Yesterday’s Open House was a great success. We enjoyed talking and sharing fitness with you.
Dr. Rick and I thank our wives and children for their unwavering love and support.
We also thank all of our family and friends (old and new) that joined us yesterday. We hope you had a good time. Those that were not able to join us, we missed you.
Berg, Fouts, Fuller, Smith, Tuttle, et al, thank you for all of your efforts. Thank you for answering questions and encouraging people.
For many of us yesterday was a new look at fitness and how fun working out can be. I know you are a little sore today and tomorrow might not be fun, but hopefully you will take some of yesterday’s concepts to your future fitness endeavors.
Knowing us, we are likely to have an Open House/BBQ this summer. Continue to workout, have fun and continue reading the site.
Again, thank you very much.
Work on a weakness!
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De Victoria Vanneau
[image: La Paix des mé...
6 years ago
I second all of Herb's comments. Yesterday was an awesome open house. It was great having a gym full of new faces all interested in fitness. Many thanks again to Kurt, DJ, Jerry, and also many of our other regular's who did a great job guiding and organizing several excellent group work-outs.
Today Sara set a PR with #185 in the DL. Her form is excellent and I see her final potential being much higher!
Today I did:
DU x 50 (45,4,1)
KTE x 10
Burpee x 10
Run 800M
KTE x 10
Burpee x 10
Run 800
KTE x 10
Burpee x 10
DU x 50 (25,23,1,1 ughhh)
Time 16:41
A real lung-burner.
20 oz coffee
4-diet sodas
4 glasses water
i glass of white wine
1 can of tuna, 2 bolied eggs atop a large salad
spaghetti squash with meat sauce
Congratulations on the grand opening of the new facility.
Herb and TitanFit coaches,
I want to thank you for a great open house and workout (Fight Gone Bad). I had a great time training in your new box. Keep up the great work and coaching.
Congrats on the OH. Looks like a great turnout. Did you say BBQ? My inner carnivore is salivating.
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