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Friday 090724

Happy Birthday Sherry

For time:
30, 20, 10 reps of
95 lbs - OHS*
Ring Push-ups

The workout looks like 30 OHS, 30 Ring Push-ups, and 30 Pull-ups. Then 20 of each followed by 10 of each.*For OHS, depending on current strength level, use 45, 65 or 95 lbs.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Wednesday 071226


DJ said...

i think i threw up a little watching that video!

I kinda want to do Lynne but if i get there and others are doing the TF Wod - I am game!

Anonymous said...

14:43 - 100 Burpees

Josh Tuttle said...

Is that someone at TitanFit's form?

Sharon said...

OMG! That video was too funny! Think he thought it was good form and that's why it was posted? I sure hope it was a joke!