Pull-up ladder!
Do 1 pull-up the first minute, 2, the second, 3 the third. Continue until you can not complete the required number of pull-ups for the given minute.
Example: I did 10 pull-ups during the 10th minute but could not make 11 during the 11th minute.
Upon failure, rest 3 minutes.
Then Push-up ladder. Very same concept. Doesn't that sound fun?
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TITANFIT: 070920
Here's an interesting read....
Sprints may be best for diabetes prevention
Print By Anne Harding Anne Harding – Mon Feb 16, 10:25 am ET Reuters
A few minutes of intense exercise a week is just as good as a half-hour of moderate physical activity a day for reducing a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes -- and may actually be even more effective, new research hints.
"It is possible to gain significant health benefits from only 7.5 minutes of exercise each week -- if that is all that you find the time to do," Dr. James A. Timmons of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, one of the researchers on the study, told Reuters Health.
"This is a dramatically different view from current thinking," he admitted.
Timmons and his team found that young sedentary men who did just 15 minutes of all-out sprinting on an exercise bike spread out over two weeks substantially improved their ability to metabolize glucose (sugar). Traditional aerobic exercise programs can boost sensitivity to the key blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin. The high-intensity program did this too, but it also directly reduced the men's blood sugar levels -- something that standard exercise programs have not been shown to do.
Current exercise guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise a day at least five days a week, but "the general population fails to follow such regimes due to lack of time, motivation and adherence," the investigators note in the journal BMC Endocrine Disorders. They hypothesized that high intensity exercise might improve insulin sensitivity more efficiently.
To investigate, they had 16 men in their early 20s do six sessions of exercise, each including four to six 30-second sprints interspersed with four-minute rest periods. The time commitment for each session ranged from 17 to 26 minutes.
After two weeks, the amount of time the men's blood sugar and blood insulin levels were above normal after they drank a solution containing 75 grams of glucose was reduced by 12 percent and 37 percent, respectively. When people eat, Timmons explained, their blood sugar levels rise, but in very fit people levels speedily return to normal. In less-active people, high blood sugar levels are more prolonged, which over time can damage the body and lead to cardiovascular disease.
Based on the findings, Timmons told Reuters Health, people should try for four to six 30-second bouts of intense exercise, such as cycling or running up stairs, twice a week. While this is appropriate for people 20 to 40 years old who are in good health but not fit, he added, people with diabetes or heart disease should gradually increase their activity under a doctor's supervision.
Recommendations for high intensity, short duration exercise could one day replace current physical activity guidelines, Timmons said. "Only large scale trials could prove this," he said. "But there is mounting evidence that doing this new protocol will deliver the same reductions in risk factors. The key thing with exercise is the more routine you make it, the more likely you will benefit." And doing seven minutes of exercise a week, every week, he added, may be better than doing three hours a week just a few times a year.
SOURCE: BMC Endocrine Disorders 2009.
La Paix des ménages. Histoire des violences conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles
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Ebooks libres et gratuits La Paix des ménages. Histoire des violences
conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles Livre PDF
De Victoria Vanneau
[image: La Paix des mé...
6 years ago
pull-up ladder - 10 2 rounds descending as well.
push-up ladder - 10
Pull-ups - 9 rounds + 9 = 54
Push-ups - 16 rounds = 136
yes the delta of 82 means i NEED to work on pull-ups!
while eating lunch today the guy next to me asked why i did want fries and why i was drinking water. i told him about the 30 day lock down. he smiled and said it reminded him of his father.
his fater, a farmer, told him the cows and pigs are really fat and they eat nothing but grain. his father reasoned that why he should limit his grain intake.
i know there is a lot more to it then that for farm animals, but it made me laugh and keeps me on the no carb bandwagon.
Herb -
Growing up on a livestock farm, I know a thing or two about this.
Livestock (cattle and swine) are fed a diet of grain after their nursing is complete. You'll often hear farmers talk of "feeder" hogs and "finishing" hogs. The difference is the amount of grain consumption.
At any rate, these animals are fed this diet because "it fattens them up quickly. And like nearly everything in America, the bigger it is, the more it costs.
Thus the reasoning of the farmer. Make the animals weigh as much as possible, make more money. Unfortunately, the only prerequisite that the government puts on this policy is that the animal must be able to walk upon the scales at the slaughter house under its own weight.
That's why you see many slaughterhouses kicking animals, using electric shocks, etc. It's simply to get the animal to walk across the scale. If they collapse thereafter, it doesn't matter. They've walked across the scale and the farmer gets his cash.
To view this scenario, I encourage anyone to visit the cattle "warehouse" in the Plain states. The treatment of these animals is horrendous.
And just think, you're putting the same types of food into your body. Fortunately, you're living under laws that prevent others from doing to you what is done to those animals.
To showcase that belief, give me your dog for a month. I'll overfeed him/her and then stick the electric prod to its hind quarters when it can't walk. And I'll be adamant that you witness!
This is the beginning of the end.
96 oz of water
24 oz of diet soda
Large spinach and grilled shrimp salad
6 oz strip steak
4 eggs
4 strips of bacon
this WOD actually done 2/24/09
Did Push ups 1rst (womens)got to 16
Pull ups (Kick)got to 13
will try pull ups 1rst next time
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