4 mile run or 8k row (yes I know they are not equal, but I want you to run...I will so you should too!)
Check out the following link (thanks KF)...
an excerpt from the article reads:
Comparing CrossFit to most gym workouts is like watching the training sequence in “Rocky IV.” Rocky is getting ready to fight the Russian, Ivan Drago. Drago’s got the latest, greatest, most high-tech equipment and a team of clipboard-wielding exercise scientists at his disposal. Rocky has an old wagon, a ton of snow, and a drunk guy puffing on a cigar. With CrossFit you are Rocky — not Ivan — only without the drunk guy (unless I have been on a bender)or the wagon.
Check out our new site.
Tuesday 080101
Posted by TitanFit at 19:52 0 comments
Labels: Rowing, Run - mid distance
Monday 071231
"Elizabeth "
For time:
135 lbs Clean
Ring Dips
The sub for ring dips is 4/1 bench dips, 3/1 bar dips or 2/1 jumping ring dips.
Posted by TitanFit at 14:32 1 comments
Sunday 071230
5 rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
50 Squats (air squats)
30 Back extensions
This one is courtesy of HQ's site.
Posted by TitanFit at 01:24 0 comments
Saturday 071229
Everyone seems to do a "best of'" as the year ends. The following are some of my favorite images posted on TitanFit in 2007!
CD with a new DL PR! (with paint fumes in the air)
JB after saying we needed harder workouts
Notice a trend?
JB with a BWT OHS!
MM during the Get-up/Lunge workout. No lie, during the workout she said "this sucks!"
KF after one of the Tabata sessions
The Sunday Crew
Just because!
Cause I still can't do a proper push-up
Posted by TitanFit at 20:57 0 comments
Friday 071228
As the New Year approaches, we get the inevitable questions about working out (e.g. is CrossFit too hard? I have not worked out in X years, is CrossFit for me? and If I lift weights, won't I get big bulky man-like muscles?) I laugh a lot at that last one. I have worked out for years trying to get big bulky man-like muscles to no avail - but I digress.
TitanFit and its CrossFit based workouts is the answers to your questions. At TitanFit we provide REAL hands-on personal training with each session. We are here to assist you in becoming better athletes - there is one in each of us!
Check out the following link...the Nave Seals use CrossFit, maybe you should to.
After writing that line, I thought of those that say I do not need/want to be as fit as a Navy Seal - I just want to be fit. Aha, that is the secret. Truly, honestly, deep down, there is really only one (1) kind of fit. Fit or un-fit, in reality. The difference between us and the Nave Seals is not a desire for fit or un-fit but the degree of how fit.
OK, let me try again. CrossFit will get you fit. It can be scaled up to the needs of the elite (e.g. FBI Agents, Navy Seals, or can be scaled down to the needs of those like me that are middle managers.
an excerpt from the site reads:
In every category of training, SEALs operate at the razor sharp tip of the spear. This is why only the best training methods are used to develop and equip America’s elite.
In the last few years, a growing insurgency of the program CrossFit® has emerged as the preeminent strength and conditioning program for many SEALs, to the extent that it is utilized in every phase of BUD/S and SQT, and within the SEAL Teams as an integral component of the PT program.
The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We use the same routines for individuals seeking to get into shape for the first time, as elite athletes or warriors prior to an event or combat. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs. The needs of veteran SEAL Operators and BUD/S wannabes differ by degree not kind. You can find your best fitness from the same regimen.
Getting in shape for the world class Navy SEALs is no walk in the park. However, if you can push yourself to the limit, then the rewards will be great!
For time:
Run 800m
21 Push Ups
12 SDHP (The very strong use 115# and the rest of us use 85#)
Run 400m
21 Push Ups
Run 800m
21 Push Ups
Posted by TitanFit at 19:40 0 comments
Thursday 071227
CFT (CrossFit Total) find your 1RM on:
The following link provides a nice description of the how to and "rules" for CFT
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 071130
Posted by TitanFit at 02:03 1 comments
Labels: Back Squat, CFT, Dead Lift, Press, Squats
Wednesday 071226
For time:
30, 20, 10 reps of
95 lbs - OHS*
Ring Push-ups
The workout looks like 30 OHS, 30 Ring Push-ups, and 30 Pull-ups. Then 20 of each followed by 10 of each.*For OHS, depending on current strength level, use 45, 65 or 95 lbs.
