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Saturday 080607

It has been 1 month since we last did Helen. So let's give it a whirl today.

"Helen"For time 3 rounds of:
Run 400 M/Row 500M (if your "normal" 400M run is sub 2:00 and you are rowing today, sub a 400M row for the 400M run. If like me you are 2:00 +, sub a 5ooM row)
21 - 24k KB or 55 lbs dumbbell swings M/ 16k KB or 35 lbs dumbbells swings F
12 - Pull-ups

You know the drill...scale to your fitness level. Those that can not do 50 or 35 lbs+ lbs KB swings need to use less weight. If you are unable to complete an un-assisted pull-up, jumping pull-ups (at a 2 to 1 sub) are allowed

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Tuesday 080506


Kurt T. Fuller said...

Rowing as rx'ed - 10:16


TitanFit said...

500M rows
080607 - 13:46 ~ 12:46 if 400M row
070913 - 13:56

only a :10 improvement, but i'll take it. based on splits, 20-30 second for the last 100M of each row.

Chris said...

As Rx'd 10:46

Last Helen 1 month ago was 13:15.

Look out, JB.