using 45 lbs bar
Pressing Snatch Balance x3 x3
Heaving Snatch Balance x3 x3
Snatch Balance + OHS x3 x3
Sotts Press x3 x3
Reps are started on the minute
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5
Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1
*Of 1RM
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 081009
They both set PRs. One seems happy, the other, not so much!
Check out our new site. www.titanfit.com
Monday 081201
Posted by TitanFit at 17:42 2 comments
Labels: Snatch, Snatch Assistance Exercises, Snatch Balance, Sotts Press
Sunday 081130
Getting hip below knee
Word on the streets is the 2009 the Crossfit Games will be held in Aromas California July 11-12. New for 2009, one must compete in a regional qualifying events to advance to the Finals.
There are 12 regions in the U.S. and 6 international regions. Each region will send the top 5 men and top 5 women to the CrossFit Games (there is no qualifier for the Affiliate Cup) Our Regional Qualifier will include 61 Affiliates in the following states:
North Dakota
South Dakota
The Regional event will be held at Front Range CrossFit in Denver Colorado. We will keep everyone posted as new information is available.
Perform the following exercises for 8 rounds of 20 seconds work (in any order), 10 seconds rest:
Air squat
After the 8th round of each exercise, rest 1 minute before proceeding to the next. The lowest number of reps achieved in any of the 8 rounds is the score for that particular exercise (calories burned in place of reps are used for rowing). The sum of the scores for all of the exercises gives the score for the entire workout.
*Those without access to a rower, do SDHP with a 45 lbs barbell for each 20 second segment.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080702
Saturday 081129
CrossFit Total (CFT)1RM for:
Dead Lift
OK, this is the last one for 2008. The following is the first one we did this year...TITANFIT: Wednesday 080402
Compare today to:
TITANFIT: Saturday 081004
Posted by TitanFit at 19:27 3 comments
Labels: Back Squat, CFT, Dead Lift, Press, Squats
Thursday 081127
For time:
3 mile run w/ 50 air squats after each mile
Post splits for each mile
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080520
Posted by TitanFit at 16:05 0 comments
Wednesday 081126
Hang Power Clean (HPCL)
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081012
I named yesterday's workout "Cold Sore". Here's the story, we have a new member that did Burpees (yea Burpees) for the first time yesterday. At the end of the workout, wanting to say, Herb, I hate Burpees, she said, "I hate Herpes".
I said that's a personal issue, but now we have a name for the workout. I thought "Cold Sore" was more family friendly.
Posted by TitanFit at 22:51 1 comments
Labels: Cleans, Hang Cleans, Power Cleans
Tuesday 081125
Work on rack position and high hang cleans...for tomorrow's workout is Cleans!
For time:
"Cold Sore"
10 - Burpees
10 – 65 lbs Thrusters
50 - Double Unders
Unable to perform double unders? Sub Butt Kickers, Tuck Jumps or 3 to 1 Single unders
Here's the story behind the name. We had a new member that did Burpees (yea Burpees) for the first time. At the end of the workout, wanting to say, Herb, I hate Burpees, she said, "I hate Herpes". Cold Sore seems a bit more PC, so there you have it.
Posted by TitanFit at 01:38 2 comments
Labels: Burpees, Butt Kickers, Cold Sore, Double-Unders, Jump Rope, Thrusters, Tuck Jumps
Monday 081124
Click picture to enlarge
Middle picture...2nd row from the bottom...RR 3rd from the left (Blue TitanFit T-Shirt) . KTF 3rd from the right (White TitanFit T-Shirt) DJ 4th from the right...I guess we gotta get him a TitanFit T-Shirt too!
TitanFit continues to invest in you! Let's congratulate OUR 3 newly CrossFit Certified, TitanFit Trainers!
Dr. Rick
Stay tuned! Indianapolis' Best Trained, Best Staffed, Most Experienced, CrossFit Affiliate has more in store.
