photo from
Do you remember a few years a go when vibrating exercise equipment received press for improving stamina, blurred vision, building muscle and improving health? Well, it is with a great deal of sadness that I must report scientist at the Mayo Clinic have concluded that there is no evidence that whole body vibration provides and fitness benefits. I better cancel the orders TitanFit has placed (tongue firmly planted in cheek)
Manufacturers of vibrating platforms claim that training sessions of only a few minutes twice a week can produce measurable effects. How can this be? How can merely standing still while your body shakes be effective?
I must admit after completing workout like Fran or Linda my whole body does indeed shake, but that's another thing all together, I think.
Check out our new site.
Saturday 071201
Posted by TitanFit at 22:41 2 comments
Friday 071130
Last day of the month, it's a nice time to see where we are strength wise...
CFT (CrossFit Total) find your 1RM on:
The following link provides a nice description of the how to and "rules" for CFT.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 071023
Posted by TitanFit at 20:22 1 comments
Labels: Back Squat, CFT, Dead Lift, Press, Squats
Thursday 071129
Workout (A) (AKA - BLAME CHRIS)
For time:
21, 15, 9 of
30 lbs DB Snatch (each arm)
For those that have completed this workout, we also offer
Workout (B)
For time:
Run 400m
21 - KBS (M use 53 lbs and W use 35 lbs)
12 - Pull Ups
Row 500m
15 - Deadlifts (M use 225 lbs and W use 165 lbs)
Run 400m
30 - Thrusters (M use 45 lbs and W use 30 lbs)
30 - 20 inch Box Jumps
Row 500m
15 - OHS (M use 95 lbs and W use 65 lbs)
Chose A or B...Post times to comments sections. Tomorrow is CFT, so get your mind right!
Have you seen the recent study that suggests, women with "hourglass" figures, are smarter and have smarter children? The research scientists at the Universities of Pittsburgh and California, Santa Barbara, used data from a study of 16,000 women and girls, which collected details of their body measurements and their scores in cognitive tests. The report reads, that those with waists smaller than hips, with the ideal ratio being between 0.6 and 0.7., scored higher on cognitive test.
Here's a link to the story.
First Annual TitanFit'ympics
I find it is easier to train if there is a goal (other than health) in mind. To that end, and because we need something to do the morning of the Super Bowl, TitanFit will hold its inaugural competition.
The contest starts at noon February 3, 2008 and the events are:
- Pull-ups
- Air Squats
- Push-ups
- 500M row
There is a division for men and women. As a contestant, you can compete in any or all 4 events.
Pull-ups – The contestants can use any grip (e.g. overhand, underhand, mixed). The Pull-ups must be full range of motion [e.g. from full hang (no bent elbows) to chin over the top of the bar]. The count starts with the first Pull-up and ends when the contestant is unable to get their chin over the bar. Each contestant can use chalk, but can not use straps, gloves or any other device(s) that aid in grip. The contestant with the highest number of repetitions is the winner. The judge, that’s me, will perform the official count and my judgment is final!
Air Squats – Each contestant will squat to a TitanFit provided Dynamax medicine ball. For each repetition to count, the contestant’s bottom must touch the ball. The count starts with the first repetition that touches the ball and ends when the contestant is unable to perform additional repetitions, if 2 consecutive repetitions do not touch the ball and or if there is a 3 second or more delay between consecutive repetitions (the air squats are to be a continuous movement).
Push-ups – Each contestant will perform full push-ups (e.g. full plane/plank position, knee push-ups are not allowed hips must be in-line with shoulders). For each repetition to count, the contestant’s chest must touch a TitanFit provided contact point that will be 2-3 inches off the ground. The count starts with the first repetition and ends when the contestant can no longer perform a repetition or when any part of their body (other than feet and hands) touch the ground.
500M Row - Each contestant will row on the TitanFit provided Concept II rowing machine. The contestant that rows the fastest 500M will be declared the winner.
More info to come!
