Nice way to finish off the year...
"Fight Gone Bad" - AKA FGB
Three rounds of 1:00 of effort for:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 8 ft target (Reps)
Sumo Dead lift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 080927
Check out our new site.
Wednesday 081231
Posted by TitanFit at 21:41 3 comments
Labels: Box Jumps, FGB, Fight Gone bad, Push Press, Rowing, SDLHP, Wall Ball
Monday 081229
A few more days of following the main page solely. They have posted:
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
If that's not your speed today, we will work on a weakness.
Posted by TitanFit at 16:29 2 comments
Labels: Press, Push Jerk, Push Press
Saturday 081227
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
5 - 95 pound Thruster
7 - 95 pound Hang Powercleans
10 -95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull
95 lbs for the strongest among us, 65 lbs for most and 35 lbs for a few. The idea is to keep moving. Pick a weight that will allow you to move for most of the 20 minutes. If you need to break any of the exercises during the first 5 rounds or so, it is too heavy!
Posted by TitanFit at 22:31 0 comments
Labels: AMRAP, Hang Cleans, Power Cleans, SDLHP, Thrusters
Friday 081226
OK, year end 2008 is rapidly approaching. It, therefore, is time to reflect. I have a few questions:
- Did you have 2008 goals?
- Did TitanFit help you meet those 2008 goals?
- What are your 2009 goals?
- What can we do to ensure you meet those goals?
- What was the hardest WOD for 2008
- Easiest?
- What keeps you coming back?
2009 is an opportunity for all of us to make they diet, number of workouts, types of workouts, treating other better or being the best you that you can be. We are here to help. Stop in and let us know what we can do better and let us know how we can help you get better.
Posted by TitanFit at 20:01 5 comments
Thursday 081225
Ok, are you back at home, or maybe you are having others to your home? Is your brother in-law there, your cousin, that high school friend you have not seen in a while, maybe even your parents (for a scaled version)...tell them one of your presents is a CrossFit workout. It is a gift of fitness that will last a lifetime, after all.
Let them do Angie with you. No special equipment necessary and it will take less than 30 minutes. Then you have the rest of the day to spend with family and maybe you can get another convert.
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Partition the exercises as needed...scale for beginners.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080303
Posted by TitanFit at 22:37 0 comments
Labels: Angie, Pull-ups, Ring Push-ups, Sit-ups, Squats
Wednesday 081224
Back Squat
5 sets of 5 reps @ 80%-85% of your 1RM
DJ, Josh, Sharon and Herb, I see EVA in your NEAR future!
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 081110
Posted by TitanFit at 21:55 3 comments
Labels: Back Squat, Squats
Tuesday 081223
Sunday 081221
Posted by TitanFit at 14:12 0 comments
Labels: Behind The Neck Jerk, Dead Lift, Jerk, Rack Jerk, Split Jerk
Friday 081219
Posted by TitanFit at 08:47 1 comments
Labels: OHS, Snatch Assistance Exercises, Snatch Balance
Wednesday 081217
As tomorrow is a rest day, it's time to break out a Christmas time favorite...
For time:
1 – Burpees
2 - 95 lbs PP
3 - 95 lbs FS
4 - 95 lbs PCLS
5 - 95 lbs DL
6 - Box Jumps
7 - Pull-ups
8 - Push-ups
9 - Ab Mat sit-ups
10 - Air Squats
11 - 53 lbs KB Swings
12 - A 500M Row
So the workout is:
1 Burpee
then 2 Push Press and 1 Burpee
then 3 Front Squats, 2 Push Press and 1 Burpee etc...
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080703
Posted by TitanFit at 11:58 9 comments
Labels: 12 Days of Christmas, 500M Row, Box Jumps, Burpees, Dead Lift, Front Squats, KB Swings, Power Cleans, Pull-ups, Push Press, Push-ups, Sit-ups, Squats
Tuesday 081216
Weighted Pull-ups
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1
Split Jerk
5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 081117
Posted by TitanFit at 23:31 2 comments
Labels: Split Jerk, Weighted pull-ups
Monday 081215
5 rounds for time of:
5 - 275 pound Deadlifts (185 pounds for women) OR 60% of 1RM for those that cannot do 275 lbs
10 - Burpees yea Burpees! (with clap overhead while airborne)
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 080705
Posted by TitanFit at 23:23 5 comments
Sunday 081213
One of the things I like best about CrossFit is the ability to scale. People of different strength and fitness levels can do the same workout. How cool is that? Kelin and Mary, pictured above, did the same workout yesterday. Not only that, the finished within: 30 of one another. I bet there isn’t another sport that the two can be compete in at the same time.
