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Monday 080908

Hey, it is football season, so let us put this one to the test. 53 Push-ups today. You can count the push-ups done during your burpees (yea burpees) toward your total, I know I will.

"Quarter Gone Bad"
Five rounds for total reps of:

135 pound Thruster for 15 seconds

Rest 45 Seconds

50 pound Weighted pull-up for 15 seconds

Rest 45 Seconds

Burpees for 15 seconds

Rest 45 seconds

Of course scale this workout. Shoot for UP TO 50% of BWT (M) / 30% of BWT (F) for the Thrusters and dead-hang pull-ups for scaling purposes

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 080413


TitanFit said...

20 push-ups
QGB for a sad 69 reps

80 push-ups

TitanFit said...

oh yeah, sub 115 for Thrusters, 5 per round and 35 for Pull-ups 5, per round

Kurt T. Fuller said...

Scaled as follows:

95lbs. Thrusters - 8 per Round
Burpees - 7 per Round
35lbs. Pull-ups - 1 per Round

I actually got 2 pull-ups on one round, but I'm not going to count it.

Score = 80