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Thursday 090205


"AMRAP" in 20:00 of:
5 - 53 lbs KB Swings
10 -20 lbs Wall Balls Shots
15 - Double Unders or 12 inch Lateral Hops or Tuck Jumps


Kurt T. Fuller said...

As rx'ed.

13 Rounds + KB & 9 WB


Anonymous said...

That workout felt better when I got home.....glad I did 8 rounds, aim for 10 next time.

JB said...

11 rounds + 4 swings.

This wrecked me. Did NOT have it today and knew that it was going to be a struggle 90 seconds in.

I begrudgingly compliment Sampson on putting together a good workout.

KF smoked it. His DUs were smooth and consistent and wallball was much less broken than mine.

Josh Tuttle said...


11 rounds

Tough workout. Wallballs are killer in this workout.

Sampson needs to keep his creative mind to himself!! Or join in on the fun.

Anonymous said...

Lay off Herb people, he kept his campaign promise to me and worked out with me ONCE this anything else is gravy...see ya 2010 Herb

Anonymous said...

CHS 14 rounds.
35 lb kb
lateral jump sub for DU

TitanFit said...

9 rounds. harder than necessary. lateral hops suck!