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Thursday 090504

Work on rack position and high hang cleans...for tomorrow's workout is Cleans!

3 Rounds
10 - Dead Lift 275 lbs (or 50% of your 1RM)
50 - Double Unders*
*Can't do DUs, try 200M run or 250M row as a sub

What Chain-Food Favorites Cost in Exercise
Posted Mon, Jun 01, 2009, 12:42 pm PDT

My "two scoops won't hurt and neither will these french fries" approach to eating doesn't lend itself well to swimsuit season. Although the beach treks may have begun, there is time to make change. So, let me have it. What's that ice cream going to cost me in workout minutes? To tell us is Charles Stuart Platkin, also known as the Diet Detective. He is the author of five books and and host of WE TV's I Want To Save Your Life. Here is his report on what some of our chain-food favorites should cost us in time spent doing common exercises...

Note: Calorie content of foods are based on official website information at the time of publication. Minutes of exercise are averages based on a 155-pound person. The greater the weight of the person the more calories burned per minute.


Dunkin Donuts Chocolate Frosted Donut (230 calories)
59 minutes of walking (3 mph).


McDonald's Egg McMuffin (300 calories)
32 minutes of running (5 mph).


Panera Chocolate Chipper (440 calories)
62 minutes of biking (10-11.9 mph).


Pizza Hut Large Hand-Tossed Style Cheese Pizza (1 slice; 320 calories)
39 minutes of swimming (slow to moderate laps).


Starbucks Cinnamon Roll (500 calories, varies by location)
85 minutes of dancing.


Burger King Original Whopper With Cheese (770 calories)
94 minutes of swimming (slow to moderate laps).


Au Bon Pain Chocolate Chip Brownie (380 calories).
129 minutes of yoga (Hatha style).


Wendy's Large French Fries (540 calories)
77 minutes of biking (10-11.9 mph).


Häagen-Dazs Vanilla Ice Cream (0.5 cup; 270 calories)
29 minutes of running (5 mph).


Taco Bell Burrito Supreme, Beef (410 calories)
70 minutes of dancing.


Sharon said...

Well, thank God, I don't eat any of those items! How frustrating what the American food industry is doing to us and no one seems to care! That is, execpt the healthcare providers, and they care because they just keep charging us more to fix the problems caused by the food!
Ok, I know, "get off the soap-box"

Anonymous said...

Exactly right Sharon. recent studies indicate we are eating more (everything is SUPER SIZED) and exercising less (I just don't have the time). with HD TV, computers and the like we are outside less. i can not remember the last time i saw kids outside playing.

The best thing about CrossFit, i feel is that (with proper coaching) it is safe, the workouts are short, we scale to your level and it is extremely effective and challenging.

The variety keeps it fresh and its effectiveness is what drove me to CF. i hope more will get drawn to CF. it is not just for the super fit. it can be good for us all. CF to (for) the people!

Josh Tuttle said...

Preach on Crossfit Brethren!!

Kurt T. Fuller said...

As rx'ed.

Time = 7:22

Deadlifts were tough.


Rick R. said...

Nice job, Kurt - I knew you would do well on a workout with DL and DU's!

I did Wednesday's workout today:

Back Squat #180
Ring Dips
Time 5:24

Tabata Row = 7

I also agree completely with the above comments on how poor lifestyle choices in diet and lack of routine exercise are at the core of our current obesity and health care crisis.


Sharon said...

Managed to do 1 DU, eventually will get it!
Did DL and Single JumpRope for 1 Min between each rep

Josh Tuttle said...

BS and Run

135lb BS 21-15-9
w/ 400m runs in between.

Time - 11:30ish