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Monday 090615

"Elizabeth" with a wheel
For time 21-15-9 reps of:
135 lbs Cleans
Ring dips
Ab-Wheel Rolls

As always, SCALE if and when necessary. For some of us that are new to Olympic lifting, high pulls and FS will be good enough. The sub for ring dips is 4/1 bench dips, 3/1 bar dips or 2/1 jumping ring dips. Can't AB-Wheel, try 3x sit-ups.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Monday 090112


Chris said...

FYI - Pierre Auge's article in this month's Performance Menu is a must read w/r/t scaling WODs.

Sharon said...

So let me get this straight:
If I do bench dips, I have to do 84-60-36, right? and if do sit-ups, 63-45-37, right? Oh my...this one will be interesting....

Josh Tuttle said...

As rx'd

time - 14:24??? I think.

Anonymous said...

090615 - 8:47 (PR)
Didn't do the ab wheel, i guess we'll save it for tomorrow
080508 - 10:25 (PR)
080417 - 12:14 (PR)

Kurt T. Fuller said...

As rx'ed.

Time = 11:29


Sharon said...

Cleans as Rx'd
Bench Dips 30-30-30