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Sunday 080316

As yesterday's workout was designed to improve your "Fran" time - today's workout is designed to improve your "FGB" reps...

3 rounds of the following - Rest precisely 1 minute between rounds

30 Calorie row
30 Wall ball (guys use 20lbs women use 14lbs)
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (guys use 75lbs women use 55lbs)
30 Box jump (24 inch box)
30 Pushpress (guys use 75lb women use 55lbs)


Anonymous said...

Where's that 24' box at?

Chris said...

Cindy as Rx'd - 15 rounds - surprisingly push-ups killed me today. Way below best of 20 rounds :(

Seth said...

Crossfit Total
Back Squat - 315 lbs.
Press - 165 lbs
Dead lift - 335 lbs