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First Annual TitanFit'ympics

I find it is easier to train if there is a goal (other than health) in mind. To that end, and because we need something to do the morning of the Super Bowl, TitanFit will hold its inaugural competition.

The contest starts at noon February 3, 2008 and the events are:

  1. Pull-ups
  2. Air Squats
  3. Push-ups
  4. 500M row

There is a division for men and women. As a contestant, you can compete in any or all 4 events.

Pull-ups – The contestants can use any grip (e.g. overhand, underhand, mixed). The Pull-ups must be full range of motion [e.g. from full hang (no bent elbows) to chin over the top of the bar]. The count starts with the first Pull-up and ends when the contestant is unable to get their chin over the bar. Each contestant can use chalk, but can not use straps, gloves or any other device(s) that aid in grip. The contestant with the highest number of repetitions is the winner. The judge, that’s me, will perform the official count and my judgment is final!

Air Squats – Each contestant will squat to a TitanFit provided Dynamax medicine ball. For each repetition to count, the contestant’s bottom must touch the ball. The count starts with the first repetition that touches the ball and ends when the contestant is unable to perform additional repetitions, if 2 consecutive repetitions do not touch the ball and or if there is a 3 second or more delay between consecutive repetitions (the air squats are to be a continuous movement).

Push-ups – Each contestant will perform full push-ups (e.g. full plane/plank position, knee push-ups are not allowed hips must be in-line with shoulders). For each repetition to count, the contestant’s chest must touch a TitanFit provided contact point that will be 2-3 inches off the ground. The count starts with the first repetition and ends when the contestant can no longer perform a repetition or when any part of their body (other than feet and hands) touch the ground.

500M Row - Each contestant will row on the TitanFit provided Concept II rowing machine. The contestant that rows the fastest 500M will be declared the winner.

More info to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to know if we will be competing against the trainer?