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Wednesday 090128

Don't you just feel the need to FS and Push Press

Find a 1RM - 5, 3, 1, 1, 1

Weighted Pull-ups
Find a 1RM - 5, 3, 1, 1, 1

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TITANFIT: Monday 081006


Anonymous said...

Crossfit helped me shovel snow today.....and I have a snowblower but chose NOT to use it....

I love snow days...

TitanFit said...

you could have come to my house! Being fit is fun...

TitanFit said...

Thruster - 205. need tape for the wrists.

forgot dip belt and since i was warm did back squats

Back squats - 135 x5x2, 225 x8 x2, 335 x3 x2, 365, 385, 405 becuase of the rubber plates, ran out of room on the bar. will bring some metal tomorrow.

Rick R. said...

I also had the opportunity to shovel snow this AM when my office was cancelled due to weather. In the past I would always have back pain for a few days after shoveling. Now that my core is so much stronger from my CrossFit workouts I felt so good I actually went right into my workout after finishing this morning. Like Herb, I did back squats (80% of max - #237.5 x 5 reps x 5 sets) and completed without problem!


Anonymous said...

Thruster 75lb form sucked