rest!

Saturday 091010

Workout with Dr. Rick

Friday 091009


5 Pistols (1 legged squat per leg)


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Row 250 meters
Sumo dead lift high pull 95 pounds, 21 reps
Pull-ups 15 reps

800m before and after the above

Thursday 100808


Back Squat

Using your last Back Squat 1RM from your last CFT do: 5 reps at each of the following percentages... 54%, 58%, 63%, 67%, 71%.


Add 10 Pull-ups and 10 Push-ups to each of the 5 sets

Wednesday 091007

Clean and Jerk
All reps are started on the minute
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5

Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1
*Of 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090505
Back Squats is Squatober after all!

Tuesday 091006

For time:

1000M Row or 800M Run
50 - 45 lbs Thrusters
30 - Pull-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090306


"Jackie" x 2

For time:
1k Row
50 - 45 lbs Thrusters
30 - Pull-ups

Yes, that's right do it TWICE!

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081207

Monday 091005

OHS - find your 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 070809


"Mini" MetCon
250m Row
5 - Burpees

Sunday 091004 fine folks

Saturday 091003

Team WOD!

TitanFit wishes Mr.Dockery the very best on his PT today. He has to do 30+ Push-Ups, 30+ Sit-ups and a sub 17:00 - 2m run at 0730 today.

Here's hoping that TitanFit and his intestinal fortitude gets him through! Good Luck JD! Let us know the results.

Friday 091002

JB with a great "Rack" position and KTF with a great start of a Clean

KTF's "Rack" Position and JT's Jerk...Nice work guys...


On the minute:
Perform 2 Power Cleans on the minute for 15 minutes.

*Start the clock. At the top of every minute perform 2 Power Cleans.
*Use a maximal weight. 80% - 85% of 1 RM
*For every rep not completed, perform 5 Burpees at the end of the session....

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090722

Add "Seth"

for time:
21, 15, 9

Bench Press @ body weight
Pull Ups

Thursday 091001

JB and KTF doining Swings as part of the TFT WOD

110 Burpees hurts...Thanks JB


CFT (CrossFit Total)

1RM for:
Dead Lift

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090803

Wednesday 090930

Tomorrow is CFT (CrossFit Total).

As Fall has arrived (and like I have said many times) it is time for us to get a bit stronger. To that end, we will Squat (e.g. Back Squat or Front Squat) 2x a week in October with a "Mini" MetCon after the Squat sessions. Tomorrow's CFT will be the base for the design of those workouts.

So think Squatober...November will be Pressing 2x per week and December Oly lifting (or Oly lifting assistance exercises). In 2010 we will be stronger and continue to get fit!

Nice easy 3 Mile run or 5K row

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090728

Tuesday 090929


For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M
21 - 53 lbs KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 33 lbs KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups

You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that can not do 50 or 35 lbs+ lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an unassisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090602

For time:
20, 18, 16...2 - 1.5 Pood swings
2, 4, 6...20 - Burpees

Monday 090928



400m Run
15 - 95 lbs OHS

Sunday 090927


Finally was able to log in to Outlook. Discovered we missed mentioning Dr. Rick's Birthday on the September 23rd. Sorry and Happy belated BDay Dr. Rick!

Saturday 090926


Are you ready?

Dr. Rick is starting the first session starts at 0900! Get there and warm up...

Friday 090925


Tomorrow is FGB! take it easy today. Maybe a 1 mile run or easy active rest.

Thursday 090924

How many ring pull-ups can you do?


90% of 1RM x1 x3

Clean and Jerk
90% of 1RM x1 x3

Add 5 lbs to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090629

Wednesday 090923

06:30 WOD

Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

Let's take 3:00 rest between sets, a la "Barbara"...

post total number of reps, per round


Front Squats...your choice

Then "Mini" MetCon
For time:
25 - Wall Ball (Men - 20lbs 10 feet; Women - 20lbs 8 feet)
20 - Push-ups
15 - Double-unders (4 to 1 single unders)
10 - Knees - Elbows
5 - BCTs

Tuesday 090922


Press - 1 reps
Push Press - 2 reps
Push Jerk - 3 reps

Yes, that's it...pick a weight, do 1 press, 3 push presses and then 5 push jerks, per round.

"Mini" MetCon

250m Row
5 - Burpees

On Saturday September 26, 2009, Catalyst Athletics is holding the 1st Catalyst Games.

