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Monday 080818

Day 32 of the push-up challenge...if you are just starting do 528 CTD push-ups to to buy in/catch up.

2 position snatch:
work up to 75% x2 x6 (floor and high hang)

Snatch pulls:
95% x3, 100%x3, +5 10 more lbs x3

Snatch shrugs:
100% + 20 lbs x5, + 20 lbs x5, + 20 lbs x5


TitanFit said...

PCL - 245. 255(f)
Push-ups 122 ONLY needed to do 63 but did not know that until after i was done. I did knock ou 56 in a row for a new TFR...SW, where you at!?

JB said...

Back squat - 185# x 3 x 5
Snatch deadlift - 165# x 3 x 3
Push press - 125# x 5 x 5
Pull-ups - 3 x 10 (DH no weight)
Weighted sit-ups (DB or plate behind neck) - 3 x 10 +15#
Lateral planks - 3 x max :60/:70/:90