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Friday 100101
Posted by TitanFit at 14:02 1 comments
Labels: Box Jumps, FGB, Fight Gone bad, Push Press, Rowing, SDLHP, Wall Ball
Wedensday 091230
Tomorrow, we take it easy as we do FGB on January 1, 2010
Forecast - Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2010: John Rowley's Forecast for the Upcoming Year
( - John Rowley, best selling author of Climb YOUR Ladder of Success Without Running Out of Gas and Director of Fitness and Wellness at the American Institute of Healthcare & Fitness, declares the top 10 fitness trends for 2010 which will help shape the "New You" of 2010 and beyond.
John notes that we will see consumers pushing the fitness industry to a new level of professionalism. Medi-Gyms, a combination fitness and medical center, will begin to bridge the healthcare and fitness gap that has lasted too long. But, Rowley believes the most important forecast is that 2010 will consist of life altering, overall health and wellness plans; instead of the "lose 20 pounds in four days" diets.
John has outlined his fitness/health trends forecast below:
1. Pumping Iron. Strength training builds healthy bones and muscles. Your metabolism is driven by muscle and more and more people will be pumping iron in 2010.
2. Healthy Children Programs. As a society we are seeing a an alarming trend with obese children. I think we will see more and more programs tailored made for overweight and obese children and gyms that will cater exclusively to children. They will make fitness fun and help
them to develop a fitness lifestyle.
3. Core training. This type of training works on conditioning the core muscles, including the obliques, pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen - all of which provide needed support for the spine. A good well rounded fitness program will take care of this but since we have so many people with big bellies this type of program will have mass appeal even though spot reducing doesn't work.
4. Medi-Gyms. This is the future of healthcare. Medi-gyms bridge the gap between the Medical and fitness communities. The baby boomer population is reaching retirement age and many are not ready grow old gracefully, they want to fight it every step of the way and are tired of going to 15 different doctors and then trying to figure out how diet and exercise fit in. Medi-Gyms like AIHF Wellness are beginning to emerge as the wave of the future where you can get a comprehensive wellness exams that address all of your healthcare and fitness needs and then you are given a lifestyle plan to enhance your health.
5. Functional fitness. This is a growing trend toward using strength training to improve balance and ease of daily living for everyone including older adults. More and more trainers are focusing on this type of training using regular weights and kettle bells. Kettle bells have reemerged after a few decades of being placed in moth balls.
6. Pilates. Incorporating core training using the entire body and these classes are very popular in many gyms today.
7. Group training. This trend reflects the economy and makes a lot of sense. Instead of training one on one with a trainer you will work out with a small group with the trainer. It makes training more affordable but also fun.
8. Fitness menu's. More restaurants will offer foods that are in line with the needs of people living a fitness lifestyle.
9. Miracle potions. Unfortunately I think we will see more "miracle' products that over promise and under deliver. For example the berry that will not only have you loose weight but make you two inches taller and more handsome (only a slight exaggeration). Fat burners that will not only have you loose 80 lbs in 12 weeks it will have all your body hair vanish and give you an incredible, vibrant tan plus have you ready for the cover of a magazine (another slight exaggeration). "Snake oil" products have been around for a long time and I don't think they
will disappear in 2010.
10. Repackaged Truths. Last but not least I think you will see old school training principles from the bodybuilding community renamed and sold for a huge profit to hungry consumers.
For more information on the med--gym concept and the American Institute
of Healthcare & Fitness, please visit
Bio: John Rowley
John Rowley, Director of Fitness & Wellness at the American Institute of Healthcare & Fitness, is also a number one best-selling author, motivational speaker, and health and fitness expert. John strives to passionately espouse the benefits of a healthy mind, body, and spirit to all he comes in contact with.
Posted by TitanFit at 20:43 0 comments
Tuesday 091229
Warm up
7 rounds of "Cindy"
Back Squat
Using 79% of your last CFT Back Squat, do:
5 sets of 5 reps...
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TITANFIT: Tuesday 091027
Posted by TitanFit at 10:35 1 comments
Labels: Back Squat, Cindy, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Squats
Monday 091228
Warm up (w/ 45 lbs barbell)
Pressing Snatch Balance
Heaving Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Sotts Press
Hang Power Snatch
Hang is the key word here...
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TITANFIT: Monday 081013
Posted by TitanFit at 04:18 1 comments
Labels: Hang Snatch, Power Snatch, Skills Transfer Exercises, Snatch Assistance Exercises, Snatch Balance, Sotts Press
Friday 091225
Ok, are you back at home, or maybe you are having others to your home? Is your brother in-law there, your cousin, that high school friend you have not seen in a while, maybe even your parents (for a scaled version)...tell them one of your presents is a CrossFit workout. It is a gift of fitness that will last a lifetime - after all.
