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Sunday 080427


JL DL'ing 100 lbs

CS Press...note the hand spacing

After today's workout, my neighbor stopped in to tell me his forearm hurt from using the pull start on his mower. He said he had to pull it nearly 10 times to get the darn thing started. I feel his pain.

I wanted to say yeah, I understand as I did 75-95 # Snatches yesterday interspersed with 5-400M runs. So I get the forearm grip, puling issue. Of course I did not. Maybe that's a new way to market CrossFit. Find those that are struggling with everyday life chores and show them how CrossFit has real life applications. Wait, I tried that. Let's hope his swiss ball, lifecycle workouts get more intense so he's ready to mow in a week or so.

1 comment:

TitanFit said...

w/ 30mm BAR - PCL 95x5x2, 135x3x2, 155x1x2, 185x1x2, 195, 205/DL 225x3, 315x3, 405x3 (release), 405 x3 (touch and go) 495(F)

I hope using the 30mm bar will make the 28mm bar fell easy...gotta try something to get out of my slump