5x max reps of:
Body weight bench press
For Lynne as rx'd, each "round" is 5 minutes long.
Start your BP on the minute, complete as many as possible without racking the weight. Once you have completed the BP, start your Pull-ups. Complete as many Pull-ups as possible (your set is complete once you release the bar). Now rest for what remains of the original 5 minutes (e.g. if it takes you 2 minutes to BP and do the Pull-ups, rest 3 minutes). Repeat 4 more time. Got it? (As an the exercise that you are weakest in first. E.g. for me, that of course means I do pull-ups before bench pressing)
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds
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De Victoria Vanneau
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6 years ago
Okay, who's going to do the CFHQ WOD as Rx'd?
10 Rounds for time:
3 45 lb Pull-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-ups
My forearms would be done after one round.
PS - I was doing my MetCon at the local fitness center, when I was approached by a young lady who asked if I did CF. I told her about TitanFit and invited her to a Saturday WOD.
Kelly, if you read this, come join the fun and drink the Kool-Aid!
Chris -
I think Dr. Rick is about the only one who could get through this in an hour!
So Dr. Rick, try it out and post your time!
While I appreciate the compliment, I really doubt I could complete this as RX:. However I am willing to try to see just what I actually could do the next time I am at TF - probably this Sunday.
Tonight I took the Bench Press from Lynne and made up a new workout:
AMRAP in 20 minutes
One leg squats x 4
KS 55# x 6
BW Bench Press (#170) x 8
Abmat sit-ups x 10
Completed 8 rounds.
Trying to remain true to Herb's push for perfect form in 2009 I tried hard, including redoing several reps of the squats that were not as clean as they should have been. Seemed much more of a strength than metcon workout.
Ok, somebody's gonna have to show me the One Leg Squat, I gotta see that one!
You guys are too much...
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