To date, they have listed 3 events. They are:
1. 2k Trail run.
2. Lift a total of either 5000lbs (M) or 3000lbs (F) from the floor to an overhead position. Men's Rx Class will do 5000lbs at 75% of their bodyweight; Women's Rx Class will do 5000lbs at 50% of their body weight.
3. For time: 50 Wall Ball (Men's' Rx - 20lbs-10 feet; Women's' Rx - 20lbs-8 feet, 40 Push-ups, 30 Double-unders, 20 Knees to Elbows, 10 BCTs

Monday 090921

OHS - 7 sets of 2 reps@ 85% of 1RM

400M run
50-45 lbs Jumping Squats

500M row
50 Push-ups

400M run
50 sit-ups

500M row
50-16k Kettlebell swings

Compare to:
TITANFIT: 070822

Sunday 090920


Saturday 090919


Dr. Rick's Call!

RS box jumps during "Megan"

JD off and running

Becky hitting the row...

Friday 090918

Pull-up ladder!
Do 1 pull-up the first minute, 2, the second, 3 the third. Continue until you can not complete the required number of pull-ups for the given minute.

Upon failure, rest 3 minutes.

Then Push-up ladder. Very same concept. Doesn't that sound fun?

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090807

Nice easy 3 Mile run or 5K row

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090728

Thursday 090917


Dead Lift

TitanFit Trainers / DUTY WOD

For time:
50 - Pull-ups
400m Run
21 - 95 lbs Thruster

800m Run

21 - 95 lbs Thruster
400 meter run
50 - Pull-ups

Wednesday 090916



For time:
5 rounds of
400M run
20-18-inch box jumps
20-40 lbs Thrusters (with dumbbells...20 lbs per hand M/8 lbs F)

Megan calls for Thrusters to be done with DB, cause she's hard like that! Sub a barbell for the DB weight if necessary...

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080924

Back Squat
5x5 @ 80% of 1RM

Compare to
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090901

Tuesday 090915

Push Press
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

TitanFit Trainers WOD
Team Workout

Monday 090914


Clean and Jerk
find new 1RM

"Mini" MetCon
400m run
20 - Sit-ups
15 - Pull-ups
10 - Push-ups

Sunday 090913

Rest party people, rest!

Saturday 090912


4x (3:00 rest between each round)
10 - Back Squat @ 225 lbs or 50% of your 1RM
400m Run

Friday 090911

Happy Birthday Mr. Jerry Berg!

Thursday 090910

All but the Pull-ups and Wall Ball will be done outside. Dress accordingly!

400M run
25-65 lbs Thrusters
25-65 lbs SDHP

400M run
25-20 lbs Wall Ball Shots

400M run
25-35 lbs KB Swings
25-Ab Mat Sit-ups

400M run
25-65 lbs OHS

Tomorrow, Jerry's Choice!

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080416

Wednesday 090909

For time:
21 Box Jumps
21 KB Swings
3 Push ups

18 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings
6 Push-ups

15 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
9 Push-ups

12 Box Jumps
12 KB Swings
12 Push-ups

9 Box Jumps
9 KB Swings
15 Push ups

6 Box Jumps
6 KB Swings
18 Push ups

3 Box Jumps
3 KB Swings
21 Push-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080604

Tuesday 090908


Find a 1RM - 5, 3, 1, 1, 1

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 090528

Monday 090907


Sunday 090609


Saturday 090905

Workout with Dr. Rick!

Often, we give "chest up" as a cue while coaching the Back Squat. please note the picture below...put it in your memory for your next squatting session. Chest up and butt back!

Friday 090904

We are doing intervals today...

An interesting article from Time Magazine. While reading, it shows the author is still using traditional Globo Gym methods to get "thin" / lose pounds - vs. getting fit! Remember the goal at TitanFit is fitness. One can get "thin" / lose weight by not eating, but not eating will not help you carry your groceries or walk up that flight of stairs. Fitness is our goal.

As we have said many times, THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE. The health benefits of working out, especially with our methods, can not be overlooked. YES, you may gain a few pounds, but that extra muscle is necessary and an advantage as you age.

While a 120 lbs 30 year old and a 120 lbs 50 year old weigh the same, the older person has a lot less calorie burning, endeavor assisting muscle. Research shows that after age 30, we lose 5% of our muscle mass each decade. Do you want to be "skinny fat" or fit?