Let them do Angie with you. No special equipment necessary, it will take fewer than 30 minutes and maybe you'll have another convert...
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Partition the exercises as needed...scale for beginners.
Thursday 091224
Time to scare your family...
100 Burpees
Posted by TitanFit at 13:43 1 comments
Labels: Burpees
Wednesday 091223
Find a new 1RM for Front Squats
Posted by TitanFit at 13:41 1 comments
Labels: Front Squats
Monday 091221
5x max reps of:
Body weight bench press
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TITANFIT: Thursday 090611
Posted by TitanFit at 22:23 1 comments
Labels: Bench Press, Lynne, Pull-ups
Sunday 091220
Five rounds for time of:
15 - 135 pound Thruster
400 m Run or 500m Row (the row/run is your REST!)
Post time to comments
Posted by TitanFit at 23:58 0 comments
Thursday 091216
Dead Lift
80% of 1RM x5, x4, x3, x2, x1 (Add 5 lbs for each set to your last CFT DL effort)
Mini MetCon
35 - 20 lbs Wall Ball Shots
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TITANFIT: Sunday 091025
Posted by TitanFit at 23:53 0 comments
Labels: Dead Lift, Mini MetCon, Wall Ball
Wednesday 091216
4 rounds for time
25 - Ring Push-ups
20 - Calories Rowing
15 - 95 lbs Thrusters*
10 - 24 inch Box Jumps
*Of course, scale to your current fitness and strength level
Posted by TitanFit at 09:37 1 comments
Labels: Box Jumps, Ring Push-ups, Rowing, Thrusters
Tuesday 091215
5 rounds of:
10 - Front Squats @ 50% of your 1RM
:30 full Plank
No rest, push through.
Posted by TitanFit at 09:27 0 comments
Labels: Front Squats
Sunday 091213
Rowing intervals
9 - 350m Rows with 2:00 rest between each. These are 100% efforts.
Posted by TitanFit at 09:40 0 comments
Labels: Rowing
Saturday 091212
For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M
21 - 53 lbs KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 33 lbs KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups
You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that cannot do 50 or 35 lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an unassisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed.
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TITANFIT: Thursday 091105
IRC (Indianapolis Rowing Center)
The Indianapolis Rowing Center (IRC) plans to hold a competition January 30th in which the Crossfit Affiliates in Indiana will participate in a 4 member (2 male/2female) 2000m row. Each participant is to row 500m. The Crossfit affiliate that wins, will receive 90 minute on the water rowing lessons when the weather gets warmer.
Any questions feel free to contact me.
Posted by TitanFit at 22:48 0 comments
Friday 091211
CFT (CrossFit Total)
1RM for:
Dead Lift
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TITANFIT: Thursday 091001
Posted by TitanFit at 22:45 0 comments
Labels: Back Squat, CFT, Dead Lift, Press, Squats
CrossFit Games
Are you interested in competing in the 2010 CrossFit games? Here's the info for Indiana...
Central East Regional: May 8-9
St. RTE 664, Logan, OH 43138
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, West Virginia, Virginia, DC
CrossFit Games Seeds: 3 men, 3 women
OH / IN / KY / MI Sectional: March 7
Greater Columbus Convention Center, 300 N High Street, Columbus, OH 43215
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan
Regional Seeds: 20 men, 20 women
Posted by TitanFit at 22:40 0 comments
Labels: CrossFit Games
Wednesday 091209
For time:
21 Box Jumps
21 KB Swings
3 Push ups
18 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings
6 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
9 Push-ups
12 Box Jumps
12 KB Swings
12 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps
9 KB Swings
15 Push ups
6 Box Jumps
6 KB Swings
18 Push ups
3 Box Jumps
3 KB Swings
21 Push-ups
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 091114
Posted by TitanFit at 21:52 1 comments
Tuesday 091208
Over Head Lunges
Your choice, BTN, Rack, Push, Split
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TITANFIT: Tuesday 090714
Posted by TitanFit at 22:46 1 comments
Labels: BTN Jerk, Jerk, Pressember, Push Jerk, Rack Jerk, Split Jerk
Monday 091207
Pull-up ladder!
Do 1 pull-up the first minute, 2, the second, 3 the third. Continue until you can not complete the required number of pull-ups for the given minute.
Upon failure, rest 3 minutes.
Then Push-up ladder. Very same concept. Doesn't that sound fun?
