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TitanFit Family...Let us give a big Thank You to Sharon. Saturday, she gussied up our little gym. Come in and see her work! If you like it (and I am sure you will), make sure you give her an atta'girl!

Can you believe it has been nearly 4 months?! Those that do not do this Sunday, we will hit it during the week!


"Fight Gone Bad" - AKA FGB

Three rounds of 1:00 of effort for:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 8 ft target (Reps)
Sumo Dead lift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 081231


Rick R. said...

Squat Clean then 4 Front Squats:

Since I had to work this weekend and couldn't come to gym had to miss the Fight Gone Bad fun. So I did a brief, modified version at home:
Double Under x 25
Push press #75 x 25
SDHP #75 x 25
Box jumps 24" x 25
Wallballs 20# x 25
Double under x 25
Time = 7:04

Can't wait to see what Sharon did for the gym...

JB said...


Great job on cleans w/ 20+ lbs BW!

Sharon, excited to see the gym tonight.

I'll be joining the 6 o'clock class in FGB tonight if anyone wants to join!

JB said...


333 reps (PR)

tough workout today. tried to game it a bit, went all out on the box jumps and push press and came out with a personal record.

Great job to Keith on his first FGB and Jill for her first CrossFit workout!

DJ said...

nice 333 - that is a TF record too right?

i put up 327 - tie for my PR
still a good workout!
I miss TitanFit - but the IRC is paying me.... so I will try to make it for a WOD when i can!

keep up the good work guys