Sunday, Aug. 09, 2009
Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin
By John Cloud

As I write this, tomorrow is Tuesday, which is a cardio day. I'll spend five minutes warming up on the VersaClimber, a towering machine that requires you to move your arms and legs simultaneously. Then I'll do 30 minutes on a stair mill. On Wednesday a personal trainer will work me like a farm animal for an hour, sometimes to the point that I am dizzy — an abuse for which I pay as much as I spend on groceries in a week. Thursday is "body wedge" class, which involves another exercise contraption, this one a large foam wedge from which I will push myself up in various hateful ways for an hour. Friday will bring a 5.5-mile run, the extra half-mile my grueling expiation of any gastronomical indulgences during the week.

I have exercised like this — obsessively, a bit grimly — for years, but recently I began to wonder: Why am I doing this? Except for a two-year period at the end of an unhappy relationship — a period when I self-medicated with lots of Italian desserts — I have never been overweight. One of the most widely accepted, commonly repeated assumptions in our culture is that if you exercise, you will lose weight. But I exercise all the time, and since I ended that relationship and cut most of those desserts, my weight has returned to the same 163 lb. it has been most of my adult life. I still have gut fat that hangs over my belt when I sit. Why isn't all the exercise wiping it out? (Read "The Year in Medicine 2008: From A to Z.")

It's a question many of us could ask. More than 45 million Americans now belong to a health club, up from 23 million in 1993. We spend some $19 billion a year on gym memberships. Of course, some people join and never go. Still, as one major study — the Minnesota Heart Survey — found, more of us at least say we exercise regularly. The survey ran from 1980, when only 47% of respondents said they engaged in regular exercise, to 2000, when the figure had grown to 57%.

And yet obesity figures have risen dramatically in the same period: a third of Americans are obese, and another third count as overweight by the Federal Government's definition. Yes, it's entirely possible that those of us who regularly go to the gym would weigh even more if we exercised less. But like many other people, I get hungry after I exercise, so I often eat more on the days I work out than on the days I don't. Could exercise actually be keeping me from losing weight?

The conventional wisdom that exercise is essential for shedding pounds is actually fairly new. As recently as the 1960s, doctors routinely advised against rigorous exercise, particularly for older adults who could injure themselves. Today doctors encourage even their oldest patients to exercise, which is sound advice for many reasons: People who regularly exercise are at significantly lower risk for all manner of diseases — those of the heart in particular. They less often develop cancer, diabetes and many other illnesses. But the past few years of obesity research show that the role of exercise in weight loss has been wildly overstated.

"In general, for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless," says Eric Ravussin, chair in diabetes and metabolism at Louisiana State University and a prominent exercise researcher. Many recent studies have found that exercise isn't as important in helping people lose weight as you hear so regularly in gym advertisements or on shows like The Biggest Loser — or, for that matter, from magazines like this one.

The basic problem is that while it's true that exercise burns calories and that you must burn calories to lose weight, exercise has another effect: it can stimulate hunger. That causes us to eat more, which in turn can negate the weight-loss benefits we just accrued. Exercise, in other words, isn't necessarily helping us lose weight. It may even be making it harder.

The Compensation Problem
Earlier this year, the peer-reviewed journal PLoS ONE — PLoS is the nonprofit Public Library of Science — published a remarkable study supervised by a colleague of Ravussin's, Dr. Timothy Church, who holds the rather grand title of chair in health wisdom at LSU. Church's team randomly assigned into four groups 464 overweight women who didn't regularly exercise. Women in three of the groups were asked to work out with a personal trainer for 72 min., 136 min., and 194 min. per week, respectively, for six months. Women in the fourth cluster, the control group, were told to maintain their usual physical-activity routines. All the women were asked not to change their dietary habits and to fill out monthly medical-symptom questionnaires.

The findings were surprising. On average, the women in all the groups, even the control group, lost weight, but the women who exercised — sweating it out with a trainer several days a week for six months — did not lose significantly more weight than the control subjects did. (The control-group women may have lost weight because they were filling out those regular health forms, which may have prompted them to consume fewer doughnuts.) Some of the women in each of the four groups actually gained weight, some more than 10 lb. each.

What's going on here? Church calls it compensation, but you and I might know it as the lip-licking anticipation of perfectly salted, golden-brown French fries after a hard trip to the gym. Whether because exercise made them hungry or because they wanted to reward themselves (or both), most of the women who exercised ate more than they did before they started the experiment. Or they compensated in another way, by moving around a lot less than usual after they got home.

The findings are important because the government and various medical organizations routinely prescribe more and more exercise for those who want to lose weight. In 2007 the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association issued new guidelines stating that "to lose weight ... 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity may be necessary." That's 60 to 90 minutes on most days of the week, a level that not only is unrealistic for those of us trying to keep or find a job but also could easily produce, on the basis of Church's data, ravenous compensatory eating.

