La Paix des ménages. Histoire des violences conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles
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conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles Livre PDF
De Victoria Vanneau
[image: La Paix des mé...
6 years ago
Happy birthday, Jer!
I asked him what workout I should do this morning and he told me Angie. Since it's his birthday, I did it.
100 each of:
- pullups (I'm still a baby and used the pullup assistance machine and had to change the weight twice)
- pushups (all real - no more girl ones for me!)
- situps
- air squats
I finished in 23:47. The pullups took a whopping 9:15 and then the pushups were hard too since my arms are smoked from our pushup challenge. Situps and squats were fine, although I felt a bit like Jerry looks in that last picture after I was done. Overall though, I feel like it was a pretty good workout.
Happy Birthday Jerry!
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