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Tuesday 090707

Many have started LOCKDOWN Part Deux and we have a few that have never tried the "Baseline" WOD. So let's give it a shot.


For time:
500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-Ups
20 Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups


Dead Lift
80% of 1RM x5, x4, x3, x2, x1


DJ said...

I think the baceline will from now on be my warmup! not for time, but i will still be doing it before normal WODs

see everyone tonight.

Anonymous said...

Based on CFLA the times are:

Beginner - M 6:15 - F 7:30
Intermediate - M 5:15 - F 6:30
Advanced - M 4:30 - F 5:35
Elite - M 3:44 - F 4:40

Anonymous said...

4:35 with a 2:00 row. need to row faster to get to sub 4:30. not sure sub 3:44 is in me.

Josh Tuttle said...

Can't find my time. I think it is around 4:30 though.

Kurt T. Fuller said...

As rx'ed. Time = 4:07

Deadlift @ 255lbs. Form issues that I struggled with. Need less time off!


DJ said...

I got out of the office late today - I did the baceline at the boathouse, they don't have enough weight to DL so i will have to make that up.

Baceline: as Rx'ed 3:33

going into it I thought elite was 3:30 so I was busting my ass - now i see i easily made it, so I am happy

Chris said...

PP triples - 150, 150, 150, 155, 160

Baseline as Rx'd 4:29. Went out in 1:39.9, hit the wall on air squats, everything else unbroken.

JB said...


deadlift @ 255. felt heavy!

CW - stop rowing so damn fast!

Josh Tuttle said...

as rx'ed - 4:20

Deadlift @ 235.

Anonymous said...

GM - 5:35
KM - 5:26