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TITANFIT: Friday 090918
Posted by TitanFit at 09:29 1 comments
Labels: Pull-up ladder, Pull-ups, Push-up ladder, Push-ups
Saturday 091205
Today is our programmed rest day. Many CrossFit affiliates are performing a fund raiser for the victims of the Fort Hood shooting. The URL below provides some information. We have also posted the WOD below.
Lumberjack 20 Memorial Workout
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m
Post time to comments.
Posted by TitanFit at 21:56 1 comments
Labels: 400M Run, Box Jumps, Burpees, DB Squat Cleans, Dead Lift, KB Swings, Lumberjack 20 Memorial Workout, OHS, Pull-ups
Friday 091204
On the minute:
Perform 2 Power Cleans on the minute for 15 minutes.
*Start the clock. At the top of every minute perform 2 Power Cleans.
*Use a maximal weight. 80% - 85% of 1 RM
*For every rep not completed, perform 5 Burpees at the end of the session....
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TITANFIT: Friday 091002
Add "Seth"
for time:
21, 15, 9
Bench Press @ body weight
Pull Ups
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 091028
Posted by TitanFit at 23:17 2 comments
Labels: Bench Press, Cleans, Power Cleans, Pull-ups, Seth
Thursday 091203
AMRAP for 20:00
3 - Hand Stand Push Ups or 60% of your 1RM press
5 - Pull Ups
7 - Knees to Elbows
Posted by TitanFit at 23:13 0 comments
Labels: AMRAP, Handstand Push-ups, KTE, Press, Pressember, Pull-ups
Wednesday 091202
Happy Birthday Bay
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 - Pull-ups
10 - Push-ups
15 - Squats
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 091013
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Froma Harrop / Syndicated columnist
American fitness: forgoing apps for abs
This is a nation of goose-necked children hunched over their electronics in front of a TV. They will turn into goose-necked adults with vitamin D deficiencies, the result of spending their sunny hours downloading songs in darkened rooms. Obesity will plague many of them.
Clearly, America would do better health-wise (and health-care-spending-wise) if people went outdoors once in a while and moved themselves. But how does one do so in a society that has engineered exercise out of even opening a garage door?
Some grown-ups do have the gumption to maintain formal exercise programs, but not many. The health-club business assumes that a third or more of those who join in a burst of enthusiasm will be gone in a year.
Home fitness equipment gets converted into racks for extra shirts or folded towels. Shiny machines rapidly become drab. The owner thinks, "I really should jump on the treadmill, but oooh, my apps need updating."
When exercise becomes a byproduct of doing something else — getting to work, mowing a lawn or picking up a quart of milk — that's when it becomes a reliable fitness tool. Those who commute by bus know that whatever little else they do that day, they will get in that walk to the stop.
Play is supposed to be the daily work of children. That used to mean getting thrown out of the house and being told to be back by dinner. But parents don't push their kids into the neighborhood as they once did. One reason is fear, much exaggerated, of strangers harming their little ones.
A more serious problem is the utterly car-oriented design of many, especially newer, neighborhoods. Children would have to cross wide streets and often in front of harassed drivers who regard pedestrians as a wrench in their busy schedule.
But real or imagined, these concerns are not all that's keeping children indoors and glued to video. After all, a drive through most suburban neighborhoods will reveal fenced backyards with swing sets and no children on them. A sports reporter friend notes the many empty baseball fields he passes on perfect afternoons. If adults don't organize the sports, the kids don't play them.
The plain truth is that free-form play out in nature is no longer part of many children's lives — or their parents'. And children do love their electronics, in part, because they want to be like Mom and Dad. That's why laptops, cellphones and digital cameras are among the top-selling toys, even for preschoolers.
Walking or biking to school used to be part of an American childhood. But parents now drive their kids to even close-by schools. Forty years ago, 90 percent of children living within a mile of school biked or walked there. Now less than half do.
Many communities ruined the prospect of students' getting to school on their own power by building mega-schools far from the more densely settled areas. Six-lane roads often cut the schools off from all but vehicle traffic.
What to do? There's a TV ad for an indoor bike attached to a video game. By pedaling, the child activates the game. The faster he or she goes, the more exciting the game gets. The appeal to parents is obvious. Here's a way for kids to get exercise and play a video game.
This is healthier, one supposes, than lying in front of a bowl of Doritos and playing "Assassin's Creed II." But one imagines that bicycle-powered video game going the way of Mom's Thigh Master as the kids realize that they, like their parents, can amuse themselves while curled up on a couch. Perhaps someone will invent an exercise pill.