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Yesterday I stopped in to get the oil changed in the Jeep. While waiting, an article in The Sporting News that caught my attention...

Speed 101
You can find the full article at:

The author writes:
How is speed increased? Techniques vary from school to school, but most believe getting faster involves four major components:

  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Power
  • Explosiveness
Plyometrics are big, too. These are explosive movements. Georgia football players, for example, complete a set of squats and then a set of box jumps, leaping from a standstill onto a box, usually 12 to 30 inches high. One of the athletes was quoted as saying, "Right in the middle of strength training, we are doing explosive work"! (Sound familiar?)

The author “discovered” how to build speed. Those familiar with CrossFit and Titanfit workouts know all about this stuff.

The fitness needs of professional athletes, our moms, police officers, grade school teacher, fire fighters, those in the military and my mail man, vary by degree not kind. That is to say, their fitness demands probably differ in "how good of shape" they need to be in, but the way to achieve true fitness, the way to "get into shape" does not. Remember, Strength, Power and Speed are all related.


For time 4 rounds of:
400M Run
25 Box Jumps (20 inch box)
25 Kettelbell Swings

Those that like to count, it is 1 mile of running, 100 box jumps and 100 kettlebell swings.
Check out Seth doing KB swings at 5:30 AM...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JB - 17:11

subbed tuck jumps for box jumps