Posted by TitanFit at 15:07 1 comments
Wednesday 071128
21-15-9 reps of:
135 lbs Cleans
Ring dips
Scale this one if 135 lbs is too heavy. If you do not have access to rings, do a 3 for 1 "regular" dips or 4 to 1 "bench" dips for each ring dip...
I have no idea why they were laughing. Maybe the workouts are not hard enough! OK boys we'll see you in the next picture...
Posted by TitanFit at 22:46 1 comments
Tuesday 071127
A courageous high school student in Ohio, Claire Markwardt, sustained a broken tibia in the final few meters of the Ohio State cross country meet two weeks ago. As not to let down her team, she crawled to the finish line.
Managing to finish 67th overall, she helped her team to a fourth-place finish in the team standings. "She said she heard it crack about three times while she was running," Berkshire coach Julie Cole said. "When she tried to do her final kick there, it just gave out on her. The senior crawled the last 15 meters and was the Badgers' fifth scorer.
The scene is capture in the YouTube video below at about 1:40 into the video. It is shocking to see her fall in pain. I do not want my, your or any one's daughter to injure themselves, but I hope we all learn to compete with a will to win!
Claire is now one of my heroes!
Posted by TitanFit at 17:08 3 comments
Labels: VID
Monday 071126
85% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3 - x3
If you were successful in all 9 sets during your last DL 85% session, add 10-20 lbs and give it a go.
Posted by TitanFit at 08:42 3 comments
Labels: Dead Lift
Sunday 071125
For time:
1000M Row/800M Run then
10 rounds for time of:
4- 45 lbs hang barbell snatch
4- 45 lbs Overhead squat
4- 45 lbs Overhead lunge
20 - Sit-ups
Remember to pull with your elbows out, catch the snatch as low as possible and keep your shoulders engaged throughout the SN, OHS and OHL.
Posted by TitanFit at 04:51 1 comments
Saturday 071124
For time:
12 - Thrusters*
12 - Pull-ups
*Gents use 135 lbs, 115 lbs or 95 lbs. Ladies use 75 lbs, 65 lbs, 45 lbs or 15 lbs. Pick a weight that is a challenge (e.g. if you normally do Fran with 95 lbs or 45 lbs, add some weight so your next Fran will be easier).
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) suggests that friends have an even more important effect on a person's risk of obesity than genes do! Link to the article below:
An excerpt from the articles reads:
The authors observed that when two persons perceived each other as friends, if one friend became obese during a given time interval, the other friend's chances of following suit increased by 171%. Among pairs of adult siblings, if one sibling became obese, the chance that the other would become obese increased by 40%. The results of this study also indicate that obesity is clustered in communities. For example, the risk that the friend of a friend of an obese person would be obese was about 20% higher in the observed network than in a random network; this effect vanished only by the fourth degree of separation.
Post times, weights used and thought of the article in the comments section.
Posted by TitanFit at 22:39 2 comments
Thursday 071122
Happy Thanksgiving!
Do it when everyone else is eating desert
5 Rounds for time:
20 Pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
This should be a quick one for ya'. If you workout today and your buddy does not, you're a day up!
Remember to be thankful.
Wednesday 071121
Clean and Jerk: work up to 80% x1, 70% x1, 83% x1, 73% x1, 85% x1, 75% x1, 88% x1, 75% x1 notice the wave?
When complete, do FS (you are already warmed up) @ 80%-85% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3.
Have you heard about
There are 50 vocab levels to master...I keep trying to raise my score bit by bit, but currently, I am stuck on level 40.
To play:
- Click on the answer that best defines the word.
- If you get it right, you get a harder word. If wrong, you get an easier word.
- For each word you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program.
If you have some free time and want to see how profuse your vocabulary is - while donating food, give it a shot.
Post vocab level and weights in comments section...
Posted by TitanFit at 13:07 3 comments
Labels: Clean and Jerk
Tuesday 071120
OHS - find your 1RM
I will do 95 x10 x2, 135 x8, 205 x5, 225 x2, 1 x max, 1 x max
Rest 5 minutes then:
500M Row x 3 @ sub 2:00 minute pace with 3 minute rest. Last effort go for PR.
