Hey it is December! Rest today, "Cindy" tomorrow and CFT after the next rest day...
Check out our new site.
Tuesday 091201
Posted by TitanFit at 22:36 0 comments
Monday 091130
90% of Friday 090731's effort
x2 x6
"Mini MetCon"
2000m Row Time Trial
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090824
Posted by TitanFit at 13:10 1 comments
Labels: 2k Row, Front Squats, Mini MetCon
Sunday 091129
For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight
Set up three bars and storm through for time - Linda is a daunting workout.
My first attempt took over an hour. SCALE this baby especially if it is your first attempt. There are several ways to scale this workout. One can do just the even reps and or lower the percentages of your body weight used for each lift.
One of the tricks I use is to remind myself that after I complete the round of 8, I am almost half way done.
Post time and weights used to the comments section.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 081016
Posted by TitanFit at 13:07 1 comments
Labels: 3-Bars of Death, Bench Press, Cleans, Dead Lift, Linda, Power Cleans, Pressember
Friday 091127
Rest...all that tryptophan is coursing through your system anyway!
Which is better this picture or Monday's?
Posted by TitanFit at 00:14 1 comments
Thursday 091126
Happy Thanksgiving!
Let's make this a quick one and then get your feed bag on!
Have one of your in-laws join in on the fun!
1M Run
5 rounds of "Cindy"
1M Run
Post time and what you are thankful for to comments...
Posted by TitanFit at 20:39 3 comments
Wednesday 091125
Find a NEW 1RM
"Mini" MetCon
2k Row Time Trial
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090831
Posted by TitanFit at 20:37 1 comments
Labels: 2k Row, Press, Pressember
Tuesday 091123
Back Squat
find a new 1RM
"Mini" MetCon
250m Row
10-53 lbs KB Swings
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090701
Posted by TitanFit at 23:01 2 comments
Labels: Back Squat, Burpees, KB Swings, Mini MetCon, Squats
Sunday 091122
Chris doing Thrusters for "Fran"
KTF Ring Dips for "JT"
Ryan and KTF Ring Dips (JB, not pictured as he's already doing push-ups...)
Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:
20 - Burpees
10 - Body weight back squat
HQ calls for:
25 - Burpees
15 - Body weight back squat,
Do either and post to comments...
Posted by TitanFit at 19:00 3 comments
Labels: AMRAP, Back Squat, Burpees
Saturday 091121
In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005 - First posted 6 July 2005
TitanFit is now instituting Hero Saturday WODs.
For time:
21, 15 and 9 of
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Posted by TitanFit at 22:09 1 comments
Labels: Handstand Push-ups, Hero Saturday, JT, Pressember, Push-ups, Ring Dips
Friday 091120
KM, Becky and KTF rowing
KTF, Becky, KM, Mary, Will and Ryan after... (not pictured Glenda and Sharon)
Team WOD!
Based on constantly varied, we have not had the opportunity to complete all of the Hero WODs. To remedy this issue, TitanFit is now instituting Hero Saturday WODs.
To ensure we do not "cherry pick" the WODs we will complete them in the order they first appeared on the CrossFit Main Page.
Tomorrow, therefore, is our first Hero Saturday. We will complete JT...In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005 - First posted 6 July 2005
For time:
21, 15 and 9 of
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Posted by TitanFit at 12:54 2 comments
Labels: Handstand Push-ups, Hero Saturday, JT, Pressember, Push-ups, Ring Dips
Thursday 091119
Look at that smile. No, Mary is not smiling because Ryan, Doug and Kelin got PR on "Fran", she is smiling because she set a new TitanFit record for "Press" today. Make sure you pat her on the back the next time you see her. Great job Mary!
Posted by TitanFit at 21:29 2 comments
Wednesday 091118
What your favorite 4-letter word that starts with "F"? If you are a CrossFit'er it is undoubtedly "FRAN"!
