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Saturday 090228


Want to Lose Weight?
Just Eat Less, Diet Study Suggests Comparison of 4 diet plans finds all produce similar results

Posted February 25, 2009
By Serena Gordon
HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25 (HealthDay News) -- If you want to lose weight, it doesn't seem to matter what type of diet plan you choose. What really matters is that you just eat less.

A study in the Feb. 26 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine compared a variety of diet plans -- which emphasized varying degrees of fat, protein and carbohydrates -- and found that any eating plan that causes you to consume fewer calories will help you lose weight.

"This study has a very practical, useful message," said study author Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at the Harvard School of Public Health. "It doesn't really matter much the specific type of diet -- see what suits you best. The focus should be on reducing calories. That's what really counts."

Intense debates have raged over what type of diet plan is best. Study results on low-fat diets and high-protein diets have been mixed, with none providing conclusive evidence, according to background information in Sacks' study.

To try to answer the question of what works best, Sacks and his colleagues recruited 811 overweight people, about 40 percent of them men, from two cities -- Boston and Baton Rouge, La.

They were randomly assigned to follow one of four diets:

  • Low-fat, average-protein diet made up of 20 percent fat, 15 percent protein and 65 percent carbohydrates.
  • Low-fat, high-protein diet of 20 percent fat, 25 percent protein and 55 percent carbohydrates.
  • High-fat, average-protein plan containing 40 percent fat, 15 percent protein and 45 percent carbohydrates.
  • High-fat, high-protein diet of 40 percent fat, 25 percent protein and 35 percent carbohydrates

All groups were told to keep saturated fat to no more than 8 percent of their daily intake of calories and to try to consume at least 20 grams of dietary fiber daily. The physical activity goal was set at 90 minutes a week.

Everyone received both group and individual counseling for the two-year study period, and they entered diet and exercise information into a computer program that provided feedback on how well they were meeting their dietary goals. About 80 percent of the participants completed the study.

After six months, participants in each group had lost an average of about 13 pounds. After two years, the average weight loss was down to 6 or 7 pounds. The study participants reported similar satisfaction with their diets.

Health measures, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, were also similar between the groups.

"On average, no one diet was better than another," Sacks said. The bottom line if you want to lose weight, he said, is to "eat a heart-healthy diet and be very careful about how much you eat."
This might not be the end of the debate, however. In an accompanying editorial, Martijn Katan, a nutrition professor at VU University in Amsterdam, pointed out that although the researchers had anticipated that the contents of the diets would vary greatly, the actual differences in content between the plans averaged just 1 percent or 2 percent.

So, he says, he doesn't believe that the study settles the issue of diet vs. diet.

Rather, this is yet another study that shows how difficult it is to lose weight and keep it off, he said, because even these people, involved in an intensive intervention, tended to gain the weight back.

"Losing weight and keeping it off can be as tough as kicking a drug habit," Katan said. "The most important determinant of success might not be the composition of the diet. It might be whether your community promotes exercise and curbs high-calorie foods."

Friday 090227


For time:
500M Row
20 - Ring Dips
20 - Air Squats

Thursday 090226


For time:
50 - Medicine ball cleans/Wall Balls Shots M20 lbs/W14 lbs

So here's the drill...Perform a Medicine Ball clean, then from the catch position, perform a Wall Ball shot. Each reps starts from the deck, so drop the ball between each reps.

No Medicine Ball, try M53 lbs/F 35 lbs squat cleans with a thruster.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 081107

Wednesday 090225


CrossFit Total (CFT)
1RM for:
Dead Lift

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 090104

Tuesday 090224


Tomorrow is CFT!

Monday 090223


Your choice, BTN, Rack, Push, Split
5 sets of 2 reps

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 090201

Sunday 090222

Did you miss the FREE WOD (Workout Of the Day) yesterday? Remember TitanFit offers a FREE 9:00 AM WOD each weekend.

Next week the FREE WOD is Sunday, March 1st at 9:00 AM.


AMRAP in 20 min
125 M row
10 - Box jumps
10 - KBS
10 - Push-ups

Saturday 090221

Snatch Balance + OHS (complete one of each before re-racking the bar)
Work to 110% of your SN 1RM

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081102

Friday 090220


Click picture to enlarge
Thursday night fun! Pound for pound, the infant was the strongest!

Thursday 090219

Pull-up ladder!
Do 1 pull-up the first minute, 2, the second, 3 the third. Continue until you can not complete the required number of pull-ups for the given minute.
Example: I did 10 pull-ups during the 10th minute but could not make 11 during the 11th minute.

Upon failure, rest 3 minutes.

Then Push-up ladder. Very same concept. Doesn't that sound fun?