JB at lockout w/ BWT OHS
Those of you, like me, that started working out in globo gyms in the 80's will find the following very familiar... it was posted by hyperfitUSA - A CrossFit affiliate in in Ann Arbor MI. Enjoy!Posted by TitanFit at 21:57 5 comments
Labels: 500M Row, Mini MetCon, OHS, Rowing, VID
Monday 071119
Check out this video - Rob Smith, broke the world record in a 500m row with a time of 1:15.9! When you watch the video, notice how calm and relaxed he is. He maintains his composure and form through the entire piece, in spite of the incredible difficulty of each stroke...and I was happy with my 1:33.
Posted by TitanFit at 09:13 2 comments
Labels: VID
Sunday 071118
Yesterday JB and I were talking before the workout. I said I was going to post FGB today - he said we should do Filthy Fifty. When I woke up this morning, I discovered the CrossFit gods answered JB's prayers. BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU WISH FOR!
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (35 lbs)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (or 45 lbs Thrusters)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Scale this please. For some 50% of this workout will be more than enough. Although I want you to scale, I also want you to finish. There’s nothing like completing a task that you felt was impossible. If you pick 10, 25, 30 or 50 of each…FINISH. You will be better for the effort. Trust me!
Saturday 071117
For time:
800M Run/1000M row then...
5 Rounds:
10 - SDHP (Guys use 95# and Ladies use 65#)
10 - Ring Dips
10 - Ab Mat Sit-ups
The ring dips can be "normal", jumping, or we can revert to ring push-ups...
Kurt does not like ring dips...
Lately I have received a few questions on how to perform a kipping pull-up. Check out the following to get a better understanding casue at 265 lbs I'm not a lot of help.
Friday 071116
For time:
750M Row
30 - 45 lbs Thrusters
10 - Pull-ups
20 - 35 lbs KB Swings
Thursday 071115
As I preach the gospel of TitanFit/CrossFit, I often get the "I don't want big bulky muscles" response from women. STOP IT! My response is, has been and will always be - women need to build muscle MORE than men!
The following is an excerpt from an article entitled Strong, Lean and Happy - Why every woman should strength train.
By Selene Yeager, Prevention
the link for the article is:>1=10514
Strength training works because making muscles fires up your metabolism and keeps your body running at its fat-burning best. (This is why many men can toss down a bucket of wings and a pitcher of beer without a worry about weight gain — they naturally have more muscle.) Every pound of muscle on your body burns between 30 and 50 calories a day — even when you're sleeping. Every pound of fat burns only two to five calories. Women often blame their weight problems on sluggish metabolisms when what's really to blame is their lack of muscle.
Unless you start strength training, the problem only gets worse. As we get older, we naturally lose some of our muscle mass. Starting somewhere after age 35, women start losing about a half-pound of muscle a year. By the time we are 50, that can jump to up to a pound loss each year. That's why women in their late 30s and 40s often complain that even though they are not eating or exercising differently, they are still gaining weight — they are literally losing metabolism-revving muscle.
The good news is that you can stop early midlife fat spread in its tracks just by adding a little muscle. Researchers at Tufts University in Massachusetts found that people who strength trained for 12 weeks and increased their muscle mass by just 3 pounds could eat 15 percent more calories — that's about 300 calories (the amount in two slices of cheese pizza!) a day for an average woman — without gaining an ounce. Even better, they also lost fat pounds in the process.Over time, these muscle-metabolism gains can add up to major fat losses.
OK, enough words, like they say, a picture speak a thousand words...
Real women (Not models types) doing real pull-ups
95 lbs OHS
showing the benefits of squats
OK, next time you go to the gym, bypass the stationary bikes and elliptical - with its never seen in everyday life motion. Bypass the spin class, juice bar and cardio theatre. Bypass the "toning" classes, turn off America's Top Model, those darn reality shows and whatever they are showing on HGTV. Pick up a barbell.
