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Tuesday 090210

Remember it is TitanFit KIDS today. Kids and parent ONLY until 5:00 pm.


Dead Lift
90% of your 1 RM x2 x5

"Mini Metcon"

Tabata Row!
Those that DL'ed on Sunday, February 8th, will work on skills (e.g. SN Bal, RDLs, etc) today.

Compare to:
TITANFIT: Sunday 081109


Josh Tuttle said...

Can't make it in today because of class so I did a Crossfit Endurance
WOD from a few days ago. We have done the same workout on the C2. Only time for 2 rounds. All Out..
2 rounds of 30 sec run/30 sec rest.
rest declining 5 sec each round. 2 min rest between.

Thought i was going to puke! but didn't...

Lauren Higgins said...

I started lockdown today, details are posted on my blog- going to workout tonight to start 3 on, 1 rest cycle

Kurt T. Fuller said...

As rx'ed.

330lbs. x2 x5


Anonymous said...

Did on 2/8

TitanFit said...

BP - 275 x5x5

Herb's food diary
day 2 - 30 day lockdown

2:00 AM
handfull of peanuts and sunflower seeds. 1 diet lipton tea

3 eggs 3 slices beacon big glass of water

6 oysters small salad lots of water
1-12 ounce cup of black coffee

1-large chicken breast small salad
2- glasses of water
1 diet lipton tea

Rick R. said...

Based on the recent CFHQ post of either "Cindy" or "Mary" decided to do 10 minutes of each:

14 rounds in 10 minutes

4 rounds in 8:30 (had to stop early due to page from work I unfortunately couldn't ignore).

I am impressed with Herb's diet plans. I downloaded the link on the Lockdown diet and plan to do a slightly modified version myself. I also plan to share this with my patients as they are always asking about dietary suggestions!

DJ said...

rick you are not allow to post your 14 rounds in 10 min! when kurt did 14 in 20, and i did 13 in 20 - you are hurting my feelings!
I had a rowing recruitment meeting Tuesday - so worked out with the kids -
I did: 5k running 26:25
5k rowing 20:04
about 10 min rest between