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Thursday 090924

How many ring pull-ups can you do?


90% of 1RM x1 x3

Clean and Jerk
90% of 1RM x1 x3

Add 5 lbs to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090629

1 comment:

Rick R. said...

Kathy and Hans did a very solid Row/Deadlift/10# Weighted Situp WOD tonight.

Then I did a run through for Saturday's FGB:

Wallball #20 10ft (25/24/20)
SDHP #75 Bar (25/22/20)
Push Press #75 Bar (27/18/16)
Box jumps 20" (25/22/22)
Row calories (15/14/16)
Total=311 reps

Best ever was 327 last year, but the wallballs then were probably only 9ft and the SDHP were with the #72 KB.

This workout is a great test of overall fitness and truly works the entire body. Can't wait to see everyone this Saturday at TitanFit!