If you are new to lifting, unsure where and how to start, Come to TitanFit or find a CrossFit affiliate (we're world wide, check the affiliate link on the left border of this page) and start to get really fit.
Photos courtesy of (
Posted by TitanFit at 13:46 0 comments
Wednesday 071114
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight
Set up three bars and storm through for time
Linda is a daunting workout. My first attempt took over an hour. SCALE this baby especially if it is your first attempt. There are several ways to scale this workout. One can do just the even reps and or lower the percentages of your body weight used for each lift.
One of the tricks I use is to remind myself that after I complete the round of 8, I am half way done. Post time and weights used to the comments section.
CW Squat Clean
Posted by TitanFit at 23:19 5 comments
Labels: Bench Press, Cleans, Dead Lift, Linda
Tuesday 071113
Power Snatch + OHS @ 70%* x1 x5
Power Clean + FS @ 70%* x1 x5
Rest 5 Mins
40 - AB Mat Sit-ups
30 - Squats
20 - Push-ups
10 - Pull-ups
*70% or your 1RM
Yesterday I read an article on-line entitled - 5 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight. It was adapted from The TNT Diet, the revolutionary guide to transforming your body — and your life, written by Jeff Volek, PH.D., R.D., & Adam Campbell, M.S., C.S.C.S., Men's Health
It lists the five mistakes that many people make as:
- Following Bad Advice
Sometimes the government goofs. In late 1970s, the United States began advocating a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. In the early 1970s, the average daily energy intake was 2,450 calories. By the year 2000, that number had risen to 2,618. Almost all of those extra calories came from carbohydrates, according to the Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES). - You Eat Fat-Free Foods
Warning: Low-fat foods may make you fat. Cornell University researchers reported that when overweight men and women were told they were eating low-fat M&Ms, they consumed 47 percent more calories than those who were given regular M&Ms (the M&Ms were actually all the same). On average, low-fat foods contain 59 percent less fat, but only 15 percent fewer calories than full-fat products. - You (Still) Don't Eat Breakfast
Sure, you've heard this one before. But it's important: Researchers at the University of Massachusetts found that people who don't eat breakfast are nearly five times more likely to be obese than those who make it an everyday habit. That's because if you sleep for 6 to 8 hours, and then skip breakfast, your body is running on fumes by the time you get to work. And that sends you desperately seeking sugar, which happens to be easy to find. - You're Eating Too Much Sugar
You've stopped drinking regular soda? Great, but your diet is probably still filled with the sweet stuff. Check the label of your breakfast cereal. Some products marketed as healthy are packed with sugar. Case in point: Kellogg's Smart Start Health Heart cereal contains more sugar per serving — 17 grams — than a serving of Froot Loops. The problem: Sugar raises your blood levels of insulin, a hormone that signals your body to stop burning — and start storing fat.
You Don't Lift Weights
In a study at the University of Connecticut, we put overweight men on a 1,500-calorie-a-day diet, and divided them into three groups — one that didn't exercise, another that performed aerobic exercise 3 days a week, and a third that did both aerobic exercise and weight training. Each group lost almost the same amount of weight — about 21 pounds. But the lifters shed 5 more pounds of fat than those who didn't pump iron. Why? Their weight loss was almost pure fat, while the other two groups lost just 15 pounds of lard, along with several pounds of muscle.
The article advises: Make three total-body weight training sessions a week a non-negotiable part of your weight loss plan. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that lost muscle is replaced by fat over time. This not only makes you look flabby, but it also increases your pants size — even if you somehow manage to keep your scale-weight the same. The reason: Each pound of fat takes up 18 percent more space on your body than each pound of muscle.
We all know those that say, "I'm the same weight I was in high school, so I don't need to workout." I hate scales, they lie. If you are using a scale to judge your level of fitness, you are making a mistake. Being fit comes in all shapes and sizes. Based on the insurance charts I am obese. I have friends that are in the "normal" range that can not run, lift things off the ground or lift things over their heads.
