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Tuesday 071204

Fartlek* 10K row/run

Back in my track days this was our typical weekend a mile, sprint to the meter, jog 100M, sprint to the stop light, etc...

As I am rowing vs. running the examples below will reflect rowing...

Today lets do:

Warm up – easy rowing/running for 5 to 10 minutes

  1. Steady, hard pace (e.g. 2:00 - 2:30 pace @ 500M row) for 1000M
  2. Slow recovery (e.g. 2:40 pace @ 500M) for about 1000M
  3. Easy pace (e.g. 2:10-2:40) for 10 minutes with 60 second burst (1:50 pace) every 3 minutes
  4. Easy pace (e.g. 2:10 - 2:40) for 10 minutes with 10 second burst every minute
  5. repeat until you finish the 10K.

I like this type workout because I've done it in the past, it helps past the time (I worry about the efforts, intervals vs. the overall time) and it is more like a CrossFit workout vs. steady state running....enjoy!


Anonymous said...


Muscle Snatch 3 X 3

45, 75 lb WU
95, 115, 125 lb

Hang Power Clean 5 X 2

Tried to focus on speed and shrug/getting vertical

45, 75 lb WU
95, 115, 135 lb (135 X 4 because lost shrug/vertical position)

3 rounds = 13:50

400 m Run
20 Box Jump (24")
20 DB Swings (45 lb)

Anonymous said...

back squat/weighted dips 7x3

BS 195
weighted dips 55