Compare to:
TITANFIT: 070920

Here's an interesting read....

Sprints may be best for diabetes prevention
Print By Anne Harding Anne Harding – Mon Feb 16, 10:25 am ET Reuters

A few minutes of intense exercise a week is just as good as a half-hour of moderate physical activity a day for reducing a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes -- and may actually be even more effective, new research hints.

"It is possible to gain significant health benefits from only 7.5 minutes of exercise each week -- if that is all that you find the time to do," Dr. James A. Timmons of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, one of the researchers on the study, told Reuters Health.

"This is a dramatically different view from current thinking," he admitted.

Timmons and his team found that young sedentary men who did just 15 minutes of all-out sprinting on an exercise bike spread out over two weeks substantially improved their ability to metabolize glucose (sugar). Traditional aerobic exercise programs can boost sensitivity to the key blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin. The high-intensity program did this too, but it also directly reduced the men's blood sugar levels -- something that standard exercise programs have not been shown to do.

Current exercise guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise a day at least five days a week, but "the general population fails to follow such regimes due to lack of time, motivation and adherence," the investigators note in the journal BMC Endocrine Disorders. They hypothesized that high intensity exercise might improve insulin sensitivity more efficiently.

To investigate, they had 16 men in their early 20s do six sessions of exercise, each including four to six 30-second sprints interspersed with four-minute rest periods. The time commitment for each session ranged from 17 to 26 minutes.

After two weeks, the amount of time the men's blood sugar and blood insulin levels were above normal after they drank a solution containing 75 grams of glucose was reduced by 12 percent and 37 percent, respectively. When people eat, Timmons explained, their blood sugar levels rise, but in very fit people levels speedily return to normal. In less-active people, high blood sugar levels are more prolonged, which over time can damage the body and lead to cardiovascular disease.

Based on the findings, Timmons told Reuters Health, people should try for four to six 30-second bouts of intense exercise, such as cycling or running up stairs, twice a week. While this is appropriate for people 20 to 40 years old who are in good health but not fit, he added, people with diabetes or heart disease should gradually increase their activity under a doctor's supervision.

Recommendations for high intensity, short duration exercise could one day replace current physical activity guidelines, Timmons said. "Only large scale trials could prove this," he said. "But there is mounting evidence that doing this new protocol will deliver the same reductions in risk factors. The key thing with exercise is the more routine you make it, the more likely you will benefit." And doing seven minutes of exercise a week, every week, he added, may be better than doing three hours a week just a few times a year.

SOURCE: BMC Endocrine Disorders 2009.

Wednesday 090218

This is a "nice" rainy day workout. Not one of my favorites and I bet the 10 foot Wall Ball kills me...

For Time:
1000M row
50 - Wallball*

750M row
35 - Wallball

500M row
20 - Wallball

* The strongest of us should use the 20 lbs ball. Most should use the 12 lbs ball. Me, I'm using the 8 lbs ball.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 081119

Tuesday 090217

Hey it is Tuesday. Remember it is TitanFit Kids WOD today. As such, it is ONLY Kids and Parents from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

Front Squats
85% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3, x3 sets

For those that did BS today as part of the WOW...lets do Thruster 1RM today!

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Thursday 090101

Monday 090216


Sunday 090215

Yesterday’s Open House was a great success. We enjoyed talking and sharing fitness with you.

Dr. Rick and I thank our wives and children for their unwavering love and support.

We also thank all of our family and friends (old and new) that joined us yesterday. We hope you had a good time. Those that were not able to join us, we missed you.

Berg, Fouts, Fuller, Smith, Tuttle, et al, thank you for all of your efforts. Thank you for answering questions and encouraging people.

For many of us yesterday was a new look at fitness and how fun working out can be. I know you are a little sore today and tomorrow might not be fun, but hopefully you will take some of yesterday’s concepts to your future fitness endeavors.

Knowing us, we are likely to have an Open House/BBQ this summer. Continue to workout, have fun and continue reading the site.

Again, thank you very much.

Work on a weakness!

Saturday 090214


Come get in a WOD!

Friday 090213


Power Snatch + 1-OHS
Work up to 90% of your 1RM.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 090116

Thursday 090212


Don't forget about the open house!

Wednesday 090211


For time:
45 Double-unders
135 pound Squat clean, 45 reps
45 Ring Dips
45 Double-unders

Sub for double unders are:
Tuck Jumps
Lateral Hops
Butt Kickers

Scale to your current level of fitness. Remember we are trying to keep the power quotation high. As such if you are taking a great deal of time with the double unders, switch to one of the subs.

Tuesday 090210

Remember it is TitanFit KIDS today. Kids and parent ONLY until 5:00 pm.