Those "normal" range friends always call me when they want/need something moved or a jar opened. OK, kidding about the jar thing, but you know what I mean. Being fit is not a number on the scale. How do your clothes fit? Are you out of breath climbing stairs (or do you avoid stair whenever, wherever possible)?
Get Fit. Do CrossFit!
Monday 071112
Happy Veteran's Day!
3M run or 7k Row
Yes, I know they are not the same distances - I am encouraging you to run.
As the 3 on 1 off does not always fit real life schedules, a few member came in yesterday and DL'ed for 1RM and finished the workout with 5 sets of:
500M rows with negative splits (each row needed to be faster than the proceeding row or a
500M row penalty)
25 ring push-ups
C Dub got a PR on DL and JB rowed 1:40 for his last 500M split. Maybe I should workout on my off day too!
JB's socks allowed him to row faster!
Posted by TitanFit at 21:57 4 comments
Labels: 3M Run, Rowing, Run - mid distance
Sunday 071111
Posted by TitanFit at 00:26 0 comments
Saturday 071110
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
1 round per minute is the close will you get? Make sure you do "legit" push-ups (e.g chest, and thighs touching the deck...see photo)
Eva T. performing a "legit" push-up
Photo courtesy of (
Friday 071109
5 Rounds for time of:
500M Row or 400M Run
30 - 24 Inch Box jump
30 - 45 lbs Thrusters
I have NEVER (only tried once) finished this workout. Remember to scale. Use a lower box or a lighter weight for the thrusters, walk if you have to...but by all means, FINISH. You will be better for doing so.
post times and weights to the comments section.
JB with an easy jump
Welcome CW...nice workout choice for your first time with us.
Thursday 071108
I am now that guy in the neighborhood - the one that we all avoid making eye contact with. I am that guy as I ask each person that passes the house to come in for a workout. Yesterday one of my neighbors mentioned he would like to start with us, but the workouts seem a bit tough for his current level of fitness.
One of the best things about CrossFit is the workouts are scalable. Many are unable to initially do the workouts as prescribed. That is not a problem, use less weight. Today's workout, for instance, calls for 95 lbs Overhead Squats. If 95 lbs is too much (and for many it is) lower the weight. Use 65 lbs, 45 lbs or even good old PVC. Complete the prescribed number of repetitions and note the weight used. Once you are able to complete the repetitions at the lower weight, use a little bit more the next time.
If you are unable to do the prescribed number of pull-ups (again using today's workout as an example) do as many "regular" pull-ups as you can and complete the workout with jumping pull-ups. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you don't impose limits before you start.
For time:
95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups
JB at lockout with 95 lbs OHS
Posted by TitanFit at 08:49 1 comments
Wednesday 071107
It must be a luck day with the 11 surrounded by the 7's...
A few days ago I felt a little twinge in my lower back while dead lifting. The "twinge" occurred because I rushed my workout trying to get it done before any member arrived. I'm fine, thanks for asking, but it reinforces the need for good mechanics and form for everyone.
Because of the "twinge" I spent some time in bed watching TV. Got to love TV, but that story is for another time and another place. Anyway, while letting my brain and back rest, I saw a home gym infomercial. "Pumped arms. Ripped abs. Legs of steel," it said. "Twelve pounds of muscle in six weeks," and "Results are easy, with just one simple workout, 20 minutes a day, three times a week." All for $25 a month.
The New York Times reported that this little home gym company spent $16 million for paid programming on national cable channels in 2005 - more than any other company spent on a piece of home exercise equipment. Their source was the Infomercial Monitoring Service.
As a former Marketeer, I love this infomercial. It is clear and simple. Like all commercials the more the message touts a huge difference the less likely there is a difference. Think about the cola wars, lite (or light) beer, plasma TV, flame broiled versus frying and the like. The more they spend telling you about how they are better, the more likely they are the same as their competitors.
