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Wednesday 080813

"Lynne" - Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

For Lynne as rx'd, each "round" is 5 minutes long.
Start your BP on the minute, complete as many as possible without racking the weight. Once you have completed the BP, start your Pull-ups. Complete as many Pull-ups as possible (your set is complete once you release the bar). Now rest for what remains of the original 5 minutes (e.g. if it takes you 2 minutes to BP and do the Pull-ups, rest 3 minutes). Repeat 4 more time. Got it? (As an the exercise that you are weakest in first. E.g. for me, that of course means I do pull-ups before bench pressing)

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds
Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 080528

Day 27 of the push-up challenge...if you are just starting do 378 CTD push-ups to to buy in/catch up. Tomorrow we break 400!


Anonymous said...


Bench (170#) 16/11/10/10/10 (no spotter!)
Pull-up 24/16/15/15/16 (most dead hang)
Total = 143
Last month did 167 reps without the time limit - definitely makes it a harder work-out!


JB said...


pcl + pjrk x 2 x 5 - 135
kb swings - 70# x 3 x 15
box jumps x 30 @ 28"
ab wheel @ 50

TitanFit said...

BP - 275 x8 x2 - 5 DH PU each
BP - 315 x5 x2 - 5 DH PU each
BP - 225 x10 x2 - 5 DH PU each