Posted by TitanFit at 15:48 3 comments
Sunday 081123
Dead Lift - 90% of your 1 RM x2 x3
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081109
"Mini" MetCon
For time:
50 - Wall Ball Shots
Posted by TitanFit at 09:15 2 comments
Labels: Dead Lift, Mini MetCon, Wall Ball
Saturday 081122
5 sets of 8-10 reps of:
60% of BWT OHS
"Mini" MetCon
7 rounds for time of :
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls - 95 lbs (M), 65 lbs (F)
7 Box Jumps - 24 inches (M), 18 inches (F)
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080825
Posted by TitanFit at 09:28 2 comments
Labels: Box Jumps, Mini MetCon, OHS, SDLHP, Sumo Deadlift High-Pull
Friday 081121
Find your 3 rep max
"Mini" MetCon
250M row
10 - (1-Push-up+4-Mountain climbers)
10 -KB Swings
See...dead lifting makes one smile!
Posted by TitanFit at 23:18 0 comments
Labels: 250M Row, KB Swings, Mini MetCon, Mountain Climbers, Press, Push-ups
Thursday 081120
Interesting...here's the link and I have pasted the article below. Now I'm off to sleep!
Study: Active Women May Need at Least 7 Hours of Nightly Sleep for Lower Cancer Risk
By Miranda HittiWebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Nov. 17, 2008 -- Physical activity may cut cancer risk, and sleeping at least seven hours per night may maximize that benefit.
That's according to new research presented today in Washington, D.C. at an international meeting on cancer prevention hosted by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
The researchers, who included James McClain, PhD, MPH, a cancer prevention fellow at the National Cancer Institute, reviewed data on nearly 6,000 Maryland women.
In 1998, the women completed surveys about how much physical activity and sleep they typically get. Over the next nine years, the group had 604 new cases of cancer.
As expected, physical activity was linked to lower cancer rates. But sleep also mattered.
Among the most physically active women younger than 65 -- women who reported getting about an hour a day of moderate physical activity -- cancer was 47% rarer for those who got at least seven hours of nightly sleep. Those findings held regardless of other cancer risk factors.
"What that suggests to us is among younger and middle-aged women, both physical activity and sleep habits might play an important role in reducing cancer risk," McClain tells WebMD.
For perspective, McClain notes that "overall cancer risk among younger women is relatively modest. It's not a highly likely event by any means." McClain also points out that no one in the study got cancer prevention benefits just by sleeping. "It's not as though you got the benefit, the reduction in cancer risk, if you weren't active," McClain says.
In short, be active and get enough sleep, too.
McClain says he wants to check the findings in larger groups of people. "This is an initial look at a very complex question," he says.
Meanwhile, he suggests that overall lifestyle, not just one or two habits, might be more important for reducing cancer risk.
"You might want to think about your lifestyle as a whole," McClain says. "Think about multiple lifestyle behaviors [such as sleep and physical activity] in more of a holistic perspective."
Posted by TitanFit at 22:20 0 comments
Wednesday 081119
For Time:
1000M row
50 - Wallball*
750M row
35 - Wallball
500M row
20 - Wallball
* The strongest of us should use the 20 lbs ball. Most should use the 12 lbs ball. Me, I'm using the 8 lbs ball.
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080327
Tuesday 081118
2 position snatch:
work up to 75% x2 x6 (floor and high hang)
Snatch pulls:
95% x3, 100%x3, +5 10 more lbs x3
Snatch shrugs:
100% + 20 lbs x5, + 20 lbs x5, + 20 lbs x5
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080818
Posted by TitanFit at 14:25 1 comments
Labels: Hang Snatch, Snatch, Snatch Assistance Exercises, Snatch Pulls, Snatch Shurgs
Monday 081117
Posted by TitanFit at 08:28 0 comments
Labels: Behind The Neck Jerk, Jerk, Pull-ups, Rack Jerk, Weighted pull-ups
Saturday 081115
Saturday Team Workout
AMRAP in 20:20
10 - WallBall Shots
10 - Ab Mat Sit-ups
10 - Push-ups
10 - 53 lbs KB Swings
125M Row
The 10:00 AM crowd was broken into 2 teams of 3. KTF, MM and DJ were Team Bad News and Jay, JB and I were the Also Ran's. They beat us by 10 - swings and 125M row...about :45 - 1:00.