Think about the CrossFit model. We don't have commercials. We say try it and if you like it keep coming. OK, truth be told we do have business cards and we are in the process of ordering t-shirts, but that's about it as far as advertising goes. This CrossFit thing is a grassroots movement. We are people that are interested in being fit over having ripped whatever. No special bikes or treadmills, just a barbell and your willingness to put forth the effort.
More to the point, what the infomercial does not say - but the manufacture of the home gym's literature does is, for maximum fat loss, (while using this equipment) one needs to stick to a daily diet of 1,500 calories. I think I had that many calories today at lunch, but again that's another story for another time and place.
Nor does the infomercial mention that to get their satisfaction guarantee refund, one needs to disassemble the equipment, pack it into its original boxes and pay for its shipment back to the manufacture. With CrossFit, the satisfaction guarantee is based on how hard you are willing to work. Like in life, one gets the results they work for. If CrossFit is not meeting your needs, you are free to go back to the big box gyms.
All in all, I think I will stick with CrossFit. My fitness gains have been steady and measurable. I may not have achieved the pumped arms, ripped abs, blah, blah, blah as outlined in the infomercial, but I do have real fitness. Fitness that will last a lifetime. I can lift things over my head. I can lift things off the ground. I am more flexible, agile and have more stamina that I did 10 years ago.
While not an infomercial, check out what the LA Times said about CrossFit...“The regimens are short and brutal, replacing ordinary weight lifting and steady-state aerobic training with mixed-up, amped-up, double-espresso workouts that leave you reeling — and quickly begin melting fat, building muscle, increasing flexibility and giving you measurable increases in both aerobic capacity and strength.”
-The Los Angeles Times
OK, it is time for me to turn off the TV and grab a barbell. How about you? Are you looking for "fool's gold", the quick fix, or are you willing to work hard and have a life changing experience? Do what you will, but to paraphrase, The CrossFit Revolution Will Not Be Televised!
Come to Indy's most personal training facility and discover what Mo' Better Fitness is all about.
Posted by TitanFit at 15:21 0 comments
Tuesday 071106
For time:
30 - Ring Push-ups
25 - Squats
20 - Pull-ups
15 - 65 lbs Thrusters
10 - 24 inch Box Jumps
Posted by TitanFit at 20:55 0 comments
Labels: Box Jumps, Pull-ups, Ring Push-ups, Rowing, Squats, Thrusters
Monday 011105
For time:
3 times
20 - 24 Inch Box Jumps
20 - 53 lbs KB Swings
20 - 53 lbs SDLHP
For this workout all you'll need is a 24 inch box and a 53 lbs KB...
Posted by TitanFit at 13:26 0 comments
Sunday 071104
HealthLift (AKA) Dead Lift
Today we will find a 1RM. To get there we will do: reps of 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1
I KNOW you have seen it before, but pay attention to the starting point of the bar for each lifter. At the start, the bar needs to be close to your shins (think mid foot), hips lower than you shoulders and your shoulders over, not behind, the bar.
Posted by TitanFit at 16:39 1 comments
Saturday 071103
Finally a use for the treadmill!
Posted by TitanFit at 22:41 0 comments
Labels: VID
Friday 071102
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 M/500M row
21 - 24 k KB swings (or 55 lbs dumbbell swing)
12 - Pull-ups
You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that can not do 50+ lbs KB swings need to use less and if you can not do full pull-ups, jumping pull-ups are allowed.
Compare to 070912:
Here's a YouTube Video of some of the CrossFit trainers @ CF HQ workin' Helen
As winter approaches, we will complete a named workout at least once in a 7 day cycle. I know that means they are more likely to repeat over the next 4 months, but I see that as an opportunity for us to improve our times and or the amount of weight we get to throw around.
Thursday 071101
Wow a new month already...
FS (Front Squats)
85% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3 - x3
If you were successful in all 9 sets during your last FS session, add 10 lbs and give it a go.
Posted by TitanFit at 08:25 0 comments
Labels: Front Squats