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Sunday 091101

I can not believe how fast time passes...

Today is the 3rd anniversary of TitanFit becoming a CrossFit Affiliate. Below you will fine the workout that was posted the day before we became official. Tomorrow, let's try the first ever published TitanFit WOD!

For time:
10-32k-KB Swings
20-65 lbs Over-head Squat (OHS)
30-65 lbs Power Snatch
1000M row
30-65 lbs Power Snatch
20-65 lbs OHS
10-32k KB swings

Scale the workout. If this is your first attempt at high rep Olympic lifting, use an un-loaded barbell or a 15 lbs training barbell. For the Swings use a KB or DB that takes some effort to complete all 10.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090608

the original...
TITANFIT: Wednesday 071031

1 comment:

Kurt T. Fuller said...

Why not. I'm getting a Cortizone shot in my shoulder this week!