For time:
21, 15 and 9 of
Thruster - 95 lbs
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090717:
Posted by TitanFit at 01:03 1 comments
Labels: Fran, Pressember, Pull-ups, Thrusters
Tuesday 091117
Clean (no Jerk today)
All reps are started on the minute
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5
Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1
*Of 1RM
"Fran" Tomorrow!
Posted by TitanFit at 08:52 1 comments
Labels: Cleans, Power Cleans
Monday 091116
OHS - find your 1RM
"Mini" MetCon
250m Row
5 - Burpees
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 091005
Posted by TitanFit at 08:48 1 comments
Labels: 250M Row, Burpees, Mini MetCon, OHS
Sunday 091115
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that kids’ waistlines are expanding as rapidly as adults’ these days. Just take a look around. With an estimated 33 percent of children overweight or obese, the husky kids who used to be the exception are now becoming the norm — and being big as a kid can translate into big health problems later on.
Medical experts report that overweight kids are heart attacks just waiting to happen. One study from the New England Journal of Medicine found that today’s kids are likely to become adults with heart disease, which translates to more hospitalizations, more medications, more medical
procedures and a shorter life expectancy. Another study reported that if the number of overweight children continues to increase at the current rate, there will be 100,000 additional cases of heart disease by 2035.
Who are the main culprits for childhood obesity? Parents, for one. Carting in boxes of donuts to their little ones’ soccer games, offering sugar-loaded fruit drinks as afterschool snacks and replacing home cooking with deep-fried drive-thrus, parents are teaching kids some fattening life lessons. The average child today consumes 180 more calories a day than their leaner counterparts did in 1989. That can translate to an extra 18 pounds a year.
Caloric catastrophes are only part of the problem though. Thanks to the technology gurus and marketing powers-to-be that target our youth, kids today are more likely to be found tweeting, texting, Wii-ing and channel surfing than running, biking and playing. “Now you can drive through entire neighborhoods where you know there are a lot of young kids there and hardly see any of them out,” said American Heart Association spokesman, Russell Pate in an interview
with CNN. So while kids are more likely to say that a blackberry is a phone vs. a fruit, we can still help them make heart-healthy choices. Once they learn to make them on their own, they may be more likely to turn off the TV and head outside.
Posted by TitanFit at 11:23 0 comments
Friday 091114
For time:
21 Box Jumps
21 KB Swings
3 Push ups
18 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings
6 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
9 Push-ups
12 Box Jumps
12 KB Swings
12 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps
9 KB Swings
15 Push ups
6 Box Jumps
6 KB Swings
18 Push ups
3 Box Jumps
3 KB Swings
21 Push-ups
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090909
For time 21-15-9 reps of:
135 lbs Cleans
Ring dips
As always, SCALE if and when necessary. For some of us that are new to Olympic lifting, high pulls and FS will be good enough. The sub for ring dips is 4/1 bench dips, 3/1 bar dips or 2/1 jumping ring dips.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090112
Posted by TitanFit at 23:53 2 comments
Labels: Box Jumps, Cleans, Duty WOD, Elizabeth, KB Swings, Push-ups, Ring Dips, TitanFit Trainers WOD
Thursday 091112
For time 10 rounds of:
10 - Pull-ups
10 - Wall Ball Shots
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090407
Posted by TitanFit at 21:14 1 comments
Wednesday 091111
Rest and take a Veteran to lunch today or buy them a drink tonight!
More muscle power means lower Alzheimer's risk
Monday, Nov 09, 2009 10:20PM UTC
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older people with stronger muscles are at reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to their weaker peers, a new study shows.
Dr. Patricia A. Boyle of Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center in Chicago and her colleagues found that the greater a person's muscle strength, the lower their likelihood of being diagnosed with Alzheimer's over a four-year period. The same was true for the loss of mental function that often precedes full-blown Alzheimer's.
Studies have linked grip strength to Alzheimer's, while a person's weight and level of physical activity also influence risk of the disease. To date, however, no one has studied whether muscle strength in and of itself might play a role in dementia risk, Boyle and her team note in November's Annals of Neurology.
"These findings support the link between physical health and cognition in aging and the importance of maintaining good physical function and strength," Boyle told Reuters Health via E-mail.
