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Thursday 080515


Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Note number of pull-ups completed for each round.


Chris said...

Cindy as Rx'd - 20 rds + 5 Pull-ups. Was on pace to set a TF record, but I hit the wall on push-ups hard. Still a PR by almost 2 rounds (last time 18.5 rounds).

Kurt T. Fuller said...

How many do you think you had in you?

I think all of us struggle on the push-ups (excluding Herb). I can do the squats and the pull-ups faster than the push-ups alone in the later rounds.


Chris said...

At 5 minutes I was at 6.5 rounds.

At 10 minutes I was at 11.5 rounds.

At 15 minutes I was at 16 rounds.

I should have had at least 22-23 in me.

Herb brought up food for thought - if I conserved a few seconds the first 5-10 rounds, I might have had more gas for the last rounds.

Kurt T. Fuller said...

At any rate, that's awesome.

I agree that conserving in the earlier rounds might pay off later. It's just hard for most of us to do.

Next time you'll make the 22/23+.


Chris said...

Looking at yesterday's CF message board, Anthony Bainbridge did THIRTY THREE rounds. Wow.