Posted by TitanFit at 11:20 3 comments
Labels: OHS, Pull-ups, Ring Push-ups
Monday 071224
Try SN grip for a change or try elevated. Regardless of your choice, do 5 sets of 2 reps.
Check out this link
It appears (gosh) that the calorie counters on the globo gym's equipment may not be accurate...
An excerpt from the article reads:
Jim Zahniser, a spokesman for Precor, cautions that the company’s machines are not supposed to give the exact number of calories for you. Instead, they are estimates of the calories an average person would burn at that work level. And, the company explains on its Web site, there is no easy way to know whether you are that average person.
Posted by TitanFit at 19:59 5 comments
Labels: Dead Lift
Sunday 071223
Yesterday JB and KF were lamenting how they have not BPed in 6-8 months. So what do we find on HQ's site!
Workout for CFers that OLY
3 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
BWT BP x30
If you are unable to do your BWT for 30 (90) reps, pick a percentage and give it a go.
Workout for Oly CFers (rest 10 minutes between exercises)
Snatch - max for the day
Clean & Jerk - max for the day
Front squat - max for the day
JB while completing "Badger" x3 :95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps, 30 Pull-ups, Run 800 meters and sporting a TitanFit t-shirt!
Posted by TitanFit at 22:04 2 comments
Saturday 071222
Workout (for the Oly CFers)*
Snatch balance – work up to a heavy single. This MIGHT be more than your SN 1RM, don't be surprised
2-position snatch – floor then hang – 60% (of your 1RM) x4 sets
2-position clean + push jerk – floor then hang – 60% x3 sets
3 rounds for time of:
250 M Row sprint
Kipping Pull-ups – near max (stop just short of failure)...for me that's like 3 pull-ups.
Workout (for the CFers that Oly)
For Time:
500M row
BS BWT x15
*Courtesy of the Performance Menu
Posted by TitanFit at 22:28 6 comments
Friday 071221
Today is the first day of Winter. That is GREAT news, as it means Spring is right around the corner.
Posted by TitanFit at 07:08 1 comments
Thursday 071220
For time:
42 - Wall Ball*
21 - Pull-ups
30 - Wall Ball
15 - Pull-ups
18 - Wall Ball
9 - Pull-ups
*20 lbs for the strongest and 12 lbs for the rest of us.
Posted by TitanFit at 08:48 3 comments
Wednesday 071219
Back Squat
80%-85% of 1RM x1, 2, 3, x3
Here KF has Cleaned 110% of his body weight. Pound for pound, he is currently TitanFit's STRONGEST Olympic Full Squat Clean lifter!
Congrats KF!
Posted by TitanFit at 22:17 2 comments
Labels: Back Squat
Tuesday 071218
12 days of Christmas (AKA - Blame Fuller!)
For time:
1 – Burpees
2 - 95 lbs PP
3 - 95 lbs FS
4 - 95 lbs PCLS
5 - 95 lbs DL
6 - Box Jumps
7 - Pull-ups
8 - Push-ups
9 - Ab Mat sit-ups
10 - Get-ups (5 each arm)
11 - 53 lbs KB Swings
12 - A 500M Row
KF at the top of box me, he cried out Bah Humbug! Sorry, I could not help myself.
SW at the end of box jumps...
I have been advised, to really follow the song, the workout needs to be:
1 Burpee
the 2 Dead Lift and 1 Burpee
then 3 Power Cleans, 2 Dead Lifts and 1 Burpee etc.
I have updated the order of events. Thank you Mr. Berg.
Monday 071217
Yesterday I was able to Power Snatch 185 lbs and was satisfied with my effort. Check out the following video of a 198 lbs SINGLE arm snatch. I better re-evaluate my commitment.
