For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M
21 - 24k KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 16k KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups
You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that can not do 50 or 35 lbs+ lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an un-assisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed.
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TITANFIT: Sunday 080817
La Paix des ménages. Histoire des violences conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles
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Ebooks libres et gratuits La Paix des ménages. Histoire des violences
conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles Livre PDF
De Victoria Vanneau
[image: La Paix des mé...
6 years ago
broke the last 2 sets of pull-ups...could be/should be sub 13:00
did HQ!'s WOD...
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
i got 7. SDHP WERE BY FAR the hardest part of this workout. got the first 2 round in 1:55, last 2, 9:00!
Nice job, Herb. That looked like a tough workout.
I did Grace today:
Clean and Jerk #135 x 30 in 6:20.
Also ran a few 400M sprints, best (by far) was 1:09.
Like Kurt, I have had some shoulder soreness. I just finished a 2 week block of more "shoulder-friendly" workouts along with lots of ice and strectching. Today was the first real test and am pleased with the Grace time both because my only other Rx: attempt was about 12 minutes but mostly because the shoulder didn't feel too bad (am icing it right now, in fact).
Should be able to come on Saturday AM, hopefully we can have a good group workout then.
CW was here tonight. i think a group WOD is in the plnas for saturday.
I say no:
BURPEES! (yea Burpees)
CHS - rowing 13:40
SY - rowing 13:50
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