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Wednesday 080514

The following link is to an AP story, which I found on Yahoo today. New research shows exercise during the teen years — starting as young as age 12 — can help protect girls from breast cancer when they're grown.

An excerpt from the article reads:
Researchers tracked nearly 65,000 nurses ages 24 to 42 who enrolled in a major health study. They answered detailed questionnaires about their physical activity dating back to age 12. Within six years of enrolling, 550 were diagnosed with breast cancer before menopause. A quarter of all breast cancer is diagnosed at these younger ages, when it's typically more aggressive.

Women who were physically active as teens and young adults were 23 percent less likely to develop premenopausal breast cancer than women who grew up sedentary, researchers report Wednesday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

CrossFit Total (CFT)
1RM for:
Dead lift

Can you believe it has been 6 weeks already?

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080402


Chris said...

500m row
42 push-ups
21 KB swing
500m row
30 push-ups
15 KB swing
500m row
18 push-up
9 KB swing


TitanFit said...

Back Squat - 405. seemed pretty easy did not do the rest. will DL with JB tomorrow