Posted by TitanFit at 03:59 2 comments
Labels: VID
Sunday 071216
For time:
5 rounds of
20 - Pull-ups
20 - 35 lbs KB Swings
20 - Ring Push-ups
20 - AB Mat Sit-ups
Now doesn't that sound like fun for a snowy Sunday!
Posted by TitanFit at 08:09 4 comments
Labels: KB Swings, Pull-ups, Ring Push-ups
Saturday 071215
For time:
1oooM Row
21 Thrusters*
21 Pull Ups
750M Row
15 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
500M Row
9 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups
*75 lbs for the very strong and 55 lbs for the rest of us
Posted by TitanFit at 07:59 0 comments
Friday 071214
For time 21-15-9 of:
Burpees (yea burpees!)
OHS - 95 lbs
500M row
Tabata Project
Beam Touch
KF mid Burpees (yea burpees!)
Posted by TitanFit at 07:19 5 comments
Thursday 071213
Yesterday I gleefully read an article about those that are likely to join gyms after the first of the year - you know, the New Years Resolution group. The gist of the article is:
- Exercise is good for all so be happy for those that try
- Most will quit by March as they are not as resolute as they believe
- Part of the downfall is preparation - fitness is new to them so the "traditional" gym is not the best place for them.
find a support network; people who are either at the same fitness level or close to it. Or, if possible, someone who is far more advanced and willing to take them under their chiseled wing. Going at it alone is not easy, and can be rather intimidating to some. Sharing numbers, tips, results, and positive reinforcement with others will help enormously in keeping you on track. This is why it is paramount that you begin forming this network before January 1st, as you do not want to lose focus or time scrambling to organize this support system after the New Year's bell has already rung.
That advise works well in the CrossFit environment, especially here at TitanFit. The hallmark of TitanFit is our hands-on, training. As member have attested, each session at TitanFit is truly a personal training session. We build, scale, enhance each workout to fit your current needs and to help you become a better athlete.
As the New Year approaches, it is likely we will have a few new folks in the fold. Taking that first step is often the most difficult, but being truly fit, fit for a lifetime is what TitanFit is all about.
Posted by TitanFit at 23:00 2 comments
Wednesday 071212
Work up to
Back squat - 80% x3 x3 (80% of your 1RM)
Snatch pull - 90% x 3 (90% of your SN 1RM...think triple extension)
500M row x8 w/ 2:00 minute rest between efforts*
*Shoot for sub 2:00 minutes per 500M efforts.
Posted by TitanFit at 22:15 2 comments
Labels: 500M Row, Back Squat, Rowing
Tuesday 071211
High Hang Clean (stand tall, very little leg movement...thing only shrug and elbows)
1 x5
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
1+1 x3
Do a HHCL then 1 Push Jerk followed by 3 Split Jerks using the same weight. DO NOT LOWER THE WEIGHT TO THE GROUND. Use a weight (65%-70% of your 1RM) that allows you to complete each round with a lot of speed!
1000 meter row
50 - 45 lbs Thruster 45 lbs
30 - Jumping pull-ups
Monday 071210
Over-head x2 x7 (start with Press and through Push-press to Jerk)
Front squat - 80% x3 x5
Tabata Project
KB Swings
Posted by TitanFit at 07:20 2 comments
Labels: Front Squats, OHS
Sunday 071209
Today, Sunday, we will open the doors at 1:00 P.M. versus the normal noon start time.
Recently we (I) broke one of the PVC paralletts that JB made a few months ago (see above - no fat jokes please).
KF was kind enough to make another pair. His remedy, make them of steel. These bad boys weigh a good 8 lbs apiece! I heard KF say, under his breath, try to break these fat boy!
Posted by TitanFit at 20:28 1 comments
Saturday 071208
Olympic Warm-up
Clean Pulls
Work up to 3 sets of 3 reps @ 110% of your Squat Clean 1RM
1000M Row
25 - Air Squats
750M Row
25 - Push-ups
500M Row
25 - Pull-ups
750M Row
25 - 53 lbs KB Swings
100M Row
25 - Lower Back Extensions
Work hard to keep consistent 500M row pace in the 2:00 - 2:15 range.