Dead Lift
90% of your 1 RM x2 x5

"Mini Metcon"

Tabata Row!
Those that DL'ed on Sunday, February 8th, will work on skills (e.g. SN Bal, RDLs, etc) today.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081109

Monday 090209


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 - Pull-ups
10 - Push-ups
15 - Squats

This will be good for JT, JW, JS and LH, as it will give them an opportunity to see how far they have come in the last couple of months.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Friday 080516

Herb's food diary
day 1 - 30 day lockdown
1-chicken breast
1-24 ounce glass of water
2-12 ounce cups of black coffee

1-large salad with crab meat
1-12 ounce cup of black coffee

1-large (about 12 ounces) strip steak
1-large salad
2-24 ounce glasses of water

I will post the remaining 29 day's food intake in the comments section.


OK, here's the official announcement...I am starting the 30 day LOCKDOWN!

The fine folks of CrossFit North Atlanta ( have issued a challenge to their members to change eating habits for 30 days. As they started February 1st, so I am a week behind...not an issue because 30 days is 30 days.

As the 30 days will take me into Lent, this is also my Lent sacrifice for those that are concerned. From Monday February 9, 2009 - Wednesday March 11, 2009 I plan to eat Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Easy! There's no weighing, no measuring. I am to eat a palm-sized serving of protein - meat, fish, eggs - as much vegetable matter as I want and a good chunk of healthy fats. I will do this 3-4 times a day.

I have posted this here so so EVERYONE knows! Wish me luck. Join me if you care to. If I am a little grumpy over the next month, keep in mind it is likely I want a piece of bread.

I will post before and after pictures 30 days from now.

Sunday 090208



When: The open house starts at 10:00 AM Saturday February 14th.
Why: We want to thank our members for all of their hard work and show others the wonders of CrossFit
Who: Open to all (yes, that includes kids). Come by and meet the team
Where: TitanFit - 7107 Girls School Ave, Indianapolis, IN. 46241
Dress: If you are interested in trying a few CrossFit exercises (e.g. Wall Ball, Tabata, etc...), or want to get in a workout, dress accordingly. be prepared to sweat.
Refreshments: TitanFit will provide healthy snacks and water.
Cost: FREE!
Need More Info: Contact any of the trainers (jberg at titanfit dot com), (kurt at titanfit dot com), (don.fouts at titanfit dot com)

Saturday 090207


Team (2 person)

125 - Sit-ups
100 - Burpees
75 - 53 Lbs KB Swings
50 - Ring Dips

It is your team and your pick the order. Just get all the reps done!
DJ and Tuttle - 13:25
Berg and Fuller - 13:50

Friday 090206


2 position Cleans (1-from the Floor and 1-from Hang)
work up to 80% of 1RM

3 rounds for time of:
500 m row
15 push-up

Thursday 090205


"AMRAP" in 20:00 of:
5 - 53 lbs KB Swings
10 -20 lbs Wall Balls Shots
15 - Double Unders or 12 inch Lateral Hops or Tuck Jumps

Kids at TitanFit

TitanFit is proud to announce a KIDS ONLY class.

TitanFit Kids Program is a fun, challenging fitness program designed for school-age children (generally 1st through 8th grade). We strive to teach safe, effective exercise skills to children in a developmentally appropriate manner. Our goal is to help your child foster healthy living skills, habits, and self-confidence that can serve them for the rest of their lives.

Give them the gift of lifetime fitness!

Our very own Dr. Rick has designed a class for kids.
Here's the pertinent information:

  • When - Every Tuesday from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
  • Where - TitanFit, of course
  • Who - Kids only (1st - 8th graders)
  • Typical Class Structure:
    Warm-up* ~5-10 minutes
    Focused skill instruction* ~10 minutes
    Workout of The Day (WOD)* ~10 minutes
    Game and cool down~ 5-10 minutes

For more information, contact herb at titanfit dot com or drrick at titanfit dot com.

Wednesday 090204


Check out our very own Jerry Berg. Middle picture smack dab in the middle of the last row. Congrats Jerry for getting your CrossFit Certification!

Tuesday 090203

Recently, CrossFit Vancouver posted the picture and caption below...

SQUAT - because somewhere in China a nine year old is warming up with your max.

I think they are on to something...

Back Squats
85%-90% of your 1RM x1, x2, x3 - x3 sets


Tabata Push-ups

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 090114

Monday 090202

For time:

21, 15 and 9 of
Thruster - 95 lbs

Scale this one if necessary. 95 lbs for the strongest, 65 lbs for many and 45 lbs or fewer for those that are new.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 081203

Sunday 090201


Your choice, BTN, Rack, Push, Split
5 sets of 2 reps

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080916