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Monday 071217


Yesterday I was able to Power Snatch 185 lbs and was satisfied with my effort. Check out the following video of a 198 lbs SINGLE arm snatch. I better re-evaluate my commitment.


Anonymous said...

Back Squat: 225, 245, 260 X 3, 275 X 2

Push Press: 95, 135, 150 X 5, 165 X 1, 135 X 3

Hang PS: 75 X 3 X 2, 85 X 3

Hang PC: 95, 115, 135 X 3

Snatch DL: 185, 205, 225 X 3

Windmills: 5, 10, 15, 20 lb X 6 each side

3 Rounds:
10 TGU/side (25, 30, 30 lb)
45 sec Front Plank

TitanFit said...

Repeated ysterday.
Power SN - 95, 135, 155, 165, 185(f) too far in-front

Power Cl - 135 x5, 155, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265

getting better from the floor with each passing day.