The researchers measured the strength of nine muscle groups in the arms and legs of 970 dementia-free men and women 54 to 100 years old (their average age was around 80). They also tested the strength of study participants' breathing muscles.
During follow-up, which lasted about four years, 138 people developed Alzheimer's. These individuals were older and had worse mental function than the rest of the study participants. They also were weaker.
But even after the researchers adjusted for age and education level-which can influence Alzheimer's risk-they found that muscle strength had a strong influence on the risk of the disease. People who ranked in the top 10 percent for muscle strength were 61 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's than the weakest 10 percent. Stronger people also showed a slower decline in their mental abilities over time.
The relationship between muscle strength and mild mental difficulties, which occurred in an additional 275 people, was similar, with the strongest 10 percent being at 48 percent lower risk than the weakest 10 percent.
When the researchers looked at different types of muscle strength separately, they found that grip strength and breathing-muscle strength had an independent effect on Alzheimer's risk, but arm and leg strength didn't.
The most likely explanation for the mental function-muscle strength link is that there is something going in the body that causes both muscle weakness and loss of mental ability, Boyle said.
While the study couldn't show whether keeping one's muscles strong will keep Alzheimer's at bay, staying fit is a good idea-and good for the brain-no matter what, according to Boyle.
"We certainly think that it is important to be physically active and to work to keep our muscles strong," she said. "Good physical health is important for good brain function."
SOURCE: Archives of Neurology, November 2009.
Posted by TitanFit at 15:57 0 comments
Tuesday 091110
Today's the anniversary of the United States Marine Corps., and tomorrow is Veterans Day. Pick a hero WOD and remember those that sacrifice for us.
Posted by TitanFit at 08:40 0 comments
Monday 091109
Freddy's Revenge
for time
5 - 185lbs (or 70% of your press 1RM) from shoulders to overhead anyhow
10 - Burpees
The following video from was taken at CrossFit One World in Union City. Owner Freddy Camacho is joined by a seriously stacked group of CrossFitters including Jason Khalipa, Adrian Bozman, Pat Barber, and Kalista Pappas. "Freddy's Revenge", CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]. There are a few "F" bombs during the video so not work or family safe.
Posted by TitanFit at 09:59 1 comments
Labels: Burpees, Freddy's Revenge, Jerk, Press, Pressember, Push Press
Sunday 091108
50-Back Squats @ 50% of your 1RM
75-Back Squats @ 50% of your 1RM
Posted by TitanFit at 22:07 1 comments
Labels: Back Squat, Duty WOD, Squatober, TitanFit Trainers WOD
Friday 091106
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
12 - 65 pound Power Snatch
10 - Push-ups
Posted by TitanFit at 22:49 1 comments
Labels: AMRAP, Power Snatch, Push-ups, Snatch
Thursday 091105
For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M
21 - 53 lbs KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 33 lbs KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups
You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that cannot do 50 or 35 lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an unassisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090929
Posted by TitanFit at 15:46 2 comments
Wednesday 091104
Snatch Balance + OHS (complete one of each before re-racking the bar)
Work to 110% of your SN 1RM
Snatch Pulls, again work up to 110% of your Snatch 1RM
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 090806
Posted by TitanFit at 11:16 0 comments
Labels: OHS, Snatch Assistance Exercises, Snatch Balance, Snatch Grip Dead Lift, Squatober
Monday 091102
We have 2 more weeks of Squatober left. Today, however, we are going over head and day after tomorrow, we squat again.
Press - 1 reps
Push Press - 2 reps
Push Jerk - 3 reps
Yes, that's it...pick a weight, do 1 press, 2 push presses and then 3 push jerks, per round. Work up to failure on your Press.
"Mini" MetCon
2 rounds of:
500m Row / 400m Run
20 - Box Jumps
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 090922
Posted by TitanFit at 12:34 2 comments
Labels: 400M Run, 500M Row, Box Jumps, Jerk, Mini MetCon, Press, Pressember, Push Jerk, Push Press, Rack Jerk