As you rest this Sunday, knowing you are likely to make the New Year's resolution to get in shape...What Is Your Excuse To Wait!
Posted by TitanFit at 23:03 1 comments
Labels: VID
Saturday 081213
10 rounds of:
125M Row with :40 rest
Posted by TitanFit at 09:37 2 comments
Labels: 125M Row
Friday 081212
Band shoulder work is a MUST before this workout!
For time
4 rounds of:
20 - 1-Arm DB Snatch* (10 each arm)
20 - Wall Ball Shots (M20/F12)
*Newbies: 10%-15% of Body Weight
*Middle of the road crowd: 15%-20% of Body Weight
*Advanced: 20%-25% of Body Weight
Posted by TitanFit at 15:08 1 comments
Labels: 1-Arm DB Snatch, Wall Ball
Thursday 081211
Front Squat – 80% of your 1RM x5 x5
"Mini" MetCon
4 - rounds of Tabata
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 081101
Posted by TitanFit at 07:28 1 comments
Labels: Front Squats, Mini MetCon, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Tabata
Tuesday 081209
for time:
5 rounds of
5 - Push Jerk 80% - 85% of your 1RM
10 - Burpees (yea Burpees!)
That 2nd round of push jerk is surprisingly hard. Be prepared.
Posted by TitanFit at 03:36 5 comments
Monday 081208
Clean and Jerk:
Work up to 80% x1, 70% x1, 83% x1, 73% x1, 85% x1, 75% x1, 88% x1, 75% x1 notice the wave?
Compose to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 080907
Row Your Way to Health
Air date: November 23, 2008
OK, so here’s a question for all you fitness enthusiasts out there: "Which athletes have the biggest hearts, the densest bones, the biggest muscles?"
And, the answer? "It’s rowers."
The voice you’re hearing belongs to Benjamin Levin. He’s a cardiologist at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. And he’s interested in exercise that does the most to strengthen the heart. So what’s so special about rowing?
"Rowing is a very unique exercise. It’s kind of like a combination of weight training and endurance training. And the blood pressure goes up really high with each stroke, so it’s a good, solid workout for the heart."
Rowing is such good exercise, in fact, that rowers tend to have the biggest muscles, the densest bones and the biggest hearts. It’s also low impact, which makes rowing a good choice if you have creaky knees or you’re recovering from an injury.
"There’s no pounding; people don’t get injured rowing. So it’s a great exercise for a lot of reasons."
And if you’re looking to lose weight, rowing for thirty minutes burns calories faster than riding a stationary bike for the same amount of time.
So is there any downside to rowing? You do need a rowing machine or access to a large body of water. But most gyms have rowing machines. And you can get a decent home machine for under $200 dollars.
So if you want to get in great shape, or strengthen your heart, or both, rowing just may be the way to go.
I’m Jeremy Shere
This Sound Medicine Checkup is underwritten by IUPUI, where impact is made on our students, our community, our health, and our economy. More information at
Additional Resources:
Read more about the benefits of interval training for building strength and cardio-vascular rehabilitation.
Posted by TitanFit at 13:07 1 comments
Labels: Clean and Jerk, Cleans
Sunday 081207
"Jackie" x 2
For time:
1k Row
50 - 45 lbs Thrusters
30 - Pull-ups
Yes, that's right do it TWICE!
Saturday 081206
12 days of Christmas workout rapidly approaching!
Posted by TitanFit at 19:41 0 comments
Labels: 12 Days of Christmas
Friday 081205
For time:
1K row
21, 15 and 9 of:
DL - 50% of 1 RM
18 inch Box Jumps
Push Press - 50% of 1RM
Posted by TitanFit at 19:38 1 comments
Labels: 1k Row, Box Jumps, Dead Lift, Push Press
Thursday 081204
For time:
Five rounds for time of:
KB walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
KB swing, 15 reps
53 lbs for the very fit, 35 lbs for most of us and 20 lbs for the new folks.
Posted by TitanFit at 07:21 6 comments
Wednesday 081203
For time:
Thruster - 95pounds
Scale this one if necessary. 95 lbs for the strongest, 65 lbs for many and 45 lbs or fewer for those that are new.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080915
Posted by TitanFit at 22:54 1 comments
Tuesday 081202
Happy Birthday Bay! We miss you.
Often I just smile as I read the "latest" fitness research. Recently the Chicago Tribune published an article that first appeared in the Washington Post. It got more than just a smile...