For those that are working to dial in the Olympic moves...from the performance menu.
Work up to 95-100% or your 1RM in:
Snatch - heavy single
Clean & Jerk - heavy single
Back squat - heavy single
Come on-at least, take the darn stairs!
Posted by TitanFit at 20:44 2 comments
Labels: Rowing
Friday 071207
Olympic Lifting Warm-up
OHS - work up to 70% of 1RM x5 x3
Deadlift 1Rm
Tabata Project
Row for calories
Here are my rows...(yes I will change the date on the rower, just noticed). Note to self, do not do Tabata before heavy lifting!
Post stuff to comments section
Posted by TitanFit at 20:40 7 comments
Thursday 071206
Remember we are incorporating Olympic lifting in each session. Some days it will be the "warm-up", others it will be the main component. Doing so affords us the opportunity to get better and that's really why we do these crazy arse workout anyway, right?
Hang Full Squat Cleans
65% of your 1RM x2 x5
For time:
3 sets of 15 reps of
35 lbs - KB Swings
12 lbs - Wall Ball
Ring Push-ups
35 lbs - SDLHP (use the same KB from the swings)
500M row
CW rockin' the swings...
If you do not have access to bumpers or just not ready to do the Oly warm-up, do 5 sets of the MetCon versus 3. As always, have fun.
Post times, weights, thoughts about the awesome T-shirts Megan designed, who do you think would win in a fight, Superman or Captain America or what ever else you'd like to discuss to the comments section.
Posted by TitanFit at 21:51 5 comments
Labels: 500M Row, Cleans, KB Swings, Ring Push-ups, Wall Ball
Wednesday 071205
T-Shirts are in!
Thanks to Megan for all of her hard work on the design and getting the darn things orders...did I mention they are tagless! Without her, we would be lifting topless...wait a minute!
Stop in and buy a few for your friends and family this holiday season, or order on-line (to order on-line check out the left hand border of this page...
Posted by TitanFit at 20:23 5 comments
Labels: T-Shirts
Tuesday 071204
Fartlek* 10K row/run
Back in my track days this was our typical weekend a mile, sprint to the meter, jog 100M, sprint to the stop light, etc...
As I am rowing vs. running the examples below will reflect rowing...
Today lets do:
Warm up – easy rowing/running for 5 to 10 minutes
- Steady, hard pace (e.g. 2:00 - 2:30 pace @ 500M row) for 1000M
- Slow recovery (e.g. 2:40 pace @ 500M) for about 1000M
- Easy pace (e.g. 2:10-2:40) for 10 minutes with 60 second burst (1:50 pace) every 3 minutes
- Easy pace (e.g. 2:10 - 2:40) for 10 minutes with 10 second burst every minute
- repeat until you finish the 10K.
I like this type workout because I've done it in the past, it helps past the time (I worry about the efforts, intervals vs. the overall time) and it is more like a CrossFit workout vs. steady state running....enjoy!
Posted by TitanFit at 21:58 2 comments
Monday 071203
Work up to 70% of 1RM x2 x10
Clean and Jerk:
Work up to 65% x1(CL)+2(Jerks) x4
The plan is to begin incorporating more Olympic movements in or workouts. Most days we will do a CrossFit type MetCon workout after we "warm-up"/work technique for the Olympic lifts. For our ME days, we will incorporate efforts that will benefit Olympic lifting...that and the whole Tabata Test. It will be fun around here for the next few months!
This workout was designed by Mike's Gym. Mike's Gym is a CrossFit affiliate and is a Regional Training Center for USA Weightlifting
Posted by TitanFit at 11:34 3 comments
Labels: Clean and Jerk, Snatch
Sunday 071202
For time:
Calories - Row
53 lbs KB Swings
45 lbs Thrusters
Do you remember KF and JB all smiles in the picture from 071128? Check out the pics from today!
JB after a session of box jumps
KF hating push-ups...yes these are harder than "normal" push-ups
Tabata Project WOD - Walking Lunges
Megan - 14
Kurt - 17