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OK, here's the official announcement...I am starting the 30 day LOCKDOWN!

The fine folks of CrossFit North Atlanta ( have issued a challenge to their members to change eating habits for 30 days. As they started February 1st, so I am a week behind...not an issue because 30 days is 30 days.

As the 30 days will take me into Lent, this is also my Lent sacrifice for those that are concerned. From Monday February 9, 2009 - Wednesday March 11, 2009 I plan to eat Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Easy! There's no weighing, no measuring. I am to eat a palm-sized serving of protein - meat, fish, eggs - as much vegetable matter as I want and a good chunk of healthy fats. I will do this 3-4 times a day.

I have posted this here so so EVERYONE knows! Wish me luck. Join me if you care to. If I am a little grumpy over the next month, keep in mind it is likely I want a piece of bread.

I will post before and after pictures 30 days from now.


JB said...

ice cream is considered a "good chunk of healthy fat" right?

just checking.

TitanFit said...

i hear the over under is 28 hours. if i sleep in, i can win!

Anonymous said...

Count me in Herb....
Shutting down the chocolate to 3/11 and the pop......picking up the workouts....3/26 students v faculty is quickly approaching....

TitanFit said...

Nice Kelin. we can help each other.

DJ said...

I am in too. Started this morning - I had to get my last load of complex carbs last night!

Josh Tuttle said...

Lauren and I are in too. Starting tomorrow though. Keep me in line. If I can't come mon and tues whats my options?

TitanFit said...

we have done a good number of "named" workouts over the last few weeks (e.g. Babs, Fran, etc) and have completed 5x5 of BS, Press and DL. we therefore have a good ref point from which to measure 30 days from now.