It's true that after six months of working out, most of the exercisers in Church's study were able to trim their waistlines slightly — by about an inch. Even so, they lost no more overall body fat than the control group did. Why not?

Church, who is 41 and has lived in Baton Rouge for nearly three years, has a theory. "I see this anecdotally amongst, like, my wife's friends," he says. "They're like, 'Ah, I'm running an hour a day, and I'm not losing any weight.'" He asks them, "What are you doing after you run?" It turns out one group of friends was stopping at Starbucks for muffins afterward. Says Church: "I don't think most people would appreciate that, wow, you only burned 200 or 300 calories, which you're going to neutralize with just half that muffin."

You might think half a muffin over an entire day wouldn't matter much, particularly if you exercise regularly. After all, doesn't exercise turn fat to muscle, and doesn't muscle process excess calories more efficiently than fat does?

Yes, although the muscle-fat relationship is often misunderstood. According to calculations published in the journal Obesity Research by a Columbia University team in 2001, a pound of muscle burns approximately six calories a day in a resting body, compared with the two calories that a pound of fat burns. Which means that after you work out hard enough to convert, say, 10 lb. of fat to muscle — a major achievement — you would be able to eat only an extra 40 calories per day, about the amount in a teaspoon of butter, before beginning to gain weight. Good luck with that.

Fundamentally, humans are not a species that evolved to dispose of many extra calories beyond what we need to live. Rats, among other species, have a far greater capacity to cope with excess calories than we do because they have more of a dark-colored tissue called brown fat. Brown fat helps produce a protein that switches off little cellular units called mitochondria, which are the cells' power plants: they help turn nutrients into energy. When they're switched off, animals don't get an energy boost. Instead, the animals literally get warmer. And as their temperature rises, calories burn effortlessly.

Because rodents have a lot of brown fat, it's very difficult to make them obese, even when you force-feed them in labs. But humans — we're pathetic. We have so little brown fat that researchers didn't even report its existence in adults until earlier this year. That's one reason humans can gain weight with just an extra half-muffin a day: we almost instantly store most of the calories we don't need in our regular ("white") fat cells.

All this helps explain why our herculean exercise over the past 30 years — all the personal trainers, StairMasters and VersaClimbers; all the Pilates classes and yoga retreats and fat camps — hasn't made us thinner. After we exercise, we often crave sugary calories like those in muffins or in "sports" drinks like Gatorade. A standard 20-oz. bottle of Gatorade contains 130 calories. If you're hot and thirsty after a 20-minute run in summer heat, it's easy to guzzle that bottle in 20 seconds, in which case the caloric expenditure and the caloric intake are probably a wash. From a weight-loss perspective, you would have been better off sitting on the sofa knitting.

Self-Control Is like a Muscle
Many people assume that weight is mostly a matter of willpower — that we can learn both to exercise and to avoid muffins and Gatorade. A few of us can, but evolution did not build us to do this for very long. In 2000 the journal Psychological Bulletin published a paper by psychologists Mark Muraven and Roy Baumeister in which they observed that self-control is like a muscle: it weakens each day after you use it. If you force yourself to jog for an hour, your self-regulatory capacity is proportionately enfeebled. Rather than lunching on a salad, you'll be more likely to opt for pizza.

Some of us can will ourselves to overcome our basic psychology, but most of us won't be very successful. "The most powerful determinant of your dietary intake is your energy expenditure," says Steven Gortmaker, who heads Harvard's Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity. "If you're more physically active, you're going to get hungry and eat more." Gortmaker, who has studied childhood obesity, is even suspicious of the playgrounds at fast-food restaurants. "Why would they build those?" he asks. "I know it sounds kind of like conspiracy theory, but you have to think, if a kid plays five minutes and burns 50 calories, he might then go inside and consume 500 calories or even 1,000."

Last year the International Journal of Obesity published a paper by Gortmaker and Kendrin Sonneville of Children's Hospital Boston noting that "there is a widespread assumption that increasing activity will result in a net reduction in any energy gap" — energy gap being the term scientists use for the difference between the number of calories you use and the number you consume. But Gortmaker and Sonneville found in their 18-month study of 538 students that when kids start to exercise, they end up eating more — not just a little more, but an average of 100 calories more than they had just burned.

If evolution didn't program us to lose weight through exercise, what did it program us to do? Doesn't exercise do anything?

Sure. It does plenty. In addition to enhancing heart health and helping prevent disease, exercise improves your mental health and cognitive ability. A study published in June in the journal Neurology found that older people who exercise at least once a week are 30% more likely to maintain cognitive function than those who exercise less. Another study, released by the University of Alberta a few weeks ago, found that people with chronic back pain who exercise four days a week have 36% less disability than those who exercise only two or three days a week.

