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Wednesday 080716

HEAVY "Helen"
For time 3 rounds of:
400 M Run
15 - 70 lbs (M) 53 lbs (F) KB Swings
10 - BWT+20 lbs Pull-ups

I know that's a lot of weight. SCALE this one if you are unable to complete regular "Helen", but make sure you use the same weights for all 3 rounds. Remember you are competing against yourself!

If you scale do the "normal" rep scheme of 21 swings and 12 pull-ups.


Chris said...

Heavy Helen as Rx - 13:24

Not my best day.

Swings and PU all broken.

Kipping with 20 lb is dicey.

Kurt T. Fuller said...

As rx'ed.

Time = 12:03

First round unbroken. Broken thereafter.