Here's the URL. I have posted the article below.,0,617704.story
Body works out, brain zones out
New study says TV can diminish quality of exercise
By Vicky Hallett The Washington Post November 30, 2008
I'll admit it: The first thought on my mind when I walk into the gym in the morning isn't a game plan for the day's workout. It's how can I snag a treadmill or elliptical near the television tuned to the "Today" show.
My legs are content to stride away as long as my brain is occupied with exclusive interviews and snappy segments. And if Matt Lauer promises something irresistible in the next half-hour, I may go the extra mile—or miles—to stick around and see it.
Habits like mine are why health clubs have gotten into show biz in the past 15 years. Although once upon a time a single TV in a gym would have been a luxury, now it's odd not to find several sets and frequently a bunch of machines with their own personal TVs. Gold's Gym has recently introduced the idea of the "Cardio Cinema," where movies play on a large screen in a darkened room set up like a theater, only with bikes, treadmills and ellipticals instead of cushy seats. Increasingly, gyms are also offering equipment like Expresso Bikes, which have screens that riders can use to watch regular television programming or take a virtual-reality ride through a choice of environments (including outer space!).
If that's what it takes to get the general population moving, Pete McCall, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise, is all for it. "The perception is exercise is work; it makes me sweat," he says. "So if we have to use TVs as a puppy dog, it's a necessary evil."
Diane Whaley, a sports psychologist at the University of Virginia, says there are two goals for exercise: to be enjoyable and effective. And while getting engrossed in television seems to help with the former, it can take away from the latter. "You have to find out what will result in a good workout, not just going through the motions," she says.
Although Costas Karageorghis, a sports psychologist at Brunel University in London, firmly believes that distractions reduce pain during exercise, his groundbreaking investigations of the effect of visual stimulus have him worried that television can be too great a diversion.
"Watching TV while you exercise is such a distraction that it diminishes the quality of exercise. When you combine video with audio, it requires more from your brain," he says.
However, Karageorghis—who orchestrated the live soundtrack of this month's "Run to the Beat" half-marathon in London, where musicians performed along the course—has found that upbeat programming that requires little mental energy could have an "additive effect." He favors comedies, music videos or cartoons over plot-heavy shows that demand extra attention.
"The very best thing would be edited highlights of athletes to inspiring music," he says, offering as an example "I Feel Good" by James Brown coupled with carefully selected Olympic moments. "Highlights are better than a game because you get timeouts or injuries, and those aren't motivational."
The timeouts clearly didn't bother Gwydion Suilebhan, a 40-year-old playwright who was burning up an elliptical at the D.C. location of Results, the Gym, on a recent Saturday while watching the Clemson-Georgia Tech football game.
When he's exercising, he'll seek out any form of athletic competition. He said he got what he calls "the greatest workout of my life" when the U.S. women's soccer team won the World Cup.
"I got on the elliptical partway through the match," Suilebhan recalled. "It was the first soccer game I'd ever watched on television, and I would not get off the machine until the end. At an hour and 15 minutes, I should have been exhausted, but they were running around the field wildly and I was cheering and going.
"Experiences like that happen because TV allows us to disassociate, says Jesse Pittsley, program coordinator of the exercise science program at Winston-Salem State University. He knew a guy who used to set his treadmill to a 7-minute-mile pace while watching football games. Several times a season, he'd cover marathon-length distances.
McCall advises harnessing the rhythms of TV to your advantage. When the commercial comes on, that's when you pick up the speed. "It's the old Chuck Woolery 'two and two,' and then you go easy for five to eight minutes," he says. "That's a good recovery interval.
"Using a large screen also avoids one of the problems of combining TV and exercise: bad biomechanics. Karageorghis fears people watching television lower or raise their chin for a better view of a screen, and McCall reports seeing neck-craning—especially when the TVs were smaller—by exercisers who weren't wearing their glasses.
That's why Equinox, the super-high-end health club chain, avoids personal TV screens in favor of a large bank of plasmas. "We felt that was the wrong posture. You shouldn't be looking down; you should be focused straight ahead," says Chris Carnecchia, general manager of a Virginia location. Besides, adds David Harris, Equinox's national director for training, beyond the postural concerns, personal TVs disrupt what he calls the right "staging" of an exercise environment. "The energy is different. People aren't looking around and learning from other things going on.
"So there are some concerns blocking television's total dominance in gyms. And even though experts believe the trend toward more screens will continue, especially using new interactive technologies to give exercisers more game-like experiences, there's one part of the gym that everyone agrees should stay TV-free: the weight room. Form is crucial when you're lifting, and it takes focus and concentration. Distraction there doesn't mask pain; it creates it.
Posted by TitanFit at 12:51 1 comments