But there's some confusion about whether it is exercise — sweaty, exhausting, hunger-producing bursts of activity done exclusively to benefit our health — that leads to all these benefits or something far simpler: regularly moving during our waking hours. We all need to move more — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says our leisure-time physical activity (including things like golfing, gardening and walking) has decreased since the late 1980s, right around the time the gym boom really exploded. But do we need to stress our bodies at the gym?

Look at kids. In May a team of researchers at Peninsula Medical School in the U.K. traveled to Amsterdam to present some surprising findings to the European Congress on Obesity. The Peninsula scientists had studied 206 kids, ages 7 to 11, at three schools in and around Plymouth, a city of 250,000 on the southern coast of England. Kids at the first school, an expensive private academy, got an average of 9.2 hours per week of scheduled, usually rigorous physical education. Kids at the two other schools — one in a village near Plymouth and the other an urban school — got just 2.4 hours and 1.7 hours of PE per week, respectively.

To understand just how much physical activity the kids were getting, the Peninsula team had them wear ActiGraphs, light but sophisticated devices that measure not only the amount of physical movement the body engages in but also its intensity. During four one-week periods over consecutive school terms, the kids wore the ActiGraphs nearly every waking moment.

And no matter how much PE they got during school hours, when you look at the whole day, the kids from the three schools moved the same amount, at about the same intensity. The kids at the fancy private school underwent significantly more physical activity before 3 p.m., but overall they didn't move more. "Once they get home, if they are very active in school, they are probably staying still a bit more because they've already expended so much energy," says Alissa Frémeaux, a biostatistician who helped conduct the study. "The others are more likely to grab a bike and run around after school."

Another British study, this one from the University of Exeter, found that kids who regularly move in short bursts — running to catch a ball, racing up and down stairs to collect toys — are just as healthy as kids who participate in sports that require vigorous, sustained exercise.

Could pushing people to exercise more actually be contributing to our obesity problem? In some respects, yes. Because exercise depletes not just the body's muscles but the brain's self-control "muscle" as well, many of us will feel greater entitlement to eat a bag of chips during that lazy time after we get back from the gym. This explains why exercise could make you heavier — or at least why even my wretched four hours of exercise a week aren't eliminating all my fat. It's likely that I am more sedentary during my nonexercise hours than I would be if I didn't exercise with such Puritan fury. If I exercised less, I might feel like walking more instead of hopping into a cab; I might have enough energy to shop for food, cook and then clean instead of ordering a satisfyingly greasy burrito.

Closing the Energy Gap
The problem ultimately is about not exercise itself but the way we've come to define it. Many obesity researchers now believe that very frequent, low-level physical activity — the kind humans did for tens of thousands of years before the leaf blower was invented — may actually work better for us than the occasional bouts of exercise you get as a gym rat. "You cannot sit still all day long and then have 30 minutes of exercise without producing stress on the muscles," says Hans-Rudolf Berthoud, a neurobiologist at LSU's Pennington Biomedical Research Center who has studied nutrition for 20 years. "The muscles will ache, and you may not want to move after. But to burn calories, the muscle movements don't have to be extreme. It would be better to distribute the movements throughout the day."

For his part, Berthoud rises at 5 a.m. to walk around his neighborhood several times. He also takes the stairs when possible. "Even if people can get out of their offices, out from in front of their computers, they go someplace like the mall and then take the elevator," he says. "This is the real problem, not that we don't go to the gym enough."

I was skeptical when Berthoud said this. Don't you need to raise your heart rate and sweat in order to strengthen your cardiovascular system? Don't you need to push your muscles to the max in order to build them?

Actually, it's not clear that vigorous exercise like running carries more benefits than a moderately strenuous activity like walking while carrying groceries. You regularly hear about the benefits of exercise in news stories, but if you read the academic papers on which these stories are based, you frequently see that the research subjects who were studied didn't clobber themselves on the elliptical machine. A routine example: in June the Association for Psychological Science issued a news release saying that "physical exercise ... may indeed preserve or enhance various aspects of cognitive functioning." But in fact, those who had better cognitive function merely walked more and climbed more stairs. They didn't even walk faster; walking speed wasn't correlated with cognitive ability.

