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Saturday 090307

Slow Lift Saturday...

We all need work on our Push-ups. Pick a lift (e.g. Press, Bench, HSPU, etc...) and do 5 sets of 5 reps at 85% of your 1RM. After your 5th set, knock out as many push-ups as you can.


TitanFit said...

SN - 135 x1 x10
DL - 335 x5 x5

Josh Tuttle said...

bench press
3x5 - 135
2x3 - 155
1x1 - 165

then a 5k
time: 20:57

Rick R. said...

Beautiful day today to be working out in the new facility with the doors open and all the fresh air! I saw several people put in great efforts on their workouts. I believe there is a new Jackie record - ask JB.

I did a scaled Jackie in 11:40 then some core work.

We measured out some new running courses around the facility. Supposed to be in 60's tomorrow. Hopefully the rain will stay away so we can do some combined lifting/running workouts on Sunday.