The 1:00 PM crowd was 1 team of 3. It was SS, LH and CHS. They finished nearly 4 rounds in 20:0 and did 5 rounds each in 29:00.
Friday 081114
For time:
1000M Row or 800M Run
50 - 45 lbs Thrusters
30 - Pull-ups
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 081010
Thursday 081113
I thought we were going to do OHS today, but they had different plans for me...that being the case, here you go!
Snatch assistance exercises (Pressing Snatch Balance, Heaving Snatch Balance and SN Balance)
Rowing Tabata
Old Timers
For time:
5 x
20 - OHS (M 95#, F 65#)
20 - KTEs
Posted by TitanFit at 22:42 2 comments
Labels: KTE, Newbies, OHS, Snatch, Snatch Assistance Exercises, Snatch Balance, Tabata
Tuesday 081111
For time:
10 - Burpees (Yea Burpees!)
20 - Box Jumps
30 - Pull-ups
40 - Air Squats
100M run/125M row
This is the ANTI Herb workout for those that are interested...
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 080410
Sunday 081109
Dead Lift
90% of your 1 RM x2 x3
"Mini Metcon"
Tabata Row!
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 081020
Posted by TitanFit at 08:44 3 comments
Labels: Dead Lift, Mini MetCon, Rowing, Tabata
Friday 081107
As you know, it is now November and it is getting a colder outside. That being the case, we are likely to row a bit more often than run for the next few months.
Rowing properly will improve your times and make you workouts more enjoyable. As such, I thought it is a good time to re-post the following video. It shows some of the common flaws on the Concept II (C2) rower.
For time:
50 - Medicine ball cleans/Wall Balls Shots M20 lbs/W14 lbs
So here's the drill...Perform a Medicine Ball clean, then from the catch position, perform a Wall Ball shot. Each reps starts from the deck, so drop the ball between each reps.
No Medicine Ball, try M53 lbs/F 35 lbs squat cleans with a thruster.
JSYK, this idea came from the KTF. There are 100 squats in this workout, so it will burn...
Thursday 081106
using 45 lbs bar
Clean Drops x3 x3
Over Head Lunges x3 x3
Clean and Jerk
All reps are started on the minute (meaning complete the prescribed percentage x1 rest remaining of 1 minute and repeat for required reps)
66%* x1 x5
71% x1 x5
76% x1 x5
Rest as needed between these sets
80%* x1
85% x1
88% x1
90% x1
92% x1
*Of 1RM
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080311
Posted by TitanFit at 23:04 2 comments
Labels: Clean and Jerk, Cleans, Over Head Lunges
Wednesday 081105
For time:
25 - Push Press (M 75 lbs/F 45 lbs)
20 - KB Swings (M53/F35)
15 - Wall Ball (M 20 lbs/F 12 lbs)
10 - KTEs
I think this one will repeat. Let us give it a name. Post to comments.
Posted by TitanFit at 10:03 2 comments
Labels: KB Swings, KTE, Push Press, Wall Ball
Monday 081103
"Lynne" - Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
For Lynne as rx'd, each "round" is 5 minutes long.
Start your BP on the minute, complete as many as possible without racking the weight. Once you have completed the BP, start your Pull-ups. Complete as many Pull-ups as possible (your set is complete once you release the bar). Now rest for what remains of the original 5 minutes (e.g. if it takes you 2 minutes to BP and do the Pull-ups, rest 3 minutes). Repeat 4 more time. Got it? (As an aside...do the exercise that you are weakest in first. E.g. for me, that of course means I do pull-ups before bench pressing)Post reps for both exercises in all rounds
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080813
Posted by TitanFit at 18:12 3 comments
Labels: Bench Press, Lynne, Pull-ups
Sunday 081102
Snatch Balance + OHS (complete one of each before re-racking the bar)
Work to 110% of your SN 1RM
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 080721
Posted by TitanFit at 18:09 0 comments
Labels: OHS, Snatch, Snatch Assistance Exercises, Snatch Balance