There's also growing evidence that when it comes to preventing certain diseases, losing weight may be more important than improving cardiovascular health. In June, Northwestern University researchers released the results of the longest observational study ever to investigate the relationship between aerobic fitness and the development of diabetes. The results? Being aerobically fit was far less important than having a normal body mass index in preventing the disease. And as we have seen, exercise often does little to help heavy people reach a normal weight.

So why does the belief persist that exercise leads to weight loss, given all the scientific evidence to the contrary? Interestingly, until the 1970s, few obesity researchers promoted exercise as critical for weight reduction. As recently as 1992, when a stout Bill Clinton became famous for his jogging and McDonald's habits, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an article that began, "Recently, the interest in the potential of adding exercise to the treatment of obesity has increased." The article went on to note that incorporating exercise training into obesity treatment had led to "inconsistent" results. "The increased energy expenditure obtained by training may be compensated by a decrease in non-training physical activities," the authors wrote.

Then how did the exercise-to-lose-weight mantra become so ingrained? Public-health officials have been reluctant to downplay exercise because those who are more physically active are, overall, healthier. Plus, it's hard even for experts to renounce the notion that exercise is essential for weight loss. For years, psychologist Kelly Brownell ran a lab at Yale that treated obese patients with the standard, drilled-into-your-head combination of more exercise and less food. "What we found was that the treatment of obesity was very frustrating," he says. Only about 5% of participants could keep the weight off, and although those 5% were more likely to exercise than those who got fat again, Brownell says if he were running the program today, "I would probably reorient toward food and away from exercise." In 2005, Brownell co-founded Yale's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, which focuses on food marketing and public policy — not on encouraging more exercise.

Some research has found that the obese already "exercise" more than most of the rest of us. In May, Dr. Arn Eliasson of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center reported the results of a small study that found that overweight people actually expend significantly more calories every day than people of normal weight — 3,064 vs. 2,080. He isn't the first researcher to reach this conclusion. As science writer Gary Taubes noted in his 2007 book Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health, "The obese tend to expend more energy than lean people of comparable height, sex, and bone structure, which means their metabolism is typically burning off more calories rather than less."

In short, it's what you eat, not how hard you try to work it off, that matters more in losing weight. You should exercise to improve your health, but be warned: fiery spurts of vigorous exercise could lead to weight gain. I love how exercise makes me feel, but tomorrow I might skip the VersaClimber — and skip the blueberry bar that is my usual postexercise reward.,8599,1914857,00.html

Thursday 090903

Will DL'ing...

For time:
10 - Burpees (Yea Burpees!)
20 - Box Jumps
30 - Pull-ups
40 - Air Squats
100M run/125M row

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090617

Wednesday 090902


400m run
20-KB Swings

400m run
20-KB Swings

400m run
20-KB Swings
20-Your Choice

Tuesday 090901

Back Squats
85%-90% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3 - x3 sets or 85% of 1RM x5 x5
(Add 10 lbs to 090616's effort)

Weighted Pull-ups
Perform Pull-ups between each round of Squats. Find a max weight.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090616

Monday 090831


Find a NEW 1RM

"Mini" MetCon
1 rounds of:
500m Row / 400m Run
20 - Box Jumps

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090706

Tomorrow Back Squat!

Sunday 090830


Saturday 080929

Team WOD!

Friday 090828


Dead Lift!

Thursaday 090827


For time:
800m run
100 Pull-up

800m run
100 push-ups

Scared? Don't be. Partition as needed. The very strong might do a mile run then all of the push-ups and pull-ups. It might be best to break it into manageable sets (e.g.) a 400m run, 25 pull-ups, followed by a 400m run with 25 push-ups...or 200m runs and 12-13 of each.

Wednesday 090826


For time:
Row 500M/Run 400M
15 - 95 lbs SDHP

Row 500M/Run 400M
15 - 95 lbs Thrusters

Row 500M/Run 400M
15- 95 lbs SDHP

Row 500M/Run 400M
15 - 95 lbs Thrusters

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080424

Heart group: Cut back — way back — on extra sugar

AP Tue Aug 25th, 2009 7:28 AM EDT

DALLAS - A spoonful of sugar ? Americans are swallowing 22 teaspoons of sugar each day, and it's time to cut way back, the American Heart Association says.

Most of that added sugar comes from soft drinks and candy — a whopping 355 calories and the equivalent of guzzling two cans of soda and eating a chocolate bar .

By comparison, most women should be getting no more than 6 teaspoons a day, or 100 calories, of added sugar — the sweeteners and syrups that are added to foods during processing, preparation or at the table. For most men, the recommended limit is 9 teaspoons, or 150 calories, the heart group says.

The guidelines do not apply to naturally occurring sugars like those found in fruit, vegetables or dairy products .

