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Sunday 080907

52 Push-ups today (103 for me!)

Clean and Jerk:
Work up to 80% x1, 70% x1, 83% x1, 73% x1, 85% x1, 75% x1, 88% x1, 75% x1 notice the wave?

When complete, do FS (you are already warmed up) @ 80%-85% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080717


Anonymous said...

Herb! You couldn't have taken one more picture so that I could open my eyes a little more? Just kidding. I always take pictures like that. Thanks for the lesson today. I haven't yet, but plan to use a broom like Jerry suggested. Also I thought I'd let you know that I am going to try to catch-up to you guys in push-ups. I plan on getting at least 100 in everyday.

Kurt T. Fuller said...

Chris -

Why don't I just let you take over my push-ups?


JB said...


Let's be fair. He can take over half of you push-ups and half of mine.



Anonymous said...

Did 120 during the second half of the colts game. Tried to do 10 during every commercial break. Not sure that I have the luxury of shairing my push-ups. I mean I still have like 1200 and something to go and now that it's a new day I have even more. Maybe we could start a bid? I'll sell my push-ups. How bout that?

Kurt T. Fuller said...

Or we could all just quit and call it even?

Sampson is probably 3 days behind anyway.


TitanFit said...

no, i'm just 2 days behind.

CG no need to "catch up"...just start on day 2 and finis 50 days after we do. don't kill yourself doing 100+ over the next few days.