For time:
10-32k-KB Swings
20-65 lbs Over-head Squat (OHS)
30-65 lbs Power Snatch
1000M row
30-65 lbs Power Snatch
20-65 lbs OHS
10-32k KB swings
Scale the workout. If this is your first attempt at high rep Olympic lifting, use an un-loaded barbell or a 15 lbs training barbell. For the Swings use a KB or DB that takes some effort to complete all 10.
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TITANFIT: Monday 080317
La Paix des ménages. Histoire des violences conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles
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Ebooks libres et gratuits La Paix des ménages. Histoire des violences
conjugales, XIXe-XXIe siècles Livre PDF
De Victoria Vanneau
[image: La Paix des mé...
6 years ago
Not again! The second round of OHS are terrible. Shoulders will be destroyed!
Too bad I have class on Monday.
Damn the luck.
It is OK 400M, 200M, 100M repeats tommorw and FS on Wednesday. you will have plenty of time to rest
I like the sound of both of those days. oh yeah.
090608 - 17:40 sub 2 pood for swings and 95 lbs for OHS and PSN
080317 - 17:55 with the sub of 95 lbs for the OHS and PSN.
071031 - 14:55 as rx'd
OH Man...I'm tired just reading about this one! Good challenge though.
as rx'd - 18:08
First time with snatches in a workout.
As rx'ed.
Time = 16:20
As Rx'd for me
14:49 as Rx'd after going out in 6:35. 19:49 in March 08. Sure beats doing Kelly.
Well my first work away from home was not bad...about 9min...
50 air squats
40 sit ups
30 push ups
20 burpees
10 thrusters....
still hate burpees
Nice job Mr. Mark. doing burpees on your own!
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