Rachel K. Johnson, lead author of the statement published online Monday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, said it was time to give specific advice on how much added sugar Americans should be getting, not just advising moderation.

"Take a good hard look at your diet," said Johnson, professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont in Burlington. "Figure out where the sources of added sugars are and think about how to cut back on that."

She said about 8 ounces of fruit-flavored yogurt has about 6 teaspoons of added sugar; 8 ounces of low-fat chocolate milk has about 4 teaspoons; a cup of frosted whole grain cereal has about 3 teaspoons.

The biggest culprits for the glut of sugar? Soft drinks by far, followed by candy, cakes, cookies and pies.

With about 8 teaspoons of added sugar, a regular 12-ounce soft drink will put most women over the recommended daily limit.

Cutting back on sugar likely won't be easy for many people, said Lona Sandon, a dietitian at Dallas' University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center .

"I think it's probably going to be a struggle for quite a few people," Sandon said.

Calculating one's sugar intake can be tricky as the government doesn't require labels to differentiate added sugars from naturally occurring sugars, said Johnson. But she points out that the biggest sources, like regular soft drinks and sweets, are pretty obvious. And the U.S. Department of Agriculture has a database for the added sugar in some foods.

To check for added sugar, look for a variety of ingredients including sugar, corn syrup, fructose, dextrose, molasses or evaporated cane juice on the label.

The heart group didn't recommend general limits for added sugar for children; a national health survey has shown that boys ages 14 to 18 consume an eye-popping 34 teaspoons of added sugar a day.

Sandon said that parents can help lower that sugar intake by getting soda out of the house, looking at how much sugar is in their kids' cereal and substituting snacks like cookies with popcorn.

Johnson concedes that sugar does play an important role in enhancing the taste of food, adding: "If you feel like, 'I just can't live with this low amount of sugar in my diet,' then what you need to do is up your energy needs."

In other words, she said, get moving. A man in his early 20s who walks more than three miles a day could consume about 288 calories, or about 18 teaspoons, of added sugar.

The statement says data indicates added sugar is contributing to Americans consuming too many discretionary calories — the number of calories remaining after a person eats the foods needed to meet nutrient requirements.

"We know for sure that if you are consuming excessive amounts of added sugar, you will add calories, which leads to weight gain , or you will displace other essential nutrients ," she said.

On average, most women need about 1,800 calories a day and most men need about 2,200, Johnson said.

If someone drinks their daily calorie needs in soft drinks , they will be maintaining their weight, but won't be getting any nutrients, she said.

Wahida Karmally, nutrition director at Columbia University's Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, said that with these guidelines, it's important to remember overall moderation. Some people, for instance, might be doing fine in their sugar consumption but are overdoing it on fat.

"I don't want people to go back thinking if I just cut back on teaspoons of sugar I'm going to be very healthy," she said.
On the Net:
American Heart Association:

U.S. Department of Agriculture's database listing added sugars in certain foods:

Tuesday 090825


Hang Power Snatch
80% of 1RM x2 x5

Then "Mini" MetCon

10-KB Swings
10-Ring Push-up
10-Box Jumps

Here's last year's TitanFit FGB (Fight Gone Bad)...

Monday 090824


90% of Friday 090731's effort
x2 x6

"Mini MetCon"
10 rounds of "Cindy"

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090731

Sunday 090823


Saturday 090822

Work on Weakness!

If you don't like it, do it today! For me that means a long run...

Friday 090821


For time:
800M Run/1000M row then...
5 Rounds:
10 - SDHP (Guys use 95# and Ladies use 65#)
10 - Ring Dips
10 - Ab Mat Sit-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 071117

Thursday 090820


As we had no takers on 090810, I have reposted "Karen"!
150 - Wall Ball Shots

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090810

Wednesday 090819

What your favorite 4-letter word that starts with "F"? If you are a CrossFit'er it is undoubtedly "FRAN"!


(Rain WOD)
5 rounds of:
9 - 95 lbs Thrusters
9 - Pull-ups

(No Rain WOD)
7 rounds of:
5 - 95 lbs Power Snatches
200m Run

Hey TitanFit'ers...are you interested in improving your rowing abilities? Caitlin, of the IRC ( and a recent visitor to TitanFit, is teaching a "learn to erg class" at IRC.

The class runs October 19 - November 11, Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30-8 p.m. There is a discount for TitanFit members. If you are interested and need more information, we will provide her contact information.

Tuesday 090818

OK gang....

My bad as I have not yet posted info on this year's Fight Gone Bad Fund Raiser...Fight Gone Bad IV takes place on Saturday, September 26, 2009.

The event can take place at Affiliate facilities between 6am and 4pm. The event format is the Fight Gone Bad CrossFit format. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The event is in the 3 round format.

The stations are:
Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo dead lift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)

NOW YOU KNOW! More info on TitanFit's entry soon to come!

Dead Lift
80% of 1RM x5, x4, x3, x2, x1 (add 5 lbs to 090707's effort)

"Mini MetCon"

Tabata Row!

Monday 090817

Over Head Lunges


Rack Jerk:

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090714

"Linda" for those that are ADVENTURES!

Sunday 090816


Well not really. We are doing a 20 - 30 mile bike ride in the morning. If you are interested, we are meeting in Avon. Give a call to join in!

Saturday 090815

Team WOD!

Friday 090814


Work up to:
Clean & Jerk - 80% (of 1RM) x1 x6


"Mini" MetCon

15-10-5 reps for time:
Box jump (Tall)

Study: Weightlifting helps breast cancer survivors
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer Marilynn Marchione, Ap Medical Writer
Thu Aug 13, 2:08 am ET

Breast cancer survivors have been getting bum advice. For decades, many doctors warned that lifting weights or even heavy groceries could cause painful arm swelling. New research shows that weight training actually helps prevent this problem.

"How many generations of women have been told to avoid lifting heavy objects?" Dr. Eric Winer, breast cancer chief at the Dana-Farber Cancer Center in Boston, lamented after seeing the surprising results of the new study. "Women who were doing the lifting actually had fewer arm problems because they had better muscle tone."

The study was led by Kathryn Schmitz, an exercise scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the federal government. Results are in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.

More than 2.4 million Americans are breast cancer survivors, and the study could mean a big difference in their quality of life. Cancer treatment-related arm swelling now appears to be one of many ailments made better by exercise — not worse, Schmitz said.

"Fifty years ago we told people who had a heart attack not to exercise anymore," and people with sore backs to heal with bed rest, Schmitz said. "It was well-meaning advice but it was polar opposite of the truth."

Women who have had radiation to the armpit, or lymph nodes removed to check for cancer, can suffer lymphedema — a buildup of fluids that causes painful and unsightly swelling of the arms or hands.

To avoid it, doctors have advised women to avoid using the affected arm to lift toddlers, carry a heavy purse or scrub floors. Even activities like golf and tennis raised concern.

Women think, "Oh, my God, I need to baby the arm," Schmitz said.

Lifting weights — which boosts mood, muscle mass, bone strength and weight control — was thought to be a bad idea for women prone to lymphedema.

Schmitz challenged that notion with a small study several years ago, finding that weight training did not make lymphedema worse. Her new study is the first one large and long enough to give clear proof that this is so, and even suggests that weightlifting can help.

It involved 141 breast cancer survivors who had suffered lymphedema. Half were told not to change their exercise habits. The rest were given 90-minute weightlifting classes twice a week for 13 weeks at community gyms, mostly YMCAs.

They wore a custom-fitted compression garment on the affected arm and gradually worked up to more challenging weights and repetitions. For the next 39 weeks, they continued these exercises on their own.

The women's arms were measured monthly. After one year, fewer weightlifters had suffered lymphedema flare-ups — 14 percent versus 29 percent of the others. Weightlifters reported fewer symptoms and greater strength. Rates of change in arm size due to swelling were similar in both groups.

"I found it was really very effective. It not only gave me strength and mobility but it improved my balance and coordination," said one participant, Clare Faber, 66, of suburban Philadelphia. "It really does offer women hope."

Another participant, Gay McArthur, 56, of Smithfield, N.J., has continued weightlifting on her own since the study ended.

"When I first got diagnosed with lymphedema, they said I couldn't lift more than five pounds," she said. But weight training caused no problems and has made her feel better, she said.

It also should save money, though the study did not measure this, Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, wrote in an editorial in the medical journal. In the study, the group of weightlifters made only 77 visits to doctors or physical therapists for lymphedema flare-ups versus 195 visits for the others, she noted.

Another part of the study is evaluating whether weight training can prevent a first case of lymphedema in breast cancer survivors; results are expected soon, Schmitz said.

Breast cancer survivors should not rush into weight training — that could trigger problems. Schmitz suggests:

_Have a certified fitness professional teach you how to do the exercises properly.

_Start slow, with a program that gradually progresses.

_Wear a well-fitting compression garment during workouts.

On the Net